Did anyone catch the interview? I heard parts of it, and for the most part he was harsh on Biden. but I wonder if he dropped any hints on what's to come? I'd like to listen to it again.
If Milley hates Trump so much, and actually believes he's Hitler, wouldn't he, as a tough military person at least take the liberty to take out Trump, or at the very minimum, punch him in the face and get pardoned by Biden and celebrated as an eternal hero by the Left? What military man WOULDN'T want that kind of decoration?! There are only two reasons for his behavior:
- He's a total coward and wants other people doing his bidding. He's more bark than bite and knows he won't be protected by the Deep State if he did such a thing to Trump.
- He is playing an act, or has been indicted and going along with everything to receive a shortened sentence.
Regardless of either reason, what he says is completely and utterly meaningless and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone. If #1 is true, as Trump says, then the deep state really is pathetic and is, of course, more bark than bite. If their top General can't take the liberty to do something even a weak, low test, soy boy Leftist could do, that just shows how pathetically weak they've become. Leftists and others will claim