All of this is a very tender and painful topic. I think we all agree that the "vaccines" are poison shots and killing/hurting people, and there are a lot of Trump supporters here who are defending Trump's actions to give taxpayer dollars to Moderna Pfizer and other big pharmas so they could rush the vaccine out to everyone (now the Dems are mandating them, or at least were at the time before it became political suicide). As this whole "pandemic" scare has dusted over, for at least the time being, we can at least find some relief to the madness. But now we're coming close to the decision, who do we support to punish those who brought the catastrophic lockdowns and the poison shots? I would love to support Trump, but his words to Alex Jones just keeps me on the fence with him when Trump says he's the "vaccine man" and that he is proud that his Operation Warp speed accelerated the covid shots across the country. But tens of thousands have died from them, and hundreds of thousands more are damaged by them, and they are being used as a woke tool of compliance by the liberal left. Looking at Trump is now kind of like staring at an attractive mass murderer with a heavy grin and blood splatter on its face. I want to support, but the blood is making me curdle that I cannot look or support it anymore.

I don't know what you frens think. I am fully against the vaccines, lockdowns, and the medical fascist left.. and when I see Trump stand in support of it, I kind of freeze up in terror. Who will be the hero on the hill with the sunbeam on his shoulders? Because it's not Trump.

Shot in the Dark (2020 Documentary) (www.bitchute.com) ⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT
Incredible Interview With Funeral Director (www.bitchute.com) ⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT
Eye-Opening Vitamin K2 Lecture! (www.bitchute.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT

I stumble across these normies on Quora all the time that say mRNA is a vaccine. WRONG.

Real vaccines would use live attenuated whole viruses in them to trigger your innate non-specific antibodies to respond. mRNA genetically modifies your DNA to tell your cells to manufacture spike proteins from the original or subvariant C19 strains.

You cannot acquire immune memory if you're only vaccinating with a piece of the virus, in order to vaccinate you need an attenuated (small amount) of WHOLE virus to enter your immune system so that your natural immune system can deal with them.

Despite vaccines entering your body unnaturally via syringe, if you're injected with a small amount of whole virus, your body will send antibodies and will later acquire immune memory so that if it comes in contact with the virus (or its subvariants) again that it will protect you next time resulting in either zero infection or minor (less severe) infection.

This is what the normies don't get, they think just the spike protein will give them immunity. NO. You need whole viruses to do that. That's why "fully vaccinated" are still getting it, some are getting it multiple times.

Why? Well, not only are they not getting the whole virus, but they are telling their natural immune system to basically stand back while "specific antibodies" take over which leaves you wide open for other subvariants and other viruses. Not only that, you're weakening your cytotoxic CD8 killer t-cell production, which are basically your soldiers to fight off the virus that is replicating. NOT ONLY THAT, but you are now producing a toxic spike protein that is a DNA repair inhibitor that is constantly triggering an immune response which will result in an auto-immune deficiency leaving you wide open for virus and disease.

EDIT: I'm not advocating for live attenuated whole viruses vaccines at all, vaccines contain aluminum, mercury, toxic adjuvants and other byproducts that cause inflammation resulting in things like autism, allergies, and a whole host of other inflammatory, neurological and dermatological side effects. It is always best that you get the virus naturally as God intended in order to get the best immune memory response. You're also opening up yourself to your body attacking itself if you inject un-naturally which is very dangerous.


I'm in a staff meeting right now on zoom and about half of the people on are getting over a "sickness" or are still recovering, they sound phlegmy and coughing with masks on. one is wearing sunglasses indoors for some reason, when he takes the glasses off he looks like he got hit by a train, my boss has a "cold", and a few people just came back from a long hiatus of sickness... and there I am, bright and bushy-eyed, unvaxxed. lol

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