If White Hats are in control and gently guiding us to an awakening, this is a perfect chance to soften the "shock" of overturning the 2020 presidential election.

I believe Kari Lakes current court case will fail. But she will co.timue to fight.

Skip ahead to next year. Lake gets another chance and this time the AZ election is overturned just before the 2024 election.

2024 election goes to Biden over Trump, DeSantis, or freaking ANYBODY because it's Biden.

But now, there is a precedent of a overturned election due to theft and this time, the presidential election (down entire ballot) is overturned.


Like Fox, after everyone got ushered to Newsmax, next thing you know they slowly got more and more tight lipped on mentioning the worst disaster to ever befall this country.

So I quit watching. Should had known better than to follow the masses leaving Fox.

Watched it tonight and Greg Kelly is going full on wrecking mode on Chris Way, Gremlin Dobbs and every media outlet saying elections are safe.


I'll be the first to admit. When I see accusations of sexual abuse towards politicians & celebrities I typically take it with a grain of salt. Even when the accused is a Democrat.

And....I know this is fucked up....but I also suspect money grab as well.

When I first heard the name Tara Reade it fell right in with my categories above.

Watch clip here: https://youtu.be/WvFM04SVY70

But something about this clip. Especially 3:00+. I can't get this out of my head.

This isn't like all the accusers I've seen before. Christine Blasey Ford. Stormy Daniels. Julie Swetnick. Even Monica Lewinsky who we know actually happened all feel political or intentful.

Tara Reade feels raw. Feels real. Feels like real abuse.

What are your thoughts?

No idea why this clip stayed with me all day after first seeing it aired last night but it did. Almost haunting even. I have not spared even a minute on Tara Reade before so I have no idea what the background all is. But this feels so different than the list above.


Am I reading this right? Cardiac sudden death has outpaced the traditional #1 killer in every single modern society. Not just outpaced, but absolutely crushed.


See line 2. Does "Road Toll" mean vehicle deaths or just average rates of CA before? If this is vehicle, this is a huge red pill.

-New research shows cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death for Australians under 50, but many victims have no prior symptoms

-Researchers say the cardiac arrest death rate is more than five times the road toll in the same age group

+They say improved genetic testing could help to significantly lower the death rate

Edit: Fixed link


Salty Cracker showed a school shooting today that you didn't hear about because the shooter is black.

He goes on to say this is a Nazi tactic which is true. How many of you wanna bet if a Nazi supporter fired into a group of Jews that it wouldn't even make the news, but OH MAN what if a Jew had fired into a group of Germans what would had happened?

And then that leads into a interesting question. Are they trying to manufacture an entire generation of racists with all this woke crap? Are we expected to believe the "great swap" of the 60's ended centuries of Democrat racism?

Truth is, no one in Gen X/Millennial are racist. You see it time and time again with false racist graffiti and threats that turn out to be false or perpetrated by minorities instead.

If the Democrats goal is to make America racist again and go after minorities, they would have a hard time with the current population of adults. But the kids they are molding.....makes you think 🤔


I had a rather "eye opening" experience with a Facebook bot account just now. I'll admit, I've always wondered if it's either social media bot farms being allowed to operate openly on these platforms or the platforms themselves. I did not 100% know which was the case until now.

The bot states "I see in your profile that you supported the truckers insurrection" and then says I'm racist lol.

But here's the thing, I even went through to double check, I do NOT have a single post up on my PUBLIC feed of the Canadian freedom protests. None.

It's only in my friends only view.


Please send all the best patriots to follow.

Also for laughs, who are the most notorious commie lunatics to pass my time with


Oh lord help me lol.

Quick Background: HR hires em', then sends them to my account.

What Happened: So today I was in for a treat apparently. My new employee has arrived and I tell her where to go on the phone.

In walks a obvious lesbian, hair with homemade dyes of every color of the rainbow, pants baggier than most street kids and I'm not even kidding, an overwhelming smell of cat piss.

My underling who knows I'm based AF choked on his coffee and made a quick exit to his office and left me stranded to welcome this new employee lmao.

I'm not even kidding you guys, when we sat down to do paperwork, holy crap this was a shit show. EVERY single page had it's rounds, but the more notable ones I can remember were:

-Social Security #: "I don't want to give you it because it's a capitalist's tracking device."

-$1 a month to a well known Charity we do annual donations to: She marks "no". I ask why: "Your company makes millions of dollars a year and they can donate if they care so much, way more helpful than my dollar."

-Paid Holidays: She freaking crossed out Thanksgiving and wrote Indeginous People's Day

Guys lol, wish me luck on this one! I think I'm going to need it and A LOT of patience.


I'm getting sick of this.

(Update for questions)

  • I didn't ask the family members if they have gotten the shot. Personally, I really want to, but that is extremely bad form since they are grieving.

  • As for employee, same thing. I'm wanting to say I heard him say he got the shot before, which really surprised me because he was pure bread Alabamian redneck. However, he was 67 and in poor health. But no severe health issues I was ever aware of. His death was a shock to us all.


Does anyone have any sources that break down how bringing in a self induced civil war or economy collapse triggers a financial change to Socialism?

I know Glenn Beck covers the Great Reset constantly, but I'm looking for a breakdown on how or what strategy would be used once a war or economic collapse is then manipulated into the new world economy.

It's to help red pill people and education.


Out of nowhere just remembered not personally seeing anything about it. But I did have a 6 day, 14 hour day work stint that went on for 4 months a little while ago so I missed alot.


We all know the FBI is the political gestapo of the DNC. It's become so apparent that it's a known fact throughout society.

So when this case hit mainstream, and their moment to shine and attempt to save face with normies, what do they do?

First, let's look at the big game changers that occured that actually helped the case.

  1. Hiker vlogger is the one who found the van and told them where it was.

  2. Random rednecks deer cam spotted the killer in the woods the FBI said was cleared

What has the FBI done? The obvious suspect just walked out the house one day and disappeared.

They cancelled their search of the woods it turned out he was still in.

This is what happens when you hire someone based on their political litmus test instead of abilities.

FBI just needs to be dismantled. US Marshalls needs to replace multi state jurisdiction


Anyone else see this lol? I'm all for seeing us back in space, but either I've been working too many hours or this Bezos thing came out of nowhere


Election waker. Still learning the real world.

Putin? Is it just me or is it really hard to put a finger on this guy?

I'm convinced he had something to do with stopping Clinton stealing the election and seems to genuinely want to stop America becoming a socialist company against China's wishes.

Maybe a play to weaken his neighbor?

What do you guys think about him and his motives?


Because that current one is fuuuuuuugly!


If I was a evil sick bastard with billions of dollars and have eaten enough children to be in the club, who would I take with me to serve me after the mass extinction?

People who I know will be so infuriated and know what I did and try to kill me? Or dumb as rocks sheep who I can always count on to do my bidding?

What you guys think?

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