So I just got off working a night shift, got back into town around 7 am, and was going to stop by Wal-Mart to grab some beer, since it's my version of 5 pm. Pulled in, and got up to the doors where I was greeted by a couple of mask wearing employees, who immediately asked me for proof of vaccination. When I refused to tell them if I was vaccinated or not (which I'm not. Don't plan on touching that with a 10 foot barge pole), they insisted that I wear a mask instead, and even went as far as handing me one. They had signs posted on the doors, and even a couple of cop cars outside, I'm guessing for anyone who tries to enter without their approval.
Either way, I do plan on finding a new place to shop. Not into the whole idea of people violating your privacy rights asking about your medical information, or trying to force you to wear a mask. Especially after all the articles that have been written about how the masks can make everything worse for you. Or how the masks just don't work - that one really gets me. How is this mask, a damn near paper thin piece of fabric going to stop this supposedly extremely deadly virus, but my pants can't stop you from smelling my farts. Or let's not forget how Fauci lied, not just to the American people, but to Congress.