It’s time to wake up now. The experiment is over.

Looking for good “authentic” sources on CH

posted ago by Drk2Lt ago by Drk2Lt

Not dooming, just a realist that has a life to live (like everyone else). I sacrificed three solid years following, decoding, analyzing, red pilling and now I’m the village idiot. Hope the movement did actually have a plan, but I’m no longer involved. Really, honestly pray this is the “10 days of darkness” (not meaning blackouts, but DARK TIMES)... I slept on this after yesterday (inauguration) and decided I would have been in this position either way. Whether exposure of elicit activities, arrests, or both took place. And for all those I’ve attacked in the past, sorry.


There IS a plan B, but it’s really fucking ugly. We essentially lost ground today, but our republic isn’t lost forever. We barely survived 8 years of Obama and within another 4 are going to pick up where we left off. A Biden administration will devastate our way of life (but advance the leftists agenda and preferred way of life). Breitbart was correct in claiming this is a cultural war designed to alienate those that don’t follow the global agenda. Is there still time to see some shit go down, sure. Will we, I don’t know. What I do know is that sitting idly by while ONE man takes on the cabal doesn’t work....


Our country is about to experience a very dark moment. Pease take the time to pray for those brave volunteers in uniform in harms way. God bless all of them! We are living in the greatest era of human existence; embrace it fully!!!


No matter what happens at this point patriots, we will soon find out the plan. Stay strong in your faith, your patriotism, and your support for what is right!


I can’t help but think that there’s even more depth to Q (or, the Q we’ve all come to know over the years). What if Q is just a name and central figurehead of a GLOBAL movement (not the global movement Q mentions in drops) but of other patriots in foreign governments and militaries of the world? It’s habbening everywhere right now. A great awakening of the highest magnitude!


It’s clear to me the mods here have began their run for the hills. Shills and doomers everywhere, yet, where are the boots? Promises know the rest


Patriots stay the course, we owe it to our POTUS. For over 3 years many of us have been sacrificing much of our time to peel away the layers of this operation. Some drops currently have much more relevance now than ever before! Hop on your favorite Q-agg and & re-read the drops!!!


22&23 Think Lincoln April 15 1861–Fort Sumpter (or capital building)

35 Think messages to public “Spill over” in the streets

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