I saw a video a while back of a woman/girl giving a speech in front of either the UN or Congress. She was fueling war efforts (possibly Iraq war), but it was later found out she was the daughter or relative of someone in government. Anyone have any info about that?



I've noticed Trump always refers to Jack Smith as Jack Smith (?) or some iteration of that. Has anyone done a deep dive into Smith?

Vote on Twitter! (media.communities.win)
posted ago by ExDem ago by ExDem

Just working out a theory.


If you haven't voted, vote!!! Let's go my brothers and sisters!!


I think it's genius.

I was trying to figure out why PA has to choose between a Retard and a Democrat (Oz) and it hit me. Trump might not have been able to find a MAGA Republican in every state. Maybe, in those cases, he is picking the most conservative or most blackmailable Democrat he can find and convincing them to run as a Republican, then endorsing them. It sucks, but it's better than just giving up on that state.


Could that have been comms from real POTUS to NK using the Kamel?

Just a thought.


Greg Phillips is working to find out if the "Nazis" which showed up at Turning Point USA's summit were actually democratic party operatives.

I think we can help by comparing past instances the fed boys showed up and see if we can compare people the masked individuals to see if the same operatives are at different events.

If you know of any videos/ pics, please post in a reply.


I watch a lot of news (both sides) and I've noticed a huge uptick in "QAnnon" talk. Especially on the left wing MSM.

Makes me think they are trying to get out ahead of something. Hmm.


This is why none of the COVID response makes any sense. Keeping states in a "State of Emergency" gives Governors power to subvert laws. The NEED this for 2022 and are hoping to hold onto it for 2024. Mail in ballots, media suppression in that they can inundate us with COVID related news as opposed to their corruption.

The state of emergency needs to be lifted on all states NOW!

Anyone else having a lot of issues with glitches when using TheDonald sub?


Hey guys,

I’m not vaccinated, relatively good health, 38yo man. Just tested positive for COVID.

I live in South Orange County CA and and wondering if y’all know of any doctors that offer early treatment like ivermectin, remdesivir, antibody treatment.

Thanks in advance.

Edit** I have to say, you all are awesome. Appreciate all the advice.


we need to stop calling them incompetent. They are not. They have BILLIONS of our tax dollars invested in every move they make. We are America. Our government knows what they are doing. So not matter how "dumb" or "reckless" or nonsensical something they do looks... it was well thought out.

They do everything for a reason. We should always ask "What is the reason?"


It’s one of the most important events held in a while.


Although there are many other legitimate things to worry about, those things are meant to divide our attention and thin out their enemies (All of us).

Mask mandates are important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.

Vaccine bullshit is important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.

Our border, corruption, BLM, Antifa, the “insurrection”, ALL OF IT is important, but you are fighting a fucking useless battle if our elections are rigged!!!!!!

I get it, but we have to win the WAR, not every battle. If we get our elections back we win.

If we get our elections back, we will win it ALL.


I am not bashing Q at all and I believe most of you will appreciate anyone who questions things. That’s what we do.

I believe we are in the greatest psyop battle for our minds the world has ever seen, so, it is fucking hard trying to figure out what is a distraction, what is fiction, and most importantly, what is the truth.

Something that has crossed my mind before is the question “What if Q is a psyop tool used to hold a rebellious group of people still for as long as possible?”

All I am saying is you could use something like this against your enemy. For example, a group of people become upset with their government, so much so the government feels they might rebel against them. What to do? Fight your own people? Or you could trick them to believe their government (the deep state) is already being assaulted and the fight is already being conducted on their behalf?

All of those people who were about to rebel would now sit back and trust that the plan is working out.

Then, you’d dribble out bits and pieces meant to reaffirm their belief.

Drag it out until little by little rebels give up, end go back to their “normal” lives.




We need to get these clips out of Trumps defense from the impeachment trial.

We need to gather them all in one place and plaster the truth behind enemy lines.

Facebook, Twitter, repost on YouTube, etc.. ALL platforms but especially the ones that are not conservative or Republican echo chambers.

These clips will wake people up!

Come on! Isn’t this part of our mission??

Shooting in PA (abcnews.go.com)
posted ago by ExDem ago by ExDem
BLM Stormed Capital. (www.liveleak.com)
posted ago by ExDem ago by ExDem


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