Jesus prepared for His warfare with the Devil through prayer and fasting. Then, when it came time for Him to engage the Enemy on the field of battle, He chose an effective weapon: the Sacred Scripture - the powerful Word of God. Satan himself tried to wield that weapon, but fumbled with it, and Our Lord skillfully parried the assault, turning the blaed back upon him. Each time the Devil attacked with the temptation to doubt or disobey God, Jesus quoted Scripture to throw him back. After three failed attempts, the Enemy withdrew (Mt4:1-11)

The Apostle Paul is often depicted in art as bearing a sword. Thats because the Holy Spirit chose him to write more books in the Bible than anyone else, and accordin to his inspired words, "the sword of the spirit...is the Word of God"(Eph6:17) Scripture is our sword against Satan! And a powerful weapon it is: "For the Word of God is living and efficient and keener than any two-edged sword(Heb4:12)

For this reason, one of the essential strategies for spiritual warfare is to fortify our lives with Scripture. We must listen carefully to the scripture and meditate on them deeply. We must read the scripture on our own daily if possible, and ponder how we can apply it to our lives.

We must also memorize scriptural texts that we can use against temptation. Then, when the Enemy assaults us, we can imitate Our Lord by effective counterassault of quoting the Word of God.

For example, if the Devil should tempt us to doubt God's faithfulness, we can reply with St.Paul, applying his words to ourselves: "God is trustworthy, by Him I was called into fellowship with His Son"(Cor1:9)

If he should accuse us, we can say with St. John: "The accuser of our brethern has been cast down!"(Rv12:10)

If he tries to frighten us, we can say to God with King David: "The Lord is my Shepherd...I fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me"(Ps23:1,4)

If Satan tries to seduce us away from God, we can say with Our Lord: "Blessed are the clean in heart, for they shall see God" Mt5:8

And if he tries to provoke us, we can say to God with the prophet Isaiah: "You keep him in perfect peace whos mind is stayed on You"(Is26:3)

Isaiah 60:1-3 ✝️ Scripture 🕊️
posted ago by ExpendableSheepDog ago by ExpendableSheepDog

1 Arise! Shine, for your light has come, the glory of the LORD has dawned upon you.

2 Though darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds, the peoples, Upon you the LORD will dawn, and over you his glory will be seen.

3 Nations shall walk by your light, kings by the radiance of your dawning.

Prayers and blessings for everyone in the dawn of radiance.


Happy presidents day everyone. I got a nasty surprise this morning. I looked at https://www.weforum.org/partners/#D and discovered the company that I work for is on the list of WEF partners. No wonder they’ve been shoving vax requirement on its employees. They were calling it the “Great Resignation” and I was calling it the “Great Reset” but I didn’t connect the dots until this morning.

I suggest everyone checks this partners page and look for your employer.


Thought this might be helpful to someone...

Ant. O lord, our God, unwearied is your love for us

Turn your ear, O Lord, and give answer

for I am poor and needy.

Preserve my life, for I am faithful:

save the servant who trusts in you.

You are my God; have mercy on me Lord,

for I cry to you all the day long

Give joy to your servant, O Lord,

for to you I lift up my soul.

O Lord, you are good and forgiving,

full of love to all who call.

Give heed, O Lord, to my prayer

and attend to the sound of my voice.

In the day of distress I will call

and surely you will reply.

Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;

nor work to compare with yours.

All the nations shall come to adore you

and glorify your name, O Lord:

for you are great and do marvellous deeds,

you who alone are God.

Show me, Lord, your way

so that I may walk in your truth.

Guide my heart to fear your name.

I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart

and glorify your name for ever;

for your love to me has been great:

you have saved me from the depths of the grave.

The proud have risen against me;

the ruthless men seek my life:

to you they pay no heed.

But you, God of mercy and compassion,

slow to anger, O Lord,

abounding in love and truth,

turn and take pity on me.

