Why else would government pass legislation like SB 5599 which allows state officials to take custody of children if parents refuse to consent to their sex change surgeries? It is part of a Global Plan to depopulate the globe, because people like Bill Gates feels that there are too many people on Earth, so birth control in the form of tetanus shots, covid-19 vaccines causing "died suddenlys", and confusing young children's gender identity so that they are so confused that they would never procreate.

No one knows how brutal these self-appointed Gods are that they will openly take your child away to mutilate its genitals, that is how far they will go to lower population. But they are already teaching children to be confused about their gender, telling boys to wear dresses, grooming them and forcing new language (pronouns) to further confuse what they are. Gay people cannot procreate, and what perfect neo-serf slave that would be?

In the 21st century of the New World Order, there will be no need for humans. "Transhumans" in every sense of the word will be mandatory. They do not want mankind to procreate anymore, that is why arbitrary rules like "Stay Six Feet" and masks are used during the "plandemic" the event that will officially divide and further the drop in birth rates and increase death rates.

A male growing up to parents that will call them "Lizzy" and refer to him and she/her while growing up will ultimately confuse the child. The child who is male will act female, thus the child will grow old unable to be a male masculine enough for a straight female to procreate with. This scientific manipulation is happening all throughout western society as a way for the state to DEPOPULATE by spreading this "education" to teachers and parents. This subtle scientific manipulation will happen in Democrat or "Far Left" individuals through the TV, movies, shows, etc as an acceptable way to raise a child. This motivation to harm their children will be way to "get back" at their political enemies (Trump & Republicans). Read this from Bertrand Russell, a renowned British philosopher, a supporter of eugenics and World Government:

"Children in school are taught what they are told and are punished if they express disbelief. In this way a conditioned reflex is established, leading to a belief in anything said authoritatively by elderly persons of importance.” “On the whole, at present in education, the form of loyalty to the State which is most emphasized is hostility to its enemies.”

Children are taught by the State how to act in the public schooling system, they are punished if they do not agree with LGBTQA+++ propaganda, and a constant reflex is established in the child. This leads the child to believe ANYTHING teachers in the system say. The reason why they call it a "PRIDE" flag is to form a sense of Nationalism. It is ultimately a state sponsored cult, and usually the focus is on HATE towards people against the cult (Trump, Conservatives, Christians).

This is what we are paying for. Think of it is a weapon, like the covid-vaccines was a bioweapon.. this manipulation in the school system is a weapon against all children. Many children will have ruined lives through these forced genital mutilation surgeries that are pushed in far-left state governments. I do believe that this will go further into federal, where they will start taking children if "the enemy" does not agree to destroy the child's life through mutilation.

These plans are brought to you by Eugenicists Internationalists like Bill Gates, George Soros, Rockefellers and the Rothchilds. They no longer need large bloody world wars or insane dictators like Hitler, Stalin or Mao to murder millions. All they need are their scientific manipulation techniques, their sterilization plans (pandemics for mandatory injections) and their constant toxification via particulate and frequency along with quantum AI technology that will create their technocracy. There will be zero panic that the population is shrinking.. because everyone will be in a drunken mirth of videogames and sports to care that they are being targeted.

Not to doom, but we are definitely under attack.


I would love to gather information from other like-minded individuals who want to avoid mRNA genetically altered food by Bill Gates by creating a list of producers that are not going to be injecting their livestock with mRNA.

100% Vaccine-Free Products:

Rainbow Ranch (Vaccine Free Products): https://www.rainbowranchfarms.com/about-rainbow-ranch-farms

Wrong Direction Farms (Vaccine Free Products): https://wrongdirectionfarm.com/on-vaccines-and-meat-from-wdf/

These Use Vaccines but not mRNA:

Alderspring Ranch (vowed not to use mRNA but do use a "once in a lifetime" bacterial shot): https://www.alderspring.com/organic-beef-matters/glenns-response-to-the-mrna-vaccine/

Eel River Organic Beef (They will not use mRNA on their cattle but they do use BOVI-SHIELD GOLD ONE SHOT and the ULTRABAC® 8 CLOSTRIDIUM CHAUVOEI-SEPTICUM-HAEMOLYTICUM-NOVYI-SORDELLII-PERFRINGENS TYPES C AND D BACTERIN-TOXOID shots on their cattle): https://eelriverorganicbeef.com/

I think it's safe to also say that organic food (with produce numbers that begin with the number 9 are not genetically modified to carry mRNA. Avoid any fruits of veggies that contain the number 8 as they are genetically modified. I would also stay away from any other produce that does not begin with the first number "9" as nothing can be trusted anymore.

