I've been a lurker for many months now. This audit was THE THING that to me was going to kick everything off. Physical, undeniable proof of the bullshit lies and cheating that we've seen. NO ONE would be able to pretend anymore. We could send in the military and get this shit finally done.

I've been watching the cameras as much as possible. They sit open on my desktop anytime I am using the computer. So far everything looks on the up and up to me and that's exactly how I expected it to be.

But this thing is starting to drag out. If they had overwhelming proof wouldn't they be able to show it by now? I lay awake at night thinking 'My God, what if? What if...and I can't even form the words in my head. But I have to. What if they don't show the numbers we need? Seriously. In my heart I KNOW we won this thing. But what if the cheat was so good that these guys missed it?

I fell asleep with that on my lips last night and had a nightmare that this came true. That they audit concluded and they said there wasn't enough proof to bring Trump back. I remember sitting in my kitchen with my wife and son and his wife and we all were physically ill over it. We just looked at each other with horrible empty eyes.

I woke up and had to assure myself that it was just a dream. But its been digging at me all day.

What can we do if this happens? Is there a Plan B...or...what...Q?

Preparedness has always been a mainstay at my household. Has anyone talked about being prepared for that contingency?