Doctor_Deuce 4 points ago +4 / -0

A little late to the thread but I’ve been following along and thinking critically. I have no idea if, as some have speculated before, Q is a group supported by quantum computing resources, or even what that would imply. But generally, I prefer to keep things simple, as the principle of Occam’s Razor reminds us and I believe Q often does as well.

In prompting us repeatedly to always “think logically,” it seems to me that Q is advising that logic is applied to reason our way through what other’s might deem “magic” or “mystery” or whatever. As Arthur C. Clarke posited within his three laws, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” So I’m saying, let’s not be fooled by advanced technology and start wandering down rabbit holes of magic. Maybe Q has a probabilistic engine of some kind that enables more precise predictions, I don’t know. But I would prefer to assume it’s based in some advanced science and not some magic.

Q asks lots of leading questions, always has and that’s been the historic Socratic method of teaching and reasoning. Q has asked “when does a bird sing.” Ok, but why would we assume he’s referring to a bird in a cage, or not in a cage, like the cartoon Tweetie bird always evading the cat? Take the question at face value - a bird, any bird in nature - sings in the morning and “after the storm.” The post above even alludes to it at the end, “the calm before the storm.” Here’s a famous quote to add further support: “ Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?” - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.


So fellow Patriots, I take this OP and thread to remind us that in 2017 Q foretold of events we observe this week, but reminded us in other posts about the birds that sing as a hint for reassurance. I suspect Huma is one of those birds, and the stark contrast of her posting now after such a long silence - regardless of who’s actually behind the post, we don’t know - is in my estimation a signal that Q advised us to watch for - the bird has sung, the storm is over. Nothing can stop what is coming now, white hats are in charge, relax, sing if you like, just watch what happens with dispassion.