FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember POTUS signing all of the succession of government EO over the last two weeks/ I think that is why

FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 2 points ago +2 / -0

yep, this is true. However, trusting FEMA is a hard pill to swallow all by itself. But looking at the man in charge..... I am taking this risk.

FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 1 point ago +1 / -0

why did the crown have to vacate for 18 days? what mechanism forced the crown to do that?

FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what is happening right now! This is why we are going to have a new government! They even tried to get the Marines to remove Trump..... history truly repeats itself

FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 3 points ago +4 / -1

Isnt Sec of Def Chris Miller and Pompeo Sec of State?

FREEDOM_OVER_FEELING 1 point ago +1 / -0

No the emergency order that Trump put into place gives FEMA command authority over DC until Jan 24th.....

Right now in DC FEMA is in control. Operated by A civilian. Remember that Joint Chiefs of Staff letter? Who did they say they would be following the lawful orders of? That's right CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP.

FEMA has a primary mission, do you know what that is? Continuity of Government.

All those moves Trump made about the order of succession making a little more sense now?

The Military will follow civilian leadership...

Pete Gaynor..... FEMA, civilian, ex-marine Chris Miller...... DOD/Military, civilian, Directly commands SF

They are in for a rude awakening when Biden is inaugurated, completes the treason, and goes down hard.

Believe what you want... none of us are in control.

All we can hope for is this scenario.


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