I've been watching from a far on GA.WIN since the stolen election, first post...

Well, it finally happened. I have been terminated because my employer accused me of attending a restaurant knowing that I am unvaccinated. No proof, strictly accusations. For context, I manage an Oral Surgery Centre and have made my position clear from the very start. This marks the 4th time they have sat me down and tried to belittle me for my position. Termination letter doesn't include any severance, nor my bonus that I was due to receive December 23, 2021. Entirely spiteful and hate filled.

My family are continuously being painted as second class citizens.

My father, an Anesthesiologist of 25 years was given the "Vaccinate, or terminate" policy at his hospital. The very same man who worked during the pandemic, when other Doctors saw it as an opportunity to take vacation. Got COVID, and has an antibody test to prove he's immune. They won't hear it.

He's now unemployed, but rest assured, he's a dog and is in the trenches fighting unlike the other 2 Doctors who failed to comply - scared of potential backlash. Cowards.

My mother, a Nurse of 45 years also lost her job in a long term care facility for which she also worked the entire scamdemic and literally worked to keep the place a float when they were so short staffed. She too had COVID, but you guessed it, they won't hear it.

Last one standing is my brother. He's in the Canadian Military and he's refusing to comply with this bullshit - as he should. Important hearing today. He's one of four that refuse. Let's see how long he lasts. Here's a link to an article posted today.


Now, I will admit. The worst part of losing our jobs is not the job itself. It's watching your parents stress, in a time where their lives should be stress free. It's watching those who were "friends" hide in the corner. It's watching these entitled scumbags get away with murder - literally and metaphorically.

If you made it this far, I appreciate it.

Thank you all. The fight continues.