Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

For what it’s worth, I think there is an equal chance that :

  1. the vaccine is glorified saline water and does nothing bc the rna packets degrade prior to passing to the cytoplasm and coding for spike proteins;
  2. the vaccine is dangerous and will lead to auto immune disease or other casualties for a decent percentage of the vaccinated;
  3. the vaccine is an effective means of providing short term protection and/or immunity from the wuhan flu; or
  4. the vaccine will provide long term immunity.

I think there is a 100% chance that nobody knows which of the above 4 scenarios is most likely to be correct in the long term.

WHY THE F*** WOULD I GET A GENE THERAPY THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE DANGEROUS IF THE SURVIVAL RATE IS 99.9%+??? Seems like a fairly simple risk- reward analysis

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m ready for that ! Just saying until it goes down the deck Is stacked in their favor

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any idea how many immunity laws there are? Dr lisp is safe....I mean, cuomo can basically murder tons of seniors and no big deal. Fauci has nothing to worry about civilly.

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Either way, my kids tell me they’re not sleepy 30 seconds before they crash....

Slick Willy said he didn’t inhale....

My dog says it’s cool to leave the plate of burgers within his reach....

Pocahontas says she grew up in a teepee....

Dabigcasina 3 points ago +3 / -0

So I haven’t taken the vaccine and do not plan on doing so at this point. However, my opinion on vaccine is not based in any part on statements made by public health officials.

If this is pinned to call out the hypocrisy/ incompetence of Fauci making diametrically opposed “factual” statements, I’m onboard.

If this is pinned in ‘support’ of questioning the safety of the vaccines bc fauci said so then.......cmon man.

He also says don’t wear a mask, or wear two.... Two weeks to flatten the curve..... Schools can’t open.... Kids are super spreaders.... Hydroxy Q is dangerous......

Fuck that dude; nothing he says is credible.

Dabigcasina 7 points ago +8 / -1

Yup. December. Still nothing to see here....What’s really bad is trump starting that huge insurrection and then telling everyone to attack Asians! why can’t he just be loving and compassionate like sweet uncle Joe?

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Browsed through article and images of sketches etc. Read bb-18 is type of fuse connection terminal that allows for ease of modification plus quicker alterations. noted the ‘gelatin’ word play/ reference to explosive charges. Noted the placement of external balcony and unfettered access to the structure. Read statement that the ‘art project’ was in same location as the ‘cartoon images’ of the aluminum plane damaging or destroying steel supports.

Also recall claims from time of attack that all Israeli and most Jewish people were not present at time of wtc collapse.

Assuming, arguendo, that all of the foregoing is accurate, why would so many “clues” have been left by the people orchestrating the attack?

Why allow or announce to newspaper that art exhibit is going on and let them take pics of fuse boxes?

Why have a public name ‘gelatin’ or whatever it was that could be so easily tied to the type of explosives that were purported to take down the towers?

Why would a book with weird sketches like that be published after the attack?

I am not taking any certain position on the veracity of the claims, just asking questions regarding the breadcrumbs left behind that the article describes.

In my mind, I can’t think of any reason why a complex operation would INTENTIONALLY leave all of these “clues” behind, almost asking to be caught.


Dabigcasina 17 points ago +17 / -0

That makes sense. Like munchausen(sic) by proxy.....just so bizarre and sick. You have to force your kids to brush their teeth and go to bed and bathe at that age. but it’s ok to let them choose genders??

Dabigcasina 4 points ago +4 / -0

megan fox non binary 6 year old“When I became pregnant with Noah, I could feel, through my mother’s intuition I suppose, that he was not subscribing to gender stereotypes, so I decided to provide an environment for him early on that would allow him to discover how he wanted to express himself,” she says.

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +4 / -2

That is well reasoned 45willwinagain.

Some bad peeps took advantage of 9-11 to do some bad shit. Controlled demo doesn’t make sense. Not because the bad actors wouldn’t do it, but bc of the complexity described above

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait. So now I’m confused....what is the significance of wwg1wga being on the non-Kennedy yacht?

I didn’t ever know why it was significant for being on jfk’s yacht.

Why the phrase? Apologies if this is a dumb question

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

make all queries in writing and request a written response. Be polite but insist that they include the name and position of the author of each response the give you.

Dabigcasina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did your HOA pass rules or restrictive covenants requiring a mask be worn?

If so did they follow the procedure laid out in the filing that created the restrictive covenants?

Usually they will fuck up the notice requirements for meetings or promulgation of new rules/ amendments. That or improper record keeping re: minutes and / or presence of quorum to amend rules etc.

Other Avenue is selective enforcement. Do they make everyone wear masks? Do some people get warnings several times? Who has the discretion to decide between warnings and fines? Based upon what guidelines? Are those procedures in restrictive covenants?

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

So HOA restrictive covenants cannot be enforced if they are not enforced uniformly and consistently.

There is no cut and dry formula to show “selective enforcement” and (thus) “abandonment” of a restrictive covenant.

If the particular covenant is against display of any “flag” or “banner” it must be enforced uniformly.

HOAs are generally pretty shitty IMO. Not all but many are pricks with way way way too much time.

Represented a client against his HOA 10 /12 years or so ago. They ended ended up spending 25 or 30k in atty fees to get him to tear down a stone veneer mailbox and a couple of 12” flower beds. Big chunk was to pay him to tear it down.

They sued some other homeowners and ended up spending all the HOA money. Had to do assessment to fix the pumps in the community ponds when the broke later that year and the whole neighborhood started to smell like shit (sewage/ feces...not just smell bad). Fired or recalled most of all of the board shortly thereafter.

Cheapest house in that place is probably $350k up to couple million on the water.

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. Overblown and exploited but definitely different symptoms. The taste and smell stuff is crazy. Some friends had only that one symptom....nothing else at all. Blood clotting issue is strange too. Doesn’t have to be a dichotomy of non existent vs worst disease ever.

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yessir it does. When I was 25 years younger i opened two consecutive fortune cookies to reveal the same fortune: “Sometime maybe helping possible soon.”

Shook me up and taught me to beware of the CCP: “Sometime maybe helping possible soon.”

Dabigcasina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing happened to me when I first tried to post.... first successful post appeared after I played ICE ICE BABY (non edited version) 75% volume (calculated at 170 watts on 7 speaker setup) on repeat, 17 times, starting at 00:17 cst.


  1. my wife was very upset with me when I did this and she acted in a manner that I believes violates state and natural law. Family law judge warned me against providing many specifics..... Wife claims I provoked her by waking her, the toddlers and the twins up at midnight but I know it’s bc she voted for sleepy joe and didn’t want me posting on ga.win

  2. I don’t know if it is currently prohibited to play songs with the word “ICE” in the lyrics, especially if the artist is named ‘vanilla’......should prob tweet aoc and check first

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s correct. Atty for 15 yrs...not appellate or constitutional law, but that’s a wrap when cert is denied.

Dabigcasina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Link is wrong. Case is dead.....amicus briefs can be filed and made part of record, but scotus is not taking the case.

Very disappointing, not surprising....definitely pissed that scotus didn’t take them, but even more pissed at the rino state legislatures with no balls whatsoever to use their plenary powers to appoint the real electors.

Guess that’s what free trips to China with nightly whores will get you.....

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