I'm sure plenty of you know me from over on .win. I've never been ashamed of my knowledge and absolute belief that Q is legitimate. Iv spent hundreds and hundreds of hours fighting with people from our own side to at least get people to become neutral to Q, if not positive towards it. It is a tough fight and gets extremely frustrating, especially when you're having to do it with your own side of this war, but every second of it is worth it..... We are the entrusted ones. We are the ones that have been around and received enough absolute proof that there is no question left as to whether or not Q is legitimate and is someone extremely close to Trump. I only wish it were easier to show others, but that is the nature of the operation, it's not supposed to be easily understood or followed. If it were it would have never made it as far as it did before getting crushed... But since that was the case, it bought us enough time to gain enough followers that it became impossible to crush or slow down.

I will never give up and I will definitely never surrender. I just needed to take a little break from over there and vent a little bit over here with, hopefully, like-minded people. I don't want to get trapped over here though, in an echo chamber, because it isn't good for any of us. I want to keep spreading the message and gaining more followers from our own crowd where possible.

Wish me luck!