With Bitcoin almost hitting 100k, what are your thoughts and is it worth buying now because it'll only go up from here? Or will their be a dip opportunity?


Is it worth to dollar cost average stocks and other investments like crypto and gold right now? It might sound stupid but I'm a youngster who's starting their first full time job in a trade and they offer 401k and match and am wondering if it's worth opting in, especially in this climate, if things may drop deep?


I know theirs some fuckery behind it but where's the discussion at? When do u think this bubble will burst?


to put this as simple as possible. Is the economy going to dump more and then eventually go back up, indicating a buying opportunity in stocks, real estate, etc. Or is all going to zero? Would I be safe if I invest in good companies or is it not worth it all,because the USDollar may go to zero? What are your thoughts? Should I take this as a buying opportunity or embrace the possibility of a complete financial collapse where my money is now toilet paper?

Im just a broke trade school student unsure about this whole shitty clown show, and dont want all of my money to go down the drain.

To go off topic a bit, Would trump even let that happen, because if you introduce a new financial system, what are you going to do if millions of hard working middle class Americans lose all their wealth from the old system?

What website do i use to buy a trump card, is collecttrumpcards.com the only one. On that website it says their only 99$ but people are saying its gone up in value so im very confused. Is it on opensea also? Where are u seeing the price go up?


To put this simply terms, how far do you think the stock market will sink and how long itll prolong?

👀 (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Eagle77 ago by Eagle77
3 YEAR DELTA COMING UP (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Eagle77 ago by Eagle77

Im lost tbh, just a young pede wanting to learn.


Right, would you agree with that statement? Sounds about right to end it off on July 4th?

WTF? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Eagle77 ago by Eagle77
WTF? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Eagle77 ago by Eagle77

Does the ruling the SC made against NY and their conceal carry laws only affecr NY or does it affect other states as well? Been busy so lots of the news lateky is just fragments.


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