Prime Minister of Italy has said; those who do not get vaccinated are not part of "our society". Germany and Austria are openly castrating the unvaccinated from public life and freedom of any kind. All of these post-Nazi countries are turning back into their fascist ways, they are the new Reich; the 4th Reich. America will lead the same way, and just about every NATO nation, backbone of the United Nations framework that will all lockstep to complete a New World Order.. where the pre-Nazi countries and the "allied" countries will combine into a technological fascist dictatorship. This was the plan all along, WW1 tried to usher in the League of Nations, WW2 introduced the United Nations, and WW3, the war we are in NOW, will usher in the New World Order.
This is a decades old plan, to use a "natural enemy" to bring upon a World Dictatorship. Reagan: βI occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us [Viruses]? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?β
What a perfect "enemy" to bring to the global table to propel a global agenda, and those that see through this agenda will not participate, we know this enemy is a lab-created plot, and the unvaccinated people will be called "terrorists". Anyone that opposes their euthanization weapons will be ridiculed, chastised and ultimately driven away from "society", a dystopian society where every disease you have/had, every search you have ever made, every purchase you made will be on your person, information readily available to the authorities.
We are now seeing the 4th Reich show its ugly face, the new Jews are the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are tagged for the casket. Those that took the saline shot will live on, those that took the poison will be forced to take new "software updates" as they arrive or die, those that see through this Satanic global plantation will be targeted.
I'd rather die on my feet than to live and become their slave.

Yeah HR just told me the new deadline is December 6th, if I don't turn in a medical exemption or vaccine papers, I'm fucked. They said I could work from home for a few weeks or month to faze out my time but after that I'm boned. They also said I won't be eligible for unemployment. Wow great, thanks Biden you fucking cunt. Looks like I'm moving to Florida after all.
They want you to focus on Kyle Rittenhouse and what happened in Waukesha, because both stem on racism. They need you to pick a side and pick eachother apart like roosters in a hen house, while the farmer grinds his blade for you and your children's necks.
The CDC approved the dangerous COVID vaccines for over 50 million children ages 5-11 to get mandatory vaccines. Which will fully destroy their natural immune systems to only fight one specific virus and NOTHING ELSE. Not to mention injury complications and death.
We should be sharpening our blades against the kings in the ivory castle, and not against each other. This is the most important time in American history, and we're butting heads over.... race and ethnicity? Grow up. Grow up for your kids, they're looking at you for protection and all you can do is chug beer and complain about Kyle Rittenhouse and or a Black Man running people over in his truck.
This is all sophisticated manipulation, and if you don't prepare now, you're going to lose.
Looks like my company I have worked for 2 years now helping them generate revenue is going to give me a deadline Nov 30th to provide HR proof of vaccination. Looks like Biden is going to get me unemployed just in time for Christmas. Wow what a great fucking president, what a fucking ass hole prick getting a bunch of people fired a month before Christmas. No wonder people hate his fucking guts. I'm just going to refuse and they're going to have to fire me, furlough me, I don't give a shit, I'll still see them in court.. bet on it.
Bombshell news confirming 100% of COVID-19 vaccine deaths are caused by 5% of the batches produced, and most of them were sent to Republican states all across the United States. If this doesn't solidify that we live in a fascist state controlled by a small group of people called the "Deep State" mainly consisting of Democrats, FBI, CIA and other secret entities.. I don't know what will.
I bring Hitler and Nazi Germany up a lot in my writings, but no other society reflects the society we live in today better than Nazi Germany. Our media is a monopoly of a handful of organizations working together with the CIA, and it has become our Ministry of Propaganda on a nationwide scale. Our government is inherently Democratic, since the Civil War the Democrat party has been in power for the most part in this society. It should also be noted that the KKK was created by the Democrat party for the sole purpose of quelling the freedom of the Black slaves, acting as a secret military to prevent the GOP from granting these people freedom.
The Nazi's playbook came directly from the U.S. from its treatment of the Native Americans. American corporations like IBM were involved in creating computer technology for the Reich to tabulate and keep track of the Jewish and Polish minorities in German society.
The deep state that is in power today, I like to call them the 4th Reich, because that's precisely what it is, a continuation of the 3rd Reich. If you're familiar with project paperclip, the U.S. government brought back Nazi scientists into the U.S. after WW3, to continue the Reich's experimentation of advanced technology under the watchful eye of the Deep State.
