Anyone got a hunch on these documents Trump apparently flushed down the toilet? I don't believe for a moment he had boxes of classified documents just lying around at Mara Lago but will this go anywhere?
I always thought when Donald Trump came on the scene as President this would all happen during his Presidency .. it has become clear that he was never going to be the one to drop the hammer on the DS in a public way ... way too many people have been brainwashed to hate him sadly. It takes me to the thought that what if one of the Lefts precious Elites either (Political or Hollywood) came out in a very public way and red pilled them on the truth ... someone that has been held in high esteem and they believe everything that comes out of their mouths. I know we have all read "No deals" but could it be a possibility to open peoples eyes??
If America is so Reeeeeecist how did Michael Jackson, The Supremes, Aretha Franklin, Nat King Cole, Stevie Wonder etc ever become so famous and have such successful careers???