I need help!! My grandma was of stellar health, no alchohol, no smoking and covid is wrecking her. She is scared of mrna poison. Where can we find Ivermectin in Restin VA?

Please, info will help. Any recipe to kill the virus is appreciated! Dont want to lose my granny. Shes the only immediate family I have,

Conservation has a formula. In this decade, we can conclude that the American experiment is over and what we found was: when we grow too large and become ideologically incompatible, while we don't shrink...we lose the country.

The path forward having lost the culture war is to focus on what we can change: who can we influence? Influencers! The brightest amongst us must fight with us to challenge Texas vs. White. Instead they react to Tik Tok videos.

The answer is severing the reach of tyrants and their foot soldiers, because when your constitution is interpreted by Marxists, it cant help you, jurisdiction is far more powerful. You lost the culture war.

YOU LOST THE COUNTRY AND THE CULTURE. Even if it isn't true you have to fight like it is. There are tens of millions of people who don't vote because they know elections are SELECTIONS. Galvanize that group into voting to split the Union. People are desperate and looking for a way out. People are feeling as if their futures are stolen. They will not be willing to walk into a gym with you to "Vote Harder"..they will be willing to decentralize and Call a Convention of States, before not after the result of the next election.

Secessionists and separatists have the answers now. Our futures are that grim.

Prophecy has told us to flee Babylon, Lest we partake in her sins, Lest we want her plagues. The Union must dissolve. No president is going to save you if they are not a decentralizing player. Rise to the occasion or you will have a global regime of the likes Rome could not acquire for itself to live under. Choose secession. That is your play now.

First let me say, when and if there is ever a Republican president…. Our progressive or communism problem does not go away. We are ideologically incompatible. To truly put this country back on a track, we have to become authoritarian and pack the Supreme courts, abolish the IRS and clean out all four and three letter agencies; the constitution must be amended to restrain government from instituting socialism and communism… and to avoid ethnic cleansing of whites, those who pose the most threat the the white race have to go back home. That requires deportation of African Americans who at this point hate this country and can and should receive reparations from Africa. What president or administration is going to be that cut throat????? I’m radical enough to not give a snot, is Trump? Honestly, what needs to happen will never happen. We have to split the country apart, via secession. Or, we can be ethnically cleansed. We need to block federal overreach. Avert social credit scores. That is all we need worry about.


If you are white you don’t have a future in two years, or five. This is not fear-mongering, this is truth telling. You are being replaced. You are being framed for every injustice, every oppression… you don’t have secret service agents protecting you. Donald Trump deserves justice, but he just told you he hasn’t considered the abuse you take as you participate in a rigged election to ensure he gets his justice. Where the fuck is yours?? Here’s a hard pill: If you continue to participate in a rigged election, you take the wheel and you drive the parasites who hate you away from the cliff, and they’ll do everything they can to return to the cliff. Things are so bad now between race relations, I would like to say: Fuck progressives. They deserve to eat shit and get trapped in the system they voted for, where they have a digital currency and social credit score. I will not fight for a progressive or save any one of them from a fire, and over my cold dead corpse will I stop Marxism from swallowing them up. They voted for modern day slavery, let them have it. If you fix their elections, you save them from themselves. You spend years fighting corruption for the pendulum to swing left again. Sincerely, wake the fuck up! You want to do this shit every two years? Or do you want to be segregated by ideology?? Disunion and Secession is the order of the day. When Texas goes, other red states must follow. This is the real MAGA movement. We don’t have a republic to save, we have a new republic to form! It makes more sense to be in a union with 15 to 20 states than to be in this Union with 59 states who are not ideologically compatible. It’s time to ask ourselves if this is the hill worth dying over. It is far more humiliating to be a part of their Democracy…. So dear Patriots… ask yourself this… If you don’t have a choice in walking away from a Union you don’t consent to being a part of, were you ever free? what the fuck is freedom if you can’t peacefully form your own republic and secede?? Message: Secede for your children, and never, ever, play a rigged game again. If Donald Trump was not blind off vengeance he would be president in the newly formed republic. That is MAGA!

Let me promise you, they dragged GEOTUS through the mud. They wanted him gone because he is not establishment, it is both puzzling and impressive that he wants more. In his seventh decade of life, Trump wants more. Here’s the reality…he has more of a right to get his vengeance than anyone. Believe that! Which is why I believe he is blind at this moment…. He remembers the way it felt to shock the world by beating out the Clinton’s and the bush family. I tell you this, most of his base consists of White people who are being surrounded by POC who are indoctrinated into hating Whites. AND, vaccines splintered his base. People who he told to get the vaccine who are now injured won’t vote for him again. He betrayed their trust.

