I've been learning more about Andrew Jackson and his place in history lately, and I must say the similarities between him and Trump are astounding. Jackson was a populist president who was for the "common man." He was hated by the elite and corrupt Washington, but somehow, by the will of the people, he was put into office. He even had his supporters at the White House, where they all celebrated his inauguration. However, the elite tried to make this sound like it was a riot and unruly (sounds familiar). Jackson was censored by the newspapers/media and seen as an outcast. He even got cheated out of an election but then came back and WON. I know this is a little random, but I had to share with you guys.
I've been learning more about Andrew Jackson and his place in history lately, and I must say the similarities between him and Trump are astounding. Jackson was a populist president who was for the "common man." He was hated by the elite and corrupt Washington, but somehow, by the will of the people, he was put into office. He even had his supporters at the White House, where they all celebrated his inauguration. However, the elite tried to make this sound like it was a riot and unruly (sounds familiar). Jackson was censored by the newspapers/media and seen as an outcast. He even got cheated out of an election but then came back and WON. I know this is a little random, but I had to share with you guys.
I have come to two possible conclusions regarding Q and president Trump. I am not a Q veteran like many of you and am much less informed. However, there is one thing that is increasingly obvious: Trump knows about Q and is directly involved. The coincidences are just too blatant and consistent. The simple fact that he hasn't denounced the movement to this day, even after it has been a point of scrutiny in the news lately, should tell you he's in on it. Why would he lead us on and refuse to denounce Q time and time again? What it comes down to is a simple question: What is the motive? The two possibilities are A) The Q plan is true and he really is fighting for the American people. B) His intentions are dark and this whole movement was designed to make us look crazy, ultimately leading to our downfall at the hands of the deep state.
You tell me which is more likely? Did the MSM and big tech attack him all these years for nothing? Has Trump ever shown any signs of corruption and deception? Would Trump follow along with a plan that would ultimately have everyone turn against him when found to be not true? I'll take my chances with A.
I know I just posted a similar post a little while ago, but I feel this quote is a perfect fit for what Trump could be trying to convey:
"Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality." -Eliyahu Goldratt
Have you ever heard the saying “luck favors the prepared?” Who do you think is the more prepared in this instance? The man with the plan DJT!