O give your strength to your servant

and save your handmaid's son.

Show me a sign of your favor

that my foes may see to their shame

that you console me and give me your help

Ant. O lord, our God, unwearied is your love for us


Life has happened. I will be unable to continue my q-clock work. Disappointing for some, a sigh of relief for others. I’ve had mixed feedback posting the daily clock crumbs.

My eyes are open now and they weren’t a year ago. I’ve joined a church and am being instructed in the ways of Christianity. Thank you to everyone, even the doomers, who have inspired me. Give thanks and praises frens.

If anyone cares, just head over to qagg.news and plug in {CLOCK 00} or whatever minute today is to get the post on the clock for that minute. Or you can browse my post history for the long form beauty of GAW. u/ExpendableSheepDog

Its been a fun ride. I hope to return in the near future.


Minute 14 :

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Minute 13 :

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Minute 12 :

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Minute 11 :

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Minute 10 :

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Minute 09 :

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Minute 08 :

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Minute 07 :

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Minute 06 :

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Minute 05 :

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2 Therefore you rebuke offenders little by little, warn them, and remind them of the sins they are committing, that they may abandon their wickedness and believe in you, Lord!

3 For truly, the ancient inhabitants of your holy land,

4 whom you hated for deeds most odious— works of sorcery and impious sacrifices;

5 These merciless murderers of children, devourers of human flesh, and initiates engaged in a blood ritual,

6 and parents who took with their own hands defenseless lives, You willed to destroy by the hands of our ancestors,

7 that the land that is dearest of all to you might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.

8 But even these you spared, since they were but mortals and sent wasps as forerunners of your army that they might exterminate them by degrees.

9 Not that you were without power to have the wicked vanquished in battle by the righteous, or wiped out at once by terrible beasts or by one decisive word;

10 But condemning them by degrees, you gave them space for repentance. You were not unaware that their origins were wicked and their malice ingrained, And that their dispositions would never change;

11 for they were a people accursed from the beginning. Neither out of fear for anyone did you grant release from their sins.

12 For who can say to you, “What have you done?” or who can oppose your decree? Or when peoples perish, who can challenge you, their maker; or who can come into your presence to vindicate the unrighteous?

13 For neither is there any god besides you who have the care of all, that you need show you have not unjustly condemned;

14 Nor can any king or prince confront you on behalf of those you have punished.

15 But as you are righteous, you govern all things righteously; you regard it as unworthy of your power to punish one who has incurred no blame.

16 For your might is the source of righteousness; your mastery over all things makes you lenient to all.

17 For you show your might when the perfection of your power is disbelieved; and in those who know you, you rebuke insolence.*

18 But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you.

19 You taught your people, by these deeds, that those who are righteous must be kind; And you gave your children reason to hope that you would allow them to repent for their sins.

20 For these were enemies of your servants, doomed to death; yet, while you punished them with such solicitude and indulgence, granting time and opportunity to abandon wickedness,

21 With what exactitude you judged your children, to whose ancestors you gave the sworn covenants of goodly promises!

22 Therefore to give us a lesson you punish our enemies with measured deliberation so that we may think earnestly of your goodness when we judge, and, when being judged, we may look for mercy.

Second Example Resumed 23 Hence those unrighteous who lived a life of folly, you tormented through their own abominations.

24 For they went far astray in the paths of error, taking for gods the worthless and disgusting among beasts, being deceived like senseless infants.

25 Therefore as though upon unreasoning children, you sent your judgment on them as a mockery;

26 But they who took no heed of a punishment which was but child’s play were to experience a condemnation worthy of God.

27 For by the things through which they suffered distress, being tortured by the very things they deemed gods, They saw and recognized the true God whom formerly they had refused to know; with this, their final condemnation* came upon them.


Minute 04 :

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Minute 03 :

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Minute 02 :

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We've rounded the clock. Welcome back to minute 01.

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