Type and search QAnon in the google. Here are a few notable information I have found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon https://theqanons.com/


A lot of those Democrats claim Trump has no evidence of voter fraud. In case you forgot, our right to free speech has been totally hampered. We were all taken down in Big Tech's social media for many strange excuses. The right's ability to show information or evidences to the public are totally restricted, reduced, banned, censored, etc. Our ability to communicate to each other has been intercepted and taken advantage. We were deprived of our Freedom of Speech.


Have anyone noticed this anomaly? It's obvious that what you see is what you get. Are Biden's supporters too afraid of COVID to go out? The Democrats love lies and deception. Their numbers are just fake. That includes their votes too.


Now, they are using them as false witnesses in a political trial against Trump.


If Trump incited his supporters to riot in the Capitol then all of his supporters should have went and riot inside the Capitol. But this is not true. Trump's instructions were not clear at best. We were just there to protest. The prosecutor of Trump's impeachment accused Trump of inciting a mob to riot. He strings words from different instances and inserted his own opinions and stories to show Trump was at fault. He also blames Trump for the burning of the church. This guy is a liar and uses the word "truth" as a play for his lies. Trump told his supporters to march to the Capitol and do a peaceful protest. Trump didn't incite the mob; it's the Democrat's Antifa provocateurs who dressed as fake Trump supporters, incited, led, and engaged in violence. There were deceived Trump supporters who went along with Antifa provocateurs. Yet there were real Trump supporters who tried to stop those Antifa provocateurs from engaging in violence. While Antifa led some Trump supporters into the Capitol, most of the Trump supporters were protesting outside the Capitol (See https://youtu.be/DlOWomcfOmA). Concerning the burning of St. John's Church, they were actually burned by BLM supporters. Rioters Burn Historic St. John's Church in D.C., Deface Monuments Across the City https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/paula-bolyard/2020/06/01/breaking-rioters-burn-historic-st-johns-church-in-d-c-deface-monuments-across-the-city-n474820 President Trump walks across Lafayette Park to St. John's Church https://youtu.be/5ShnqmiKLE8 Therefore the prosecutor lies again.


US Constitution Article 2 Section 4 Impeachment: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

We are not looking for murky and deep hidden meanings in the US Constitution. We must stick to what the writers of Constitution primarily intend it for. The impeachment is the power to remove a sitting public official. It doesn't said there you should disqualify someone indefinitely. The Democrats are trying to permanently ban Trump from holding public office. Permanent ban is tyranny not a democracy. If people knew Trump committed high crimes and misdemeanors, they wouldn't vote for him. He will just lose elections if high crimes and misdemeanors were proven. They are putting words there that doesn't exist. It is because a professor said so. It has deep flaws based on their interpretation. The Democrats are trying to create new meanings and obscure language. They want to obtain new rules out of their interpretation. [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50931694592_80287d016b_b.jpg[/img]


This is for the majority of people whose votes are not worthless or meaningless. It is about fighting for their beliefs not for violence but struggle for doing the right thing. This is their right to protest for what is just and what is true. We saw strange individuals from Antifa who blend in with Trump supporters and commit these violence. I see politicians who doesn't care about these things. The only thing they care about is power and not serve the people. President Donald J Trump never committed high crimes and misdemeanors. What he did was gave people the voice. He made them believe and strive for positive things like making America great again. He made them believe that these positive things are worth fighting for. What's the crime in that? The opposite is actually true. The opponents of Trump who committed abuses of power, collusion, treason, stealing, corruption, and injustices are high crimes and misdemeanors. Why is President Trump a tyrant? Why would you call him a demagogue if he spends most of his life in the entertainment industry? President Trump listened to people and he agrees to their demands. He designated the White House as the People's House. Again he is the president of the people. The majority of American citizens voted for him.

Videos of Trump Reveal He and His Family are Taken as Hostages by the Deep State Trump is really in distress and needs help. It is possible that the traitors in the CIA and military got a hold of them. General Michael Flynn and Steve Pieczenik could be dead. All of Trump supporting websites are compromised by spies and traitors. Don't be angry of Trump; he is a hostage. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/trump-twitter-hostage-video_uk_5ff80fc5c5b66f3f795c9793?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFT1j6Z_N2OfqISlUrMQI4LQZzB3AgiGArqlrP8LSrzNHXutwkonQShwTK3LXKlkeaVhOGvWRrF5osIr5uToLfQo3kDkSovm6mwfLAijN-eT4w8Nx1RhkEh5uDrFWWYM66KpyYJYFQM6GGEHldZy317PA8xWR2ZAP41YnrEeoutg

I'm totally against the stealing of Nancy Pelosi's laptops if there is nothing good that comes out of it.

[img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50868771502_f56a6354c6_k.jpg[/img] There are good Jews. But not all Jews are good. There are liberal evil Jews who are power hungry and control freaks. There are also Chinese Communists helping them. They are doing things when God told them not to. They are rushing to their doom. They must stop this craziness, calm down, think logically, and do the right thing. If their fruits are evil and lies then they belong to their father the devil. I suspect they have killed Donald Trump. They have taken the Trump family hostage. They are blurring the face of a Donald Trump look-alike but not the faces of others. There are liberal media trying to cover this up: https://thatgrapejuice.net/culture/2021/01/donald-trump-offers-first-remarks-since-leaving-office-his-impeachment-trial-sets-date/, https://youtu.be/sMeJKhaQuDQ, https://starnationsnews.com/2021/01/24/first-public-comments-since-leaving-office-trump-says-hell-come-back-some-way-but-didnt-explain-how/