Go from trusting the plan to strategizing a contingency? We can trust Q, sure, but what if the operation is a bust? Do we surrender to being cattle or do we organize and have something in our back pocket.

Satan corrupts good men, while I respect military, they are mortals that can be played by Satan. I'm not talking about politics or parties. I'm talking a well regulated militia... We the People weild the power, and should be prepared if our saviors fail us.

You are cheering on a pedophile. A communist. A racist (Crime Bill). 48 years in politics and has done nothing for the people. What are you cheering on? Who are you shitting on? The people that pay your fucking welfare and SNAP EBT Cards. The people that are going to snap one day and fucking decimate you. The thing is... If there is no plan and there is no law, then there's a fight for survival... And you're pissing off the people who are willing to actually give their life for what they believe, not just play on the keyboard like a half a fag basement dweller. This is a warning, repent and fuck off out of here. We know where you live, we know who you are and we know where you're going...



I am so glad I found this place, the TDW mods are dooming assholes. They hate capitalism, they hate any semblance of hope and they are hurting the movement. Maybe they'll pull their heads out of their ass, but for them or any mods on any platform to cry about free speech but then ban people from their platform for their freedom of speech is insane. We don't deserve freedom If we can't understand the basics of it. Yeah, I hate handshake accounts and other bullshit, sure...But without the freedom to speak, even trolls and assholes, what is the fucking point? Seriously?!