Hey All, just looking for some help please. Mother is very sick with covid, does anyone have link to treatments she could take please? She fully vaxxed and boosted and is not in a good way, I've got my hands on vitamins and zinc etc but what else do I need to help her? Thanks in advance folks, you're a lovely bunch of people 😊

Note a few posters complaining about Coca colas anti white nonsense and asking to go to competitors instead to hit them where it hurts can you please do the following :) :
The wool really is being pulled over your eyes folks.
Open Yahoo finance and what you'll want to look at is who owns the majority of stock (in the holders section) Search Coca cóla company Then search pepsi company Then search Pfizer Then search moderna Then search Fox News Corp Search NWSA (how come the own over 100% of shares?) weiiiiird See any common names? Anything familiar? Think naked shorts with Gme etc etc Oh remember meme stocks? Search AMC I COULD GO ON AND ON AND OK FOLKS
https://archive.org/details/TheGulagArchipelago/Solzhenitzyn_-Gulag_Archiepelago-_002-104.mp3 Download link included :) Let me know what you felt listening to chapters 1,2 and 3...