What does everyone think about the USDA labeling? We cannot trust USDA, at least I can't. I would avoid milk as well and will be only purchasing meats and livestock products from companies that specifically do not use any vaccines especially mRNA. I would love to hear what information you have, I wish there was an outlet of products who will not consent to Bill Gate's depopulation agenda. I also wish there was a list of products associated with Bill Gates so I can avoid them.

Update: Here are some more anti-mRNA farms:



I'm really not against faggots or transvestites, go fuck a guy's butthole or scissor your best girlfriend's vagina a little bit, I really don't care what you do in the bedroom. It's the fact that these trannies are in the education system brainwashing little kids on how to act and what sex is. When you're little, you cannot grasp the concept of it, what it means, and what you should be and these people are peaching about it to them at the the earliest of ages... this is about psychological manipulation, they're teaching kids about it and for them to support genital mutilation is fucking crazy. If I had the choice I would of never had a circumcision. When you start making choices for other humans, or try to coerce other humans to change their sex and later perform life altering surgeries like a sex change.. that is just about the biggest abomination to God. We don't talk about circumcisions do we? Well, I think it's time we should. If we point the fact that no one should coerce or legalize genital surgeries for the underage, we should also ban the barbaric actions of cutting a child's penis at barely the first day of life on earth.


As the public is boiling in the New World Order, they are and have been pushing the gay/trans agenda.. it is ultimately their New Age religion centered around sex and polluting societal morality and ultimately denouncing Christ & God.

I was never a religious person, but nearly 20 years of studying the New World Order, I can safely say that there is a spiritual war happening right now. It's a war between Good and Evil. The recent shooting of the Christian elementary school at the hands of a transexual made everything click for me.

Evil likes to use good symbols and desecrate them for their own purpose. Example: the peace flag, it is merely an upside-down broken cross within a circle. Another example: the "Pride flag" which is now morphed into what is called "the Progress Pride flag" which is a sideways pyramid (illuminati) with a rainbow in the background. A rainbow is a symbol for God's Creation after a storm, but it is now used to represent homosexuality, which is an abomination to God.

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality" 1 Corinthians 6:9

It's funny how they call the new flag the "Progress Pride flag" as their political party is called "The Progressives". The New World Order's view of "progress" is to destroy mankind and to capture its spirit away from God.. that's what "progress" means to them.

The transexual is the opposite of God, that is why transexuals are being mobilized to attack Christians right now. It is the Baphomet's religion, the Baphomet is the transgender devil with breasts and a phallus that resembles two snakes intertwined (two snakes intertwined is also in the pharma symbol, "science", aka: their "truth"). It is the exact opposite of God. The Baphomet is what the Knights Templar, the Masons (Jabulon), the shadow government's God that they idolize and sacrifice children to.

This is also one of the keys to the New Age world religion, to kill a child is the ultimate slap in the face to God as a child is the most pure, the most innocent being on the planet.

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

This is why we see the trans community pushing so hard to indoctrinate children at an early age, to cause them to turn away from God. Why we are seeing so many "story time" events all across the country, but why is this happening now? I cannot tell you, all I know is behind the colorful baby blue and pink flag, behind the colorful rainbow flag lies Satan himself. It is the last and final step for the New World Order needs, to completely capture the spirit of man into accepting sodomy, abortion, castration of children, etc.

That is the name of the game for the power's that be... to turn ALL of mankind away from God. That is the entire reason why they created religions.. to steer souls away from the truth.

If we continue to watch TV, movies, and give these politicians, talking-heads attention. They will continue to hypnotize us, they will continue to try to capture us and the people you love into the New World Order cult that is a dead-end for your spirits. They control the entire media, they control all the corporations (you will see all corporations change their logos to rainbow colors during pride month), they control all the churches, schools, etc. Now they want to centralize the financial system by crashing it. The beast system is already here, they said 2023 was Year 1 of the New World Order. Wait until they capture us and force us into the Digital ID platform that will be controlled by AI and quantum computers. They will target those against the trans and gay community for sure, because it is now a protected religion and Christian churches will ultimately be banned soon. They banned people from attending churches during the pandemic for a reason. The entire pandemic was the first domino and we all fell for it.

