We are in an axis, a literal new age of Aquarius where river of good and evil intersect. The flow of death and lies and the flow of human consciousness and truth cross each other.. both are ascending at an incredible rate ever since 2020. It seems that the year 2020 was the dawn of a New Age of the "Great Reset" and "Great Awakening". The New World Order vs. the New Age of Truth.
This croix in humanity will be a historical battle. We see on their end, the acceleration of global government & death with the mRNA vaccines, the hospital death camps, the increase of chemtrail dumping, sabotaging the food supplies, the halting goods, has all accelerated to cause the most death to depopulate the world. We all know who is behind it..
The acceleration of lies, the technocratic lockstep of Social Media, the fact-checking, the censoring, the banning of anyone who goes against the Great Reset agenda, all of it is wholly apparent now. Meanwhile, the Great Awakening, like a boiling over pot, is too accelerating as the global human consciousness grows like a flower, while their plan is to blot it out like chemtrails in the sky, stealing our UV rays from the Sun of Truth.
As the days go by, just remember when everyone is becoming terribly ill, dying in droves.. remember, it's the people who willingly and coercibly took the vaccines who are dying, while the technocratic dictatorship scapegoats the innocent unvaccinated. This is why the left continues to call this country a "Democracy", as the mob rule will beg the government to imprison, kill, dehumanize and destroy the unvaccinated. Big pharma will continue to poison and destroy people as the technocratic Ministry of Truth silence and censor the truth about the immune-destroying, slow-killing vaccines.
They have already prepared to inoculate our food with mRNA cancer and slow-death technology. That is why we must accelerate our homestead and move to other pastures, free of censorship and ridicule. We awakened will be pushed and moved to the right direction, thanks to God. As their murderous control-plans evolve, so will we, they can never snuff out human consciousness that God has given us to defend.

I live in the Bay Area California, the law dropped all mask requirements in office settings including for unvaccinated. However, my work is only allowing the vaccinated to unmask and unvaccinated are supposed to wear one "at all times". I don't but every once in awhile I get sneers and my manager tells me to put it on, I do, but I don't put it over my nose. I'm starting to get really pissed off with this discrimination. I know it's discrimination, they forced me to watch a discrimination video ironically. Anything I can do? Can I sue the company (it's a million dollar company). I know Bay Area is fully woke over vaccines and masks, so I have no idea if I would win or not.
They're trying to humiliate and embarrass me with this horse shit. The manager keeps telling me to keep it on, I'm getting really angry with this bullshit. I'm in California BTW.
The U.S. government just recently came out in the open that so-called WW3 is part of the Anglo-American New World Order vs. Eurasian World Order Consisting of Russia, China, and perhaps India.
From the Washington Examiner:
China has given “tacit approval” for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest invasion of Ukraine, in the judgment of U.S. officials, as part of a joint effort to undermine the institutions that American and allied leaders established to minimize conflict in the decades following World War II. “Russia and [China] also want a world order,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said Wednesday. “But this is an order that is and would be profoundly illiberal. ... It is an order that is, in many ways, destructive rather than additive.”
The institution that WW2 created is the United Nations, Russia and China see that the U.N. World Order does not reflect the vision of their World Order and, as we can see, Western nations are sinking into poverty.
That is why the Anglo-American World Order wants a “Global Reset”, a fast but painful collapse of all Western finances to establish a World Bank and a CBDC currency… a Global Financial Order. Russia and China refuse, thus we have World War III.
The NATO nations and United Nations framework (consisting of WHO, IMF, World Bank) are taking this chance, billions of your taxpayer dollars and your lives, to perhaps try to take down the current Chinese and Russia governments to install their own, as they have done countless times to countries, such as Iran, Ukraine, and elsewhere.
U.S. officials claimed that their world order is “illiberal” and an order that is “destructive rather than additive.” Yes, that order will be highly authoritarian, just look at China and the Uyghur Genocide. There would Hitler style world dominance. However, the Anglo-American World Order will be just as totalitarian.
The vision of the United Nations is centralization of all currency, all assets, all identification and information about every person. There will be a Digital ID and one-currency called the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and will be regulated by the World Bank.
The Digital ID will also keep track of all Certificate of Vaccination-ID (cleverly their lab-created virus is called COVID), and it will be a total liberal dystopia controlled by a technocracy of unelected Nazis. It will be a highly sophisticated digital society, where everyone is part of the digital concentration camp, if they don’t like you, they can just turn off your ID.
It really doesn’t matter which New World Order will win, one thing’s for sure; the Rothschild family will be behind funding both sides of World War III. Us expendable neo-serfs will be drafted, and millions will die. But there will a difference, there will be cyber war, attacks on infrastructure and the electrical grids, information wars, space wars.

I have been following this hypothesis; that you cannot kill viruses because they aren't alive to begin with, that viruses cannot be transmitted via close-contact because viruses are really just naturally occurring elements within the body, they're basically like soap when the body simply cannot clean something out normally.
I'm not sure what to think of this alternative view on viruses, I feel like this is the biggest question since Galileo's theory that the Earth evolves around the Sun.
I would like to hear what the community says about this theory, that viruses are naturally created by the body to clean out toxic elements that cannot normally be removed, and are expelled from the mucus membranes instead..
Interesting video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/c4rX0rGq7y7h/
Also, Dr. Robert Morse ND talks about this a lot on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ZBff-hRPchbXSe2o-aZdA
What does this community think about this theory? Thanks.
A co-worker just let me know, 5 service team-members in a separate office are all out sick. My co-worker let me know because they know I'm unvaccinated and slowly redpilling them everytime a fully vaxxed + boosted co-worker is out sick. I always try to say "but I thought they were vaccinated?" LOL, drop those subliminal red pills every now and then, hopefully people will wake up.
Infectious disease experts say the original COVID-19 virus is "essentially gone", yet the government is still recommending the unvaccinated take vaccines that only protect against an "essentially gone" virus that has been completely "elbowed out of the way by the newer, more competitive strains (Omicron)".
This is just an example of how poor the government is in how it operates. They're still pushing old "mandates" on shit that doesn't even work anymore. So the drug companies are going to keep making vaccines for different variants that keep mutating every month, and they'll keep falling behind falling behind for new variants that are just going to keep getting weaker. We're not even in a "pandemic" anymore, but the propaganda is still "we're in a pandemic".
The pro-vaxxers wonder why the vaccine free are still saying "no", well here's one great reason.. our government is incompetent as hell. Imagine trusting the government to do anything remotely beneficial for the population. The whole thing is completely stupid, I can't believe people are still so scared and hysterical over a COVID variant that is less deadly than the flu.
The only reason why people are still dying is because of the COVID protocol in hospitals, they're still pushing kidney-killing remdesivir on the old and people with co-morbidities.. mostly people who have the flu (not COVID) but are labeled COVID cases. They're euthanizing these people to push up the numbers, but "oh that's just a conspiracy". People need to realize that the hospitals, the doctors are not there to keep you alive anymore, they're there to KILL YOU FOR PROFIT.. thanks to the government bonuses that hospitals receive for every COVID death in ICUs and hospitals.
When will people realize this? Is it too scary to realize doctors are euthanizing people? Is it too scary to realize the government mandates are there to threaten people to take jabs that don't even work and are actually slow-killing and maiming people? I thought people didn't trust the government or the media?