My friends 26 year old son suddenly developed heart damage and was in the icu for 10 days . His heart was only at 10% and during that time he also had 3 mini strokes. He took the jab due to work. She also said the nurse which was a traveling nurse told her it is happening everywhere. ( which we all know whats going on ) So for me that was good because it opened the door for her to finally listen to some truth) to start I was hoping to find a shorter version of how the shot is killing people expecially our young ones. If its too long she may not stay focused. She is not on X ,was hoping someone had ine from rumble. Thank you in advance. P.s. i had a lot of them saved on my phone but they were lost when I had to get a new phone. I had to also create a new account here. Ive been on the GA for many years my old user was dlh221.