I disagree. They've failed to follow the constraints of the Constitution, and the only way to reconcile this is for Trump to do the same.
In effect, they've forced him to become the dictator they've always accused him as.
I think this is why they shifted the narrative on the Coronavirus. Why bother saying something as insidious as "we're experiencing a 9/11 every day?"
At best, it's a disgusting comparison. At worst, it's an appeal to lessen the travesty of their own crimes.
He loves his Q-cumbers.
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I don't know that we disagree as much as we have a different view of what's happening. There is no Constitutional remedy left, which forces Trump into a situation where he must either accept the current path, or put us onto a path that is completely uncharted and of questionable legality.
Even if the argument is successfully made that treasonous results cannot stand, you're going to have violence from the left. They simply aren't going to accept it, no matter how you air the crimes and grievances committed by the offending parties.
What should come next is morally correct, but it's a hard argument to call it constitutional.