and the sheep arent waking up! Infact, they're doubling, tripling down.
Here in Australia a lot of people have now lost their jobs, likely to be homeless.. Im seeing stories of 30+ years teachers, drs, nurses, dentists, tradies... basically people from all walks of life being sacked over a ILLEGAL mandate for a non approved experimental drug and yet our constitution does nothing to protect us.
We are here because we trust the plan & i'm going to be honest, the plan is the only thing that is going to save us. Everyone says "trump wont save you its up to you"
Well we've been protesting for months, every day, every weekend and the government + media call us right wing neo nazi terrorists & the public go along with it.
I guess im just upset because the world around me is falling apart and its out of my control
I live on the West Coast, since covid came about, we have been locked down 3 times, for just a few days. We have had a somewhat normal life throughout this whole time
Now, the state government is mandating vaccines and its come to the point where my wife can no longer work in the hospital as she needs her first jab by oct 1. She is also 12 weeks pregnant but they claim the vaccine is safe for pregnant woman.
The government keep creating new laws to suit their agenda and they cant be stopped. I have always trusted the plan, and i still do but its easy to get disheartened when the globalists agenda start happening in real time, personally affecting my family. Looks like its a long road ahead and im starting to question whether it was the right thing bringing a baby into this world, as it is right now.
Just wanted to rant....