The only thing that is protecting us is the truth (look out for a false flag attack on the internet soon so they can roll out a "new internet" that will be completely void of all truth and heavily regulated) and the power of our father and the teachings of Christ. As I said, I was never a religious person until I learned about the wickedness of the new world order.. those that sacrifice little babies on black stone alters at the Vatican, in masonic lodges, and in castles all around the world. If there is this level of evil, than there must be a God, and these people are afraid of it.


People are so shook thinking they will never get their money back blah blah blah.. the government literally prints new money every day... there will be PLENTY of paper money to ensure your savings. If you're that scared, just buy physical gold and silver.. but it's a manipulated metal. All of this hype is just to scare people, only idiots would run and pull their money out of a bank that's FDIC ensured.. bunch of idiots and clowns that don't know how money works. Sad. Stop giving into the propaganda.

If your money is in a bank that is FDIC insured, you're protected. If you have money in crypto.. you're fucked. There is zero FDIC insurance on crypto... it's the wild west.


What if everything is entirely scripted, politicians are nothing more than high paid actors who are fed by the Rothschilds who literally own the entire world and have enough time to sit down in secret meetings to script absolutely everything that has and is about to happen? Didn't the Rothschilds fund the Nazis? Yes. Did he fund the U.S. at the same time? Yes. Every war, every pandemic, every "event" in society like the "Banking Crisis" is all conveniently timed during times of recession? Inflation and the money printing, turning the U.S. dollar into non-gold-backed status was to purposely implode this country (and others) so that eventually.. one day, they will be begging for a New Economic System controlled by these same conspiracist individuals? The Rothschilds have funded every war since Napoleon.. do you think they no longer have control? They have complete control of all media, all governments, and are clambering for more.. and yes, Russia is also part of this WWF theatre shitshow that they are displaying today. The U.N. already has complete control of the medical dictatorship, they want control of the financial dictatorship through CBDC, Digital ID and the World Bank. What's next to become a crisis? Food. Then Water. Then when they have complete control of everything, is when their sick party starts. Good thing we're onto the "new thing" or "new bullshit" and what their "solution" will be!

Listen to the heirs of the Rothschild family and you will most likely know the future.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. -FDR

The only weapon TPTB (Ruling-Class Elite) have now is fear. They used terror by bringing down the World Trade Center towers to get into the largest war in the middle east that did key things: depopulating (murdering) 1 Million Iraqis, injecting wealth into the Military Industrial Complex, installing CIA puppets in various middle eastern countries, creating a testing ground for new weapons and surveillance technology among many other black projects the public will never know about.

They used terror by releasing Covid-19 bioweapon that was managed by the DOD and the creation was funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars. This bioweapon released did key things: depopulating (murdering) millions across the globe either by direct contact with the bioweapon or Covid-19 hospital policies using euthanization drugs and malpractice. This also established the base for the new digital concentration camp, it demolished the economy further by labeling small businesses as "not essential", crippling competition of businesses that attend the World Economic Forum, to this day legislation and other policies are being built upon the false narrative of a "pandemic" further eroding freedom and economic progress. The pandemic will also completely abolish all sovereignty by declaring the World Health Organization to have complete control of all pandemic response in all countries, they will have complete control and say what happens during the next Pandemic, all governments will take orders from the United Nations.

They will use bank collapses that are purposeful in order to establish a New Economic Order via a CBDC currency that will be controlled by the World Bank under the auspices of the United Nations. We will face a total and complete economic collapse of all banking systems, which will be a way for the Ruling Class to steal ALL wealth and will offer the public a solution: "YOU MUST AGREE TO: 1) participate in the new economy by purchasing essential items with CBDC 2) you must add a mandatory app on your smartphone that will allow you to use CDBC (this app will monitor your purchases, it will even deny you purchasing items that will be labeled illegal including gasoline, vitamins, and ammunition.), the app will also be your Digital ID which you will need for driving, traveling, and just about anything else, it will also contain your social credit score and will dictate to you not to leave the house because you have spent your daily carbon quota already by turning on your Air Conditioning. Everything will be connected by the Internet of Things (IoT) and will report to your app what you do at all times.

