Lol wtf..... If you are struggling with this topic, you need to get a better script for your red pills. This should be common knowledge.
Chemtrails and Contrails are different.
So many uses for Chemtrails..... Good and bad.
Communications. Weather Concealment National Security Solar Flare mitigation What goes up must come down.
Lol...... This one makes me laugh.
Space Force all day.
One of those flags is not like the other..... Leader of both the Republic and Corporation?
At this point..... Nothing surprises me. If someone isn't being openly crucified right now, they are or were on the take.
Bunch of Fuckwads.... Don't even realize they are all just pawns as well. Maybe rooks but scraps and disposable scum nonetheless.
Why do you care to even be on these discords?
Except he signed it 676 days from inauguration..... 666 would have been 9 days ago and we are still chatting.
Is there a hidden significance with the number 676?
Because march 16th is just a regular day.
POTUS of a bankrupt corporation with no power and no military. Man, I truly hope everyone isn't in this mindset. This truly will be a near-death experience for you.
Relax. No plan survives the first engagement with the enemy. Fluid. Everything is fluid. Once this went green.... everything is fluid.
I can see you are set in your thinking.
have a great 24 hours. tick-tock.
Yeah ok. I will save this one and revisit it in March. The goalposts are Trump as POTUS of the American Republic of the United States. With the destruction of the Cabal and the arrest and prosecution of domestic traitors and conspirators. Thats the goal post. And it is not ALL happening tomorrow at noon. Something big will but Q has always taught us to research. RESEARCH.
I am sure it does....... you do you.... I know what I am looking for. If you don't, that's on you. Where we are right now, is a point where, people who know, know.... people who think they know, "think" they know.
I know where the goalposts are. You wait for your marks...they will come, they might just not look like what you have imagined them to look like, you might not even see them straight up.... that's what I am seeing.
What are the differences between the Constitutions of today and 1870?
LOL Like the Troops won't recognize a stranger all of the sudden standing in formation with them lol..... anyone who has served knows how ridiculous that is.
lol, so many people like this today. ignorance at its finest. Those of us that actually know what is happening, know that the real date to look for is in March.
Just wait for all the doomers to show up in the next 24-48 hours. This thing is huge. It's not all going down in one day...... these events will take a week to just unfold and then weeks to finish.
This is one of the unsavable.
Hates freedom. Loves and supports pedophiles. Ignorant to history. Duped in believing covid was deadly and the flu disappeared all in one year.
These types of people I truly pity. Watch how adults run the show, the OP must mean, traffic children, bomb women and children, support and arm terrorist organizations, embezzle the nation they claim to support, make back door deals to undermine American society, give millions and millions to endangered species yet do nothing for homelessness.....
They are so twisted in their ideology, no wonder they need 92 genders, All the bathrooms but yet non of the bathrooms.
They are so starved for the truth that they make up any reality to fit their ignorance.
Imagine needing to create an account in a group you hate just to fulfill some sick need to be heard.
My theory is these governments are making way for NWO to emerge out of the UN...... They are desperately waiting foe America to fall.
look at this dude lol
From a little bit of my research 7 years ago..... NEVER VERIFIED.
That is where our only deep sea port is...... For subs..... Back then I remember seeing as how that land is controlled by CCP. it was given to them by Obama to pay off our debt.......with you collateral.....our land.
Like I said, this is my opinion only and i researched it along time ago.... It could have changed.
Submarine hunters..... Its been going on a few days now.
Red Dawn, both
Hunt for Red October
Saving Private Ryan
The Trump card
Lock Stock and two smoking barrels
World war Z
Band of Brothers
The pacific
Pearl Harbor
How long has this been counting down?
Sons of the American Revolution!!! Yes!! This is what I think. This all has to do with the real flag been captured in the 18-day window... This would have happened sooner but they brought down the towers.
I think they have finally done it! We are going to lose that yellow fringe here soon and be a restored Republic!
They never counted on the Trump card!
What color is the American color revolution?
It looks like viewing platforms, it is strangely positioned directly facing that black horse statue up front..... what is that?
Word on the street is: Ivanka in her selfie with POTUS on the way to Georgia on the 5th was not wearing her wedding ring.... now Kushner is denied at the WH maybe...... the word was Kushner kept POTUS from Gab.....
He might have been a [DS] plant into the Trump family to have an insider if TRUMP ever ran.... then when he did.... Kushner was the informant always leaking info.
Wasnt Kushner's father just Pardoned?
All speculation....
However, isn't it Kushner who was in Saudi Arabi giving the Intel to the prince to help him take down the [DS] there?
Isn't the Abraham accords a brainchild of Kushner signed off on by Trump?
yes that is my take on it. the first line is cohen to acting Nation Security
in Trump's video last night he specifically said the secret service has verified home on threats.
This is my exact thought to all "pro trump" videos after election... Like bannons war room...... Why do these channels still have a voice.....
It was easy to see the lines with this method.