DarkKnight09 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I’m at the gym, I purposely “crop dust” just to see the reaction from fellow gym goers. Finally got called by an everyday gym rat who asked if I was the one dropping the protein bombs. Unable to see the smile under my mask, I admitted to this heinous crime and politely said “Isn’t it amazing that a mask that is suppose to assist in preventing us from contracting CONVID-19, can’t keep a raunchy smell from penetrating it AFTER it has been filtered through 2 other garments like my underwear and joggers?”

Talk about “eyes wide open” ... Expression was priceless!

DarkKnight09 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remove Tim Osman from the meme and add Stretchin Gretchen Whitmer who, like Cukmo, decided to use the same method of killing people in Michigan while having 3,000 hospital beds available for patients at TCF and Summit Place facilities.