It feels like nothing has been happening for like 6 months already but irs literally just a month. They habe activated the time dilation field
It feels like we are stuck in some kind of time hole. Feels like a month already but its just 11 days
who would have thought THAT its insane! hidden in plain sight

now everything makes sense
maybe related to the chinese communist party?
I was watching the NTD live stream of the congress and the audio of the congressmen cut out and suddenly you could hear an asian woman speak something? dunno if it was chinese or another asian language.
anyone else heard this? was like 3 seconds.
is it over now? its the long awaited jan 6th and this site is DEAD now after pence cucked out. Why can no one explain wtf is going on? wtf is this SHIT
the trumps mention the 17 a lot this day