DonaldMagaTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

This confession perplexes me. Was their some kind of investigation and arrests being made in Italy by their courts/prosecutors where they got a confession outta the guy in the first place? It just seemed to come out of nowhere.

The intelligence community throws out all kinds of false info to keep everyone confused and chasing their own tails and to discredit the real evidence. Seen it a hundred times in the past. Works well.

DonaldMagaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Using that logic, Trump was responsible for Covid then...lol.

DonaldMagaTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I use to be a fan of Alex Jones. Listened to his podcast in the beginning till he scared me so much that I would literally start to wonder if vehicles parked across the street that I didn't recognize were surveilling me as a dissident. So paranoid did he make me feel, I had to stop listening to his show and only check his InfoWars page for news.

I refused to even entertain or bother to look at any information about Alex as controlled opposition anytime someone would try to warn me.

Fast forward. One day I stopped at a garage sale and to my surprise there was one of AJ's older DVD's for sale called TERRORSTORM. I picked it up for $1.00.

Later that week, I was considering watching it and turned it over to look on the back to see how long it was and if I had the time to watch it. While looking for the length of the movie, I noticed the distribution company was called Disinfo.Com and it had a stylized red devil head as it's logo. That perplexed me. Why was Alex Jones, truthteller, being distributed by a company called Disinfo.com? No less with a logo of a devil's head since he regularly called himself a Christian. Weird right? I started to watch the DVD but couldn't finish it. Straight up fear inducing production.

I couldn't shake wondering about the distribution company and devil head, so ended up googling them. Holy shit. Alex Jones was quite entangled with them. Not only distributed his DVD's but produced some and published a book of his, etc. Richard Metzger was the head of Disinfo.com. Another member of the company was a proud gay porn actor, and a girl hooked into the Council of Foreign relations (globalist organization).

Richard Metzger is a proud Marxist. His hero is Karl Marx. He's a satanist and Aleister Crowley fan. Literally ran in the circles of all the 60's/70's counter-culture agents of destruction of society and nuclear family. LSD...sex, drugs, rock and roll, hippies, communes, Communism. The MK-Ultra agents pushing that agenda.

Those were the people that got Alex Jones his start. I'm sure Alex would rather people not look up his past involvement with them but I did because of that old DVD I bought at a garage sale.

Alex Jones's role as controlled opposition? To scare you into a civil war through fear. Exactly what the globalists want. Civil war.

I could say a lot more like Alex Jones working for an intelligence company called Stratfor (also based in Austin, Texas) but this post is long enough.

Wikileaks: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/34/3442799_re-stratfor-emails-.html

DonaldMagaTrump 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ya know....after I look back on Pence's political career and associations, I see nothing that concerns me. And believe me when I say after all my years of research, I have become very good at seeing the red flags. Pence has an excellent conservative record. His policies while governor reflect his public stance. His religion isn't just a cover. He walks his talk. And I don't see any memberships/entanglements with globalist organizations, etc. Not even a whiff of scandal, corruption, in his past, etc. Family seems solid as a rock.

My first reaction when Lin Wood accused him of being a pedophile (along with others that really are pedophiles) was that it was intentional disinformation and I posted that on TheDonald.win. The purpose being that Trump could maintain plausible deniability of the words coming from Lin Wood as crazy while really "threatening" the cabal to release the info if they didn't do the right thing. Maybe the reason isn't correct with hindsight, but I still can't shake Pence playing his role as the Judas goat. Luring them in for the kill shot.

If I don't believe that, then I'd have no hope and be in mourning like a family member just died or something.

DonaldMagaTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lurker here and on past Q boards. But a well informed patriot for decades on everything you guys speak of well before Trump and Q. Hi all.

This tweet blows my mind. Hear me out. What if Trump is reverse blackmailing the traitors now and using a Dem administration to do the right thing to avoid civil war? What if he has extracted so much blackmail material while in office that he decided that...for the sake of stopping a civil war in the U.S....which is what the globalists ultimately planned to bring this country down and install One World Government, he is saying we are now in control. If Trump uses his Executive Order, there would be civil war using Antifa/BLM/etc and major bloodshed. And probably worse consequences. If he released all the blackmail material, there would be return fire of blackmail material until our Government would basically be an empty shell on both sides. Who would then occupy our government? U.N. troops to "save us"?

As much as I would like to see them all swinging by their necks, maybe he's now blackmailing them. Just a crazy thought. Or is it? Again..this tweet blows my mind.