145 to 61. That was the "secret vote" tally in the republican party yesterday against removing Cheney from her leadership position. Frankly, between this vote and the impeachment vote, I am done with the republican party. But unfortunately even Trump believes that another Patriot Party would not be "doable". So, folks, in every state, we need to remove through the primary process every RINO who voted for impeachment and against removing Cheney. They DON'T respect you or me, they take you and me for GRANTED, they crap on you as a voter, they think you WILL FORGET this, McCarthy just wanted to "turn the page" on this issue. We all should remember and NOT lose this fire that we have now. 2022 will be here before we all know it. We need to mobilize someway, somehow.


Might as well plant the warning flag on the beach for a HUGE probability of a false flag tomorrow in DC. My prediction, a large number of antifa/blm morons dressed up like Trump supporters are going to do something very stupid on order to take the MSM's eye off of what really may be happening.


For me, the clock starts really ticking after midnight EST Tuesday morning. They say a majority of the most successful military operations begin at or very shortly after midnight. I will be a watching.