We are no longer to retreat and leave them to the liberals. We take them back. Kick out the losers and eradicate the woke mind virus wherever you find it.

Even if you have to appoint yourself chairman. 🤷‍♂️

The liberals had no issue with invading academia, entertainment, and even places of worship. No more. We go on offense.


We’ve seen hiccups in the past when it has seemed like someone accidentally unplugged the thing for a minute or two. But what if it gets permanently shutdown?

Could be an insane wild ride where no one knows what is happening. (Well, we will know)


Looks like some unemployment is coming that way now, though 🤷‍♂️


Have access to the room based on reach. MSNBC can’t pull the audience of a D-level political podcaster these days.


A lot of libs on social media asking why we’d vote for Trump.

Best way to articulate I’ve thought of:

“Consider there’s a distraught lady holding a baby over the railing of a bridge.

One potential candidate encouraged her to throw it off the bridge, drove her there, cheered for her after she did it, and paid for all her expenses.

The other candidate said I’m not helping or encouraging that.

Now realize, a baby in that woman’s womb is 100% as human as the baby she’s holding in her arms. So, what kind of monster would I have to be to vote for the first candidate?”


Apologies if this is all late night musings that has already been discussed:

We heard warnings of “The Great Culling” years before COVID. The elite have long planned a worldwide mass casualty event.

Trump quickly deduced the virus is man made, highly communicable - maybe he thought, HERE IT IS! The elite’s culling plan.

(And maybe the virus WAS INDEED the mass culling plan and it somehow petered out, thank God)

Anyway, he knows the elite wouldn’t unleash this thing without being protected themselves. He also knows these vaccines are already developed and patented.

The original plan was likely to watch the deaths pile up so much that panic sets in and people are willing to pay any price for protection.

Trump is aware the “cure” already exists and dangles big govt cash out for the first vax companies to bite.

Panic hasn’t set in enough, so vax makers stall until they realize the body count isn’t going to happen. Then they jump on the money.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the vax being flawed was built in from the jump. I do think a non-flawed vax was distributed to the big-club-we-ain’t-in before it was set loose.

TL;DR The theory is Trump (like a lot of us pre-2020) saw most vax as a great thing with little to no downside. He believed it was developed in tandem with the virus to protect the elite. He maneuvered to get it to the masses.

Feel free to poke holes in this. That’s what the hive mind is for.


I think there are a fair share of preppers on here. Geez, how couldn’t you be knowing what we know? I am, in truth, optimistic white hats through the grace of God are going to give us a soft landing out of all of this. But, as they say, hope for the best and plan on the worst.

I want to share an inexpensive and simple prep I just made to insure I can communicate with friends/family and potentially outside sources in the event the internet/communication grid goes down.

It’s called GMRS radios. (General Mobile Radio Service) Simply put, it’s a major step up from CBs and those over-the-counter radios available at WalMart and the like, although not as robust as HAM radios.

While HAM radio IS accessible, (I got a no-code technician license as a teen, but let it expire) GMRS licenses are even more so - requiring no test, just a $35 registration with the FCC.

I recently bought 2 5-watt radios, with lots of extras (belt clip, ear piece, programming cable, wrist strap), 2 higher performance antennas, and the aforementioned FCC fee for the grand total of $157.

The radios arrived overnight and the FCC approval came back in 2 days. (Obviously, you can legally buy the radios and listen to them without a license, but transmitting is forbidden. I’m certain if the grid is down, non-licensed GMRS users probably wouldn’t be law enforcement’s biggest priority, but I want to start using these now and get accustomed to their use and operational range without worry of government blowback.

Oh yeah, that $35 FCC fee is good for 10 years and covers ALL of your immediate family members. My plan is to try to get all of my family onboard and get all of them to start carrying a radio around in their cars/homes.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, I can share the YouTube video I watched that helped walk me through the FCC submission process, as well as share the radio/antenna combo I went with. I have no financial stake or relationship with any of the above and don’t want to come off as if I’m trying to sell or promote something.

Any other HAMs or GMRS peeps out there that can add to this topic?


This has weirdly drawn us together in the name of comedy.


I’ve never been 100% sure about what is truly going on behind the scenes. Like most of you, I’ve kept my mind open to the theories presented here assuming in a few months we’d have confirmation one way or the other. Of course, we’ve all been waiting longer than expected.

Recently I started asking myself what am I nearly certain about regarding the yet-to-be proven theories here?

Looking glass is a cool story. Q as an AI is neat. (Definitely possible considering what we’re seeing out of ChatGPT) Maybe there’s aliens or Project Blue Beam being rolled out, maybe there’s devolution? Maybe Trump has a secret vax angle we don’t understand? - All of that, I still don’t know.

But the biggest fact I feel certain about is this:

—- The Great Culling —-

Why? Everything the cabal has pushed make this plain. Harm to “Mother Earth,” eat bugs, suicide is awesome, don’t drive cars, don’t TOUCH ANYTHING! (It’s ours!)

There’s many leaks out there of people talking about it. There’s interviews of normies who have overheard VIP conversations or confessions. They also worship Satan who is a big fan of killing, I hear.

And finally, and the most damning proof: The coordinated world shutdown and vax mandates.

So, sometimes once one fact gets settled into place, you can start working out where the other pieces fall.

This is where I came to a realization. To pull off the Great Culling, the cabal needed help. People. A lot of people. Smart people, powerful people. They needed to expand the evil lair beyond the family lines in which it had historically been contained.

As the they added to their numbers, it made them stronger, but also exposed them in ways they had never been before. Even worse for them, this is occurring during the Information Age. Of course, standard operating procedure is any unwilling recruit was terminated. (Lots of evidence of this, too) But, it’s a BIG operation. And the recruits aren’t toothless hicks telling the local news they saw Elvis on the UFO while holding a possum in their nightgown. These people are our best and brightest. Credible.

My point is this: It is impossible that some ‘good guys’ in positions of power and authority did not hear of this plan. (I believe they knew all about it already, but the whistleblowers cued them into the timing)

It is now important to consider

—- The Inertia Theory —-

Great change or huge movement does not take place without great need or motivation. People, things, organizations, etc. don’t exert energy or take risks without consequence of inaction or promises of reward.

The idea of a great White Hat team of humanity protectors only exists in a world where this credible threat resides. Anyone joining this team is risking their life and endangering everyone around them. You’d only do that if the alternative was far worse.

From here, things are still murky to know for sure. But, I can’t think of any strategy as important as awakening the masses. Even if the ants never grew united enough to overthrow their grasshopper overlords, having that continuous pressure on the cabal to try to manage information, comms, the resources to feed Mockingbird more and more - all while people listened to them less and less! It’s a drain, and it puts them on the defensive.

I believe

—- Q —-

was at least one piece of the opening salvo by the WHs to facilitate this awakening. I believe, by and large, we are asking the right questions now and seeing a lot of the symbolism placed in plain sight that once eluded us.

What I don’t understand yet is Trump’s role. Is there a plan regarding the vax? How are we doing - Patriots in complete control or is everything still being contested? Are we going to lose millions of people before it is resolved? What if the cabal’s plan succeeds?

And, of course, the strangest part of all of this and maybe the hardest to explain to future students of history: All of us go on in the meantime pretending everything is normal in our day to day lives, because in some ways it is. I’m sharing what I know with those I can, and I suspect you are too.

TL;DR The Great Culling is most likely real. A White Hat response seems logical. Q is likely a part of that response designed to alert the masses to their predicament.


1st of all: Good for you standing up to the swamp. The MSM is going to turn all the Fox conservatives against you soon, though. So, you need a strategy.

As cool as Donalds is, you need a bigger Donald. One that can start getting average Joes on the phone to their GOP representatives.

Start shifting the protest vote to DJT.

“He’ll never win!” you may say. The establishment GOP hate him as much as the DEMS.

True! They hate him because they fear him. You’d find no bigger boogeyman to force your opponent’s hand.

DJT might even decline and promote someone else. Makes no difference. Make him the protest vote and watch things start to happen.

Personally, I hope this little stunt gets out of hand and takes on a life of its own until DJT actually is elected Speaker of the House and ascends to the presidency in short order.

Even if not, though. This will give you the results you’re looking for.


Guess we know now if we didn't before.


Democrats could give going to hell a cheery catchy title.

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