Thank you for sharing. God bless them, God bless our president and God bless this nation!
How about the prodigal son? He was lost but now he’s found, dead but now is alive.
The convo that i had was brief and didn’t touch on many details re: anything. It was the type of conversation that I have had hundreds of time before and after election with people that I do not know well. I’m in a red state so the majority of the people I know support our president.
So in daily interaction with people it’s common to have a convo like this:
Them: How’s everything going?
Me: Everything’s great with business and family thank God! I just hope it will stay that way. I mean if Biden is inaugurated, he wants to tax the crap out of us and give amnesty to all these illegal immigrants. I just don’t know how we can sustain it economically with less than half the country working to pay for all this crap. I can’t believe they went through with the electoral college vote knowing about all this fraud. Man I hope something happens and Biden doesn’t get inaugurated.
Them: I know! It’s a disgrace! And what are all those troops in DC for? Strange story, my nephew has been one of the soldiers on AF1 for the past ___ years. He’s the one with the _____ hair and _____ that you always see saluting trump when they deboard. His last day was supposed to be ______, but they just gave him orders that he was going to be on AF1 WITH TRUMP for the next 4 months. I don’t know why it would be WITH TRUMP if Biden is getting inaugurated though. The only other thing he said is that “shit is fixing to hit the fan”.
That was the extent of the conversation. No indication that she had additional info, and it wasn’t a “hush hush, listen to this scoop” kind of conversation.
I agree. Bring it all into the light
I thought the same thing. But this is what I figured. It’s no secret he is on AF1 bc they exit and salute Trump on national tv all the time.
An extension of the assignment wouldn’t be top secret so I would not think he would be prohibited from passing that info along.
Only other thing that I forgot to add is that she was specific about the assignment continuing on AF1 WITH Trump. That seemed to be the impetus for the statement. Haven’t ever discussed politics with her previously.
One other thing I just thought of that makes me feel more confident in the storm is this:
You are a Police officer in Anytown, USA, working your normal patrol shift across from the bank and slated to retire in 24 hours. Two masked democrats rob the bank and start riding away on stolen bicycles. You are still going to perform your duty and arrest them despite the fact that you are retiring in 24 hours.
The football game isn’t over at the 2 minute warning.
This seems really really big.
No, from my understanding the president elect has ZERO power over the military whatsoever. Any historical info to the contrary is simply ‘tradition’ or ‘courtesy’ Like Lin wood says, “we have one president at a time and right now Donald Trump is our president”
You’re right! How did I forget that. And what with Miller ordering nsa to appoint trump friendly atty to their lead atty? That is all about declassification I would presume.
No worries! I'm refeshing constantly like a damn crack addict! Just saw it referenced several times as the dni report
This is not the dni report. This is a letter regarding the cia and fbi’s actions in trying to downplay the Chinese election interference.
This was always non-classified. It was released the same day (or within short time period before or after) dni report.
I believe both were January 7 or 8.
Dni report is still classified. It was released just to congress and prez.
This isn’t the actual dni report. This is a letter from Ratcliff talking about how the cia and fbi attempted to downplay ccp involvement in election interference.
Dni report is still classified.
Article from nov 10?
None that I know of as an atty. It’s a damn shame
But kinda like Green Day. I don’t think they were Brits...not really sure
Ok if it’s q last post all good...Badass video, just would’ve liked to hear a non-Brit sing it. Any American!
Again, you rock! Great great job brother!
Hook that shit up!
Shit. It was awesome post. I wanted to share it but couldn’t figure out how to copy just the text from phone! Can you send to just one person on Like direct message?
Why can't i see this post anymore? I tried to save it but save is disabled? now I can only see the comments
I read the first third of your post and had to stop and commend you on a job well done. I can’t overstate the importance of posts like this. This will be forwarded to everyone that I know will read it. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.
-proud American atty who would have rather been left the fuck alone......
Fuck those people.
WOW! so congressional oversight hearings are released about repeated FISA illegal conduct and now ally of Nunes and Trump is in control of all NSA atty responses to their conduct? Sure sounds good to me!