The NWO is testing what tyranny will work best. A fast boil (Australia) or slow boil (America). Australia is in full tyranny, almost immediately after the "Pandemic". America is in a slow approach, using morality and "social responsibility" as a way to ease people into slavery. We will move into the smartphone centralization control grid with ease, while Australia has already implemented G4S, a way to track and trace people for concentration camps, i mean "quarantine camps".
I do believe America will get there soon, they just need to slide the dollar out of existence for the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) so that all USD currency turns into CBDC, when that happens they will introduce a mandatory smartphone application that will have all of your money, your driver's license, your passport, your criminal record, your vaccine status all in one place. If you don't have a vaccine, they'll just take CBDC out of your account, if you're really a dissenter they will just turn of you off and out of society forever. That's the rockefeller/rothschilds ultimate plan.. total control.
Wow. These people are truly scientific, psychopathic people. I believe I know why they used the Pandemic: think of the Pandemic as a tool.. a very strong tool, based on fear, to hammer the heads of all humankind. It is a multitool, to usher in a technotronic slave grid (YOU ARE A QR CODE), and to "weed out" the dissidents (the unvaccinated and anti-New World Order Truthers).
Yes, we are Truthers, remember 9/11? We know that the U.S. government was involved in intentionally causing fear to go to war in Iraq for the sole purpose of perfecting their craft, the creation of death. Yes, WAR. The Rothschilds have funded EVERY WAR since Napoleon.. it is the upper echelons that created the pandemic, and EVERYONE is falling for the new culling of the herd.
All war is Genocide, and helps the elite perfect their weapons against mankind, IE: Anyone that does not inherit the "blue blood", the Merovingian bloodline, the 13 families. They recognize that the human race can become very prosperous without them, and do not like the advancement of humankind.. they don't want to lose their power over us, and therefore they give us war and pandemics.
These psychos don't want to "lose it all" they want to maintain their Dynasty over humankind, so they built the best scientific manipulation called THE MEDIA, that makes the masses believe that there is a "Pandemic". THE CATTLE FELL FOR IT, they wanted "security" over true freedom! This is a very serious consequence, it means the technotronic slave grid can be in place, and EVERYONE will be subjected to their bio-manipulation with their genetic altering nano technology.
Unless the masses realize that the New World Order is the when the powers-that-be create an OPEN AIR PRISON across the globe... utilizing the most powerful western nations to usher in Fascism across the world.
They are HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, and their multitool, the "Pandemic", precisely puts the target on the back of their real enemy; YOU. If you're on Global Awakening, you know there is a serious problem and are red-pilled to see that these people are fucking crazy. We are their enemy, and this slave grid will help them pick us off, one by one.
But I do believe that the masses are already seeing that the Plandemic is bullshit, the cards are falling for these people, these psychos. We're opening up the curtain, and we're seeing that the emperor has no clothes, that there is a man behind the curtain pulling the strings creating human stagnation.
I think it's time I leave the fascist state of California for good.