People can't defeat their enemy until they know their enemy. Who is the enemy? Our country's national pride, resources, and sovereignty are under attack by wealthy, globalists who hide behind the front of the World Economic Forum.
The reality is that elitist occultist billionaires have been putting their globalist boot prints on the world for well over a hundred years. These people took control of the world banking system and engineered predatory monopolies over many emerging industries in the late 1800s. The 1800s were a time when the world's wealthy upper class fell in love with occultism and Luciferianism, creating groups like Yale's Skull and Bones secret society in 1832. Skull and Bones has created numerous US presidents and people in charge of US foreign policy and major business, which shows that they were well-organized and networked from the beginning.
Powerful elitists with occultist sentiments joined a trans-Atlantic club called the Pilgrim's Society in 1902, and later worked with the massive estate left in Cecil Rhodes' will to promote globalist one world government by any means possible. Some of the people overseeing Rhodes' money were British empire opium traders. The opium trade was legal in Britain until 1920, the year that prohibition started in the US, and bootleg drugs and alcohol fueled organized crime that connected to this group of global billionaires, including Canada's Br*nfman family.
All western intelligence agencies were created outside of the control of representative government and became the tools of these elite occultist criminals. Allen Dulles, early head of the CIA, was a psychopath with long family and personal ties to bankers and global elites. J Edgar Hoover was a 33 degree freemason who was blackmailed and befriended by organized crime. Cooperating western intelligence agencies protected a global drug trade monopoly for group of elitist insiders, a trade that covered the world and included former communist countries. And this group of criminal billionaires created many globalist organizations to promote their goal of total control of the planet through one world government, partly using this dirty money to maintain their control. "Philanthropic" organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation have quietly put their money everywhere to promote globalism.
The Club of Rome was created in 1968 by a set of sinister elites who recruited the likes of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. They decided upon making "climate change" a highly politicized football, with much media propaganda and government political interference in what is funded as "science". The World Economic Forum (originally with a different name) was created in 1972 by Henry Kissinger student and disciple, Klaus Schwab, and worked with the Club of Rome.
Many crimes have been done by the most recent club of unethical billionaires who have an inside track on government... with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, and key companies like Google and Pfizer in the roster. They can be identified because they are fronted by the World Economic Forum, a group so "democratic" that they demand that people pay tens of thousands of dollars just to attend one of their events.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has sponsored a huge number of globalist political puppets for leadership training, among them Merkel, Macron, Blair, and more recently Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and even Michelle Rempel Garner! They intend on controlling every side of the political spectrum.
Anyone connected with the WEF (and Trudeau has flooded his cabinet and government bureaucracy with them) is a traitor to Canada because the WEF wants to remove government sovereignty and usher in a one world government that will be run by occultist billionaires.
COWARDICE! noun. a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person. adjective. lacking courage; very fearful or timid. proceeding from or expressive of fear or timidity: a coward cry
all the normies who know what their doing is wrong! Protecting themselves and harming our children in the process! You my normie friends are cowards. You are 2021 in a nutshell