I believe it is cruel to make us wait two more years to participate in an election he has no way to win. He is protected by security, we take beating in these streets. Don’t get me wrong, Donald Trump has done more for me than any other president, and I want him to get his justice, yet his justice can’t be done via federal election. Elections are settled for the next decade. Our children, especially if white, will not survive another two or five years. They can’t. We all know why. So I am saying to you people, our futures cannot hang in the balance of Donald Trump getting the ultimate checkmate. We have to secede from the Union. The headache of dividing federal and state assets will be better than living in their democracy. All of our breaths and energy we can spare must go toward this effort. Progressives and Conservatives can unite to divide. It’s time to form a New Republic. We will regret it if we don't try. Genocide can be in our future. When Will we act like it and form a new republic?

What aren’t you willing to do? Will you remove your money from banks? Will you spread the word about secession and potentially leave your home if some states do leave with Texas? Or are you comfortable? The answer is secession and disunion. Your LIVES LITERALLY DEPEND ON IT. We still have the popular vote on our side, plus millions of people who aren’t interested in voting like anarchists. We have to mobilize under one banner, A New Republic. We don’t want civil war, we want to block federal overreach. We want to stop funding our own demise, and virus leaks at labs, and stop funding Ukraine and other wars. We are not called to a battlefield per se, we are called to a disunion. With every stranger you see, wish them a good morning and ask them if they’ve heard about the Secession movement. Don’t ask anything else. Plant the seed. The Union our ancestors knew is done. Let progressives get swallowed up in the new system of slavery. Push that your governors know the needle is moving toward a secession. We have retired intelligence officers and federal workers and military generals on our side. We can rebuild our institutions and keep our Constitution and Bill of Rights in a NEW FUCKING REPUBLIC! You are watching red counties inside blue states softly secede. You watched California and Vermont frame impressive session models. They never pulled the trigger. We must! I am preparing to move my money out of banks, sell most furniture and leave everything I know behind. I’m willing to be uncomfortable, leave my job, etc. Because I understand that the the consequences of staying in this Union are worse than the headache it is to start all over. State assets and Federal must be divided, our state militaries have to Unite while we remain armed, former generals will have to negotiate our own terms and conditions with other countries for allies. If you want to fight for something. That is your fight. If you are in a Blue State but in a red country, you have to be willing to migrate the way your ancestors did. You are not above or beneath secession. Secede and make your founding fathers proud. They told us when to do it. The time is now. Prepare and call your state and local government to tell them you want OUT Of The UNION.

All, I want to share with you all what my shitty political science degree has at least taught me, which is, The difference between positive freedom and Negative freedom. Republican and Democrat are merely vehicles. Here’s why we have two political vehicles in this country. You only need two! There are only two kinds of political animals. The king that grow government or shrink it. If you endorse positive freedom you want the government to grow and remain in the positive… so as it applies to the Republicans we have appointed for years…they have been conservative but they are pro POSITIVE Freedom… they believe they can achieve their aims by growing government. Our ignorances have been preyed upon. We endorse Negative Freedom but we vote for conservatives who endorse positive freedom. You know them by their policies. Libertarians, classical liberals, anarchists, patriots and conservatives who endorse NEGATIVE Freedom are our base. We achieve our aims by shrinking government and keeping them in the negative. The federal government is filled with people who are diverse ideologically by appearance but they all grow government. So this is why you feel there is a UniParty. There technically is. They sit on opposite aisles for optics. Prepare on a state level to fight for a secession. Gather as much information about secessionists as you can. No that you have intellectuals and former government officials who understand Republics. The future will look like we have to divide state and federal assets and leave the Union to form our own. 15 to 25 states will follow. Texas has already drafted the papers. Your military will consist of a blend of all state governments and national guards. We literally have Former generals who can and will be appointed right away to assume their new titles to negotiate with other countries pertaining to nuclear weapons.. we will need to ally with countries who have these powers temporarily as the transition occurs. Sorry, we lost the Republic. It’s time to challenge secession. Our founding fathers would be proud of us… Dear Patriots it’s time for a new republic. It will be a headache, but this is your hill to climb. We must secede from the Union. It is the most Patriot and brave act. It is what will preserve what is left of the republic. Move as if this is the goal. Adapt one brain, like your enemy. Let them live in the cage they build for themselves. Leave the Union. Prepare for alternative currency. Mobilize, and remember, the individuals in Washington DC are all Positive Freedom endorsing puppets with exception of a few… if we took the senate and the house Biden would have ruled by Executive order anyway.. They will pack the court, they will lower the voting age and make universal voting legal and come for our gun rights… We do not have to comply. If our parents fought in literal wars, our war is to simply be uncomfortable and migrate if we must to States that leave the Union to form their own. This is the path forward. The universe is blocking your path to congress and senate because it was never your path to victory. I’m sure you’ll disagree until Trump says the same I am saying. Secede or die in the liberal world order. Call your state representative and tell them where the needle is moving. California and Vermont have secession models that are brilliant already in place. They never amounted to anything, because the people wanted to stay in the Union to see what the future held. We already know what the future holds. #Secession