I believe the deep state holds technology so advanced it is unfathomable to the average citizen's comprehension. I do believe the deep state is using this advanced technology, to tabulate, track and trace all human activity, at least in this country. There may be some nanotechnology involved in the existing COVID-19 vaccines, or soon will be. But the reality that is clear as day is that the vaccines are being used as a weapon to kill/poison people on a selective scale.
It's come to our attention that most of the deadly vaccine vials have been distributed to Republican states, the deep state's enemies that are all about holding value in freedom in their lives, which reflects the GOP's history in trying to free the Blacks from the Democrat slave grid of the past.
The Deep State/Democrats have a new slave-grid, and have advanced quantum artificial intelligence technology to make it easier to keep track of people not just on a national scale, but a worldwide scale. Their plan is to create a Social Credit System that has every bit of information on all human subjects, including financial, health, and party affiliation. The deep state has and will use this information to ensure they kill the right people. That is the new secret Holocaust plan, and that is what is coming to light today.
I don't have all the answers, but rest assured the Deep State is very close to solidifying a New World Order system, a very sophisticated plan that mirrors what IBM's Hollerith computer system that was used by the Nazis to keep track of Hitler's political enemies; the Jews and Polish, etc.
IBM's new Hollerith will be the Quantum computer with the use of AI technology so fast, so advanced, that it will be able to track and trace all human movement in real-time, and will be able to prescribe the right dose to the right people, benign or poison.. making it easier for the deep state to kill off its enemies.
The 4th Reich releases a lab-created bioweapon to send a chill across the nation, they funded the manufacturing of a "vaccine" and ordered a strict vaccine mandate, and they selectively poisoned their political enemies with the "vaccine" all while looking like a savior to the general public.
This Reich will not look evil, it will look good, the propaganda will ensure this.. they will act like the savior of the world, all while secretly getting rid of their enemies with the use of inoculations that are actually bioweapons. This is a scientifically orchestrated plan, a final solution.
We are in a fractal matrix, for those who don't know what a fractal is, it's a never ending pattern of endless infinity that never stops. This life, this consciousness that we are all familiar with is trapped within this fractal matrix of infinity. I call it Hell, there is no escape, the afterlife is the same.. no matter what, you will be brought back into this world, over and over and over again. It is a constant birth, death, rebirth, death, rebirth death cycle that no conscious soul can escape. We are in what we understand is a computer, a holographic simulation of what we understand is a "universe", but there are multiple universes, we exist in multiple infinite numbers of universes, all slightly different is what scientists are beginning to understand is true. If this is the case, we, the eternal soul that keeps reincarnating can never escape this matrix. We can pray to "GOD" all we want, but there is no one to help us out of it, there are higher entities that have created this "world" that we all exist and live in today. I would consider them evil, because we are essentially slaves, we are born into this world to create more slaves, over and over again. The entire reason for orgasms and pure pleasure is only there so that we are to breed and put more slaves/beings into this matrix grid... more more more and more. Possibly beings from other "universes" that are not controlled by the beings who control these universes.. This is essentially a prison. When we die, we can possibly escape this prison, but, like moths, we are lead to "the light" and re-enter this world over and over and over again.
This theory hit me last night, and finally sealed it for me: I was on a ship with other people, this ship had endless stairs and ladders, all lead to nowhere, essentially leading to other ladders and stairs but lead to nowhere. I finally got to the very top, and the entire horizon was ocean, and even more ships like the one I was on, with endless ladders and stairs. I finally gave up looking for a way off the ship, but I couldn't find a way off, so I killed myself and ended up in the same place. This dream was clear as day..
We are like my dream, we're constantly trying to find a way out of this rat race, but we're always chasing a dream, we are held down by our jobs, chasing money and unable to really live life to the fullest, worry-free.. unable to escape this earth, to find relief.. there are always taxes to be worried about, and we keep worrying until the day we die.. then we come back to this prison system and start it over again. The society we live in today created this endless rat race system with the use of taxes, and money, so that this 3D reality mirrors what happens in the afterlife.. an inescapable Hell. You can kill yourself, but you'll always come back to this prison.
I just wanted to share this, I don't know who runs this simulation, but I do know that it's evil. Is there an eternal God that actually loves us? I don't know, all I know is we are all slaves, our only purpose is to breed, and to chase money and objects that in the end are meaningless. All I can say is find love, and find some happiness, treat other prisoners positively, help one another. We're all in this together.