Castle Rock (www.bitchute.com)
posted ago by DigitalValkyrie ago by DigitalValkyrie

Don't let the shills get you down today. They are thick as thieves on the boards.

You can recognize them by there uninformative post with titles meant to appeal to your fears (just like their masters).

Yes, we have fears. But, we the brave must move past them just like the soldiers who crossed the Delaware and trudged through snow in barefeet. At least, we don't have to contend with snow.... just shills.

Keep up your faith. If you haven't read through the GESARA act, the recent 1776 Patriot article posted on whitehouse.gove, or learned about Maritime Admiralty Law - now is the time.


I have seen a lot of requests by people wanting to red pill family and friends. Here are my recommendations.

I have successfully red pulled people starting with the documentary Loose Change. You can find it on Bitchute. It gives a nice history of the Cabal and its impacts on finance and social systems. It may not make them a believer in 9/11 at first, but it will create a LOT of questions in their head. It starts opening their mind. Let it sink in. https://www.bitchute.com/video/grNfWLX6vdNM/

Then watch Collapse by Michael Ruppert which helps answer those questions and also covers the history and impacts of the cabal. Also, found on BitChute. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eP2epnWVvDYq/

Once this foundation is made and their heads are filled with questions, start showing election interference information. Joshua Phillips video, The Plot to Steal America is a great presentation. https://www.bitchute.com/video/F6F5ACbGnTac/

And, Planet Lockdown, which is presented by a very rational professional woman that appeals to the more stubborn. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LCciE2RneHfs/

At this point, Q can be introduced The Plan to Save the World, the history and purpose of Q . https://www.bitchute.com/video/7pQrZqEMmrh2/


The Fall of the Cabal https://www.bitchute.com/video/MYHTpUW9KAXQ/ thanks anon!

Out of the Shadows https://www.bitchute.com/video/hiv21otcJWKV/ via bitslide Thanks QuantumPsychosis!


Like several of us, I watched the live stream of the vatican blackout event this morning. One thing that most people have neglected in talking about this event is that you can hear the bells ringing near the end of the blackout. I had commented on it right away, but I think my comments haven't been noted.

I found a link that show a clip of the live feed where you can here the bells start at the 2:20 mark, then pauses for 8 seconds at the 2:40 mark, then resumes at 2:48 mark and continues through the end of the clip.


I noted my local time for the start of the bell as 2:00an ATL and 7:00am Rome. The bells continued to ring until 2:23am ATL or 7:23 Rome. 23 minutes of continuous ring.

In my comments, I noted that the ringing had started after the lights started coming on. But this video show the ring started before the staircase first became lit.

I've been searching for more information about why those bells would be ringing. So far, these links are the only thing substantial



This one talks about extended ringing.


So what would cause this ringing to start and go on for 23 minutes?

I tried to analyze the ring but I don't have the right equipment to do this from the video. The first set does sound like 4 tolls, a slight pause, followed by 7 peals... I assume for 7am, but what of the ringing that occurs after 8 seconds. Its not melodic as far as I can tell.

Perhaps it was a glitch from the outage

I'd like to get some clarity on this.

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