In the future, all appliances will be 5G IoT compatible and connected to your app, if you use too much energy you will be capped an unable to drive your electric vehicle, turn on other appliances, or use water. etc. But that is long into the future if we accept this New Order.

There will come a time, after the economic collapse of hackers (vigilantes) who will be labeled "patriots" or "Q" or possibly "Chinese" or "Russian" agents who are allegedly attacking the power grid. There will be blackouts, there will be internet blackouts... and all of it will be blamed on "the enemy". They will also be blamed for the economic collapse of course.. but this "solution" will be Internet 2.0. This "New Internet" will be highly controlled and only people who are willing to participate in the New Economic Order (those who have the Digital ID app) will be allowed to use the internet. You will need a palm scanner to login and will be mandatory on all mousepads.

This is the plan... if people WILLINGLY give into fear as we all did during 9/11, the pandemic, and etc. If we do not fear the Ruling Elite's terror, they have no power. If we question the bank collapses, if we question the next pandemic, if we question terrorism against the power grid or what ever may come through the TEL-A-VISION.. they are powerless. They need us all to comply or it will not work. If just a 1/3 of the population says "fuck off" they have no choice but to push their plans back. We made it happen during 9/11, we're pushing back against the "pandemic" and they're now making a Global Reset collapse happen right now.. but I say, do not fear... keep a clear head, question why at all times and don't trust "the experts", the government, the "scientists", the politician... NO ONE. Not even the so-called Awakened talking-heads, because they're all suspect as far as I'm concerned.

Trump Supporter Knocked Out Because of a Hat (www.youtube.com) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT

This is the future that the WEF will require from every human being on the planet. You will not be able to enter any store, hospital, venue, you will not be able to drive a car unless you scan your palm on the machine.

"Microchips? Who needs them!" The Elite say. The reason why big corporations like Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft attend the WEF is that they all plan how to enslave the public. They all will agree to one thing: no one will be able to enter our stores or use our products unless they scan their palm. There will be no need for microchips, because the car that you drive will require a palm print, when you enter any store, palm print.. want a haircut? palm. Want to go to a concert? Palm.

Your palm will be your ID, since every palm is unique like a snowflake, police, stores, hospitals will know everything about you, it will be to attached to every document including social security, criminal record, bank account, medical record, vaccine status, social credit score.. ev-er-y-thing, including what websites you go on because in the future it will also be required to scan your palm on your keyboard in order to log on to the new internet (there will be a massive cyber terror event that will cause a nationwide blackout, the solution will be internet 2.0 which requires a palm scanning).

further verification of who you are will be accessed to the bioelectric nanotechnology floating in your body that will come in the form of genetically modified food or vaccines that contain self-assembling nanochips/robots that acts as 5G antennas. The big eye in the sky, every public object like telephone poles or street lights will have 5G nano-sensors that will be able to track your every movement and cross-reference where you have been around that area.

This is no longer science fiction, in fact, science fiction movies and TV shows are the blueprint of what technology they would like to implement against the cattle (you). I have been researching the digital concentration camp for over 10 years, I used to think they would track and control us with microchips. Well, here it is. Self assembling nano-chips in the vaccines, in "mRNA" genetically modified food, and the "mark of the beast" will simply be your palm print.

The palm print IS the "mark of the beast", the acceptance to scan your palm MARKS you as "of the beast". Your willingness to scan your palm is your allegiance to "the beast" system that you need in order to enter the beast system. But you will be able to buy food, acquire assistance and escape via entertainment because reality that you are ruled by global dictators will be too upsetting and terrifying.

But I do believe there are enough of us now who will say no, we said no to their "mRNA" vaccines, we will say no to their palm scanning bullshit. By the way, it's already happening at wholefoods, self checkouts have the palm machine right there in your face. All participating WEF corporations will soon require GATES that will not allow you to enter unless you scan your palm. The claim will be it's the new age of "simple", just scan your palm before entering, and just walk out with the items "we will bill you later!".

The sell will be "convenience" but actually it will be the start of the beast system, companies that will not participate in the WEF system will be forced out of business.. then the corporate-monopoly that they will build will simply take over those businesses just like they have with the media, the media is now owned by just a handful of corporations.

This is pure and simply global fascism, and it's happening right in front of our eyes. They needed the pandemic to get people on board, they literally murdered millions of people not just by the "virus" but by the hospital system that was willing to murder millions on people with malpractice and deadly liver-killing drugs like Remdesivir.


If you're near the shitshow, I would suggest keeping your liver in top shape:

Vinyl chloride exposure is associated with an increased risk of a rare form of liver cancer (hepatic angiosarcoma), as well as primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia.

I have been doing decades of research on keeping the liver clean, and I would strongly recommend. . . . BROCCOLI.

RAW broccoli when chewed contains sulforaphane which is a compound that helps the enzyme production in the liver, aka, it helps your liver to better clean the toxins that you are exposed to. Regular Broccoli contains the most of this compound, there is also broccoli sprouts which may be better as it's usually grown indoors (less heavy metals and other garbage compared to outdoor broccoli) and has more of this compound.

The catch is, you must eat broccoli raw. The only way to get the most of this compound if it's chewed. Like a glowstick, the compound only forms when the broccoli is mashed with your teeth. You can still get the compound if you swallow it, gut bile will break it down, but it's best chewed raw.

Just a little tip for my friends! Also, try to get organic as much as possible. You can also try eating Raw Organic Garlic if you're concerned about cancer, raw garlic has been tested to destroy all types of cancer.. but it's very very spicy and painful to eat raw.. but very beneficial.

p.s. when it comes to liver detoxing, please skip the bullshit supplements that contain roots and herbs. They can be toxic. Just eat raw cruciferous veggies like broccoli or broccoli sprouts! The safest way to detox the liver.


Elon cutely tweeting "Don't worry, it's just my friends stopping by", but really this is just to solidify the mass CIA propaganda that is going down. Everywhere you look, the Mediaopoly is clammering about UFOS, UFO shoot downs, etc. Why now? Because they're preparing the next thing, bigger than the Pandemic. A possible full on "invasion" that will be broadcasted across the world as the most historic event in human history.

A "grey" alien will visit the United Nations saying "fear not humans, we are here for peace.. we want to help you solve climate change and wars (this will be after WW3 with Russia, after millions die). We must unite the human race for one common cause, and do away with your racist national barriers and come together in a New World Order.. where one government will lead the human race to build back better."

The world will cheer with hope, literally all governments will give up their sovereignty and bend over to the United Nations. After WW3 and Pandemic 2.0, people will beg for the "aliens" to come save us.. but only if we give up EVERYTHING to the Illuminati New World Order that is only meant to turn the human race into cattle.

Elon knows this, that's why he's tweeting cute things about Aliens. He knows once the New World Order is formed that he will sell more Teslas, because the World Government wants to completely ban gas vehicles.. not for the environment, but to have EVERYONE on the electric grid that will be fully controlled by AI quantum computing systems.

Elon is part of the WEF, I wish people would figure this out.


We all know what the next plan is, it's a fake invasion to scare the masses into smaller cages. They're already conditioning us that the Aliens are the enemy. First they shoot down a "Chinese" or "Putin" air balloon that's over the country... first it confirms that the people are in danger, and also confirming that anything foreign over the country is a threat and should be killed. The CIA has already implanted that in the mind: anything above that's foreign is the enemy through constant bombardment in the media news cycle. Now we have the actual government telling citizens that the military is shooting down UFOS over Alaska and Canada. Don't you find all of this too coincidental? First it was news that a Chinese balloon was over American airspace, the next day they're saying Biden had a UFO shot down in Alaska... this is psychological programming at its finest, if it wasnt a psychological operation, the media (government mouthpiece) wouldn't be saying ANYTHING about them blowing up UFOs in American airspace.. but all of a sudden, now they are telling us everything? This UFO over Alaska and the Chinese balloon is just psychological programming 1) to put people in fear 2) to demonize aliens.

I don't know what the endgame is but it may be 1) a fake alien invasion using the military to drive a fleet of UFOs over the skies of America, the mainstream media will blow it up as the most significant event in human history and then will claim aliens are killing people and a fake war will ensue.. setting the most unprecedented fear campaign in human history that will be faked by the government. The United Nations will ask for immediate and full control of all governments, all governments either willingly (they already know it's fake) or unwillingly will comply, thus a one world government is formed. or 2) a REAL alien "invasion" from aliens that want to help the planet and the human race from evil aliens that have control of every government in the world: reptilians (creatures who have been around for centuries, who are evil entities that want to kill off the human race for their own benefit).

All of these news pieces are obvious that it's a new CIA government psyops campaign to get people scared, to condition the public that it's a threat (like global warming, pandemic, etc) that new initiatives must be brought into place to further the new world order agenda. We will hear more about UFO shoot-downs, UFO footage, and etc until they pull an operation Blue Beam and start to really scare the shit out of people for more lockdowns, more shackles, and more surveillance.

This is all coming to hide deaths from the covid vaccines, to hide the fact that they're imploding the economy, to hide the fact that corporations are in full control and that we're moving into a new world order.

Pandemic was a test for lockdowns, climate change lockdowns and alien invasion lockdowns.. They just want to lock you down, take away your freedom, take away the sun and your health, everything to stuff you into a tiny trackable package and shorten your lifespan, to literally suck the life out of mankind. I believe we already have been invaded, and these inhuman reptiles are in full control and are terraforming the world for their benefit... they're sick of living underground, it's time that they come out in the open in spite of mankind.

I say reptilian because I don't think a human would ever be the brainchild of chem dumping our skies, shoving poison vaccines into every arm, trying to track and control all humans, literally blotting the life giving sun out and destroying our food and water... it's not a human in control, it's a cold blooded monster. They've been here for centuries, the Merovingians and Knights Templar knew all about these things and kept the secret all these years.. the secret is hidden by the Vatican, the Masons, the Illuminati.

Now that AI and quantum computing is coming in full control, they can kill 90% of the human race.. keep the subservient engineer class humans and keep the human ruling elite.. terraform the world to the climate they desire and have ultimate control of their cattle through their quantum computing AI systems.


Skyrocketing beef prices, skyrocketing egg prices.. they are intentionally burning down cattle production, telling farmers to kill their cows etc. The WEF are now going after egg production. Eggs and beef contain essential nutrients and vitamins that we all need, which is why they are outright trying to burn everything down so we live shorter lives. You all know this, the WEF, WHO, World Bank etc are all the tentacles of the United Nations who say there are TOO MANY PEOPLE on earth and that we must be reduced by cutting off foods, nutrients and vitamins from the supply chain and the mediaopoly and paid "scientists" will say "they are bad for you anyways" and the idiots will believe it because of the sophistication of CIA programming that is tunneled through the tel-lie-vision.

I have personally seen the egg shortage, but only with the healthiest types of eggs: pasture raised eggs. You will most likely see less of a shortage in "free range" and regular eggs. I have personally seen this at Wholefoods, nearly ALL eggs were gone. I goto a regular grocery store, they're jam packed with eggs fully stocked. Why? Because Eggs from hens that are in cages produce far far less nutritional eggs.. and the hens are fed with complete garbage feed that is tainted with plastic and other garbage.

Pasture raised egg yolks are bright orange, meaning they are jam packed with nutrition because they eat the most natural diet of bugs, grass and etc. You will see less and less of pasture raised until they're completely gone, just like how they took raw milk from us. I remember they skyrocketed the price of raw milk at Wholefoods and now it's gone forever. Same thing will happen.

Nevertheless, the Nazi 4th Reich plans to do away with all meat, all eggs, everything... and they will wave the flag of veganism for the sake of "save the animals" and environmentalism. The new fascists will not have armbands, but will fly rainbow flags, vegan flags, and world flags.. they will call YOU a Nazi for eating naturally raised grass fed beef, chicken, and pasture raised eggs and raw milk... they will wave the banner of environmentalism and will rule with an iron fist under the boot of the United Nations.. the same genocidal maniacs who murdered the Congolese for refusing the communist USSR dictatorship.

I know you all know this. But whenever something skyrockets in price or magically disappears like pasture raised eggs, you have to realize it's just another scam to curve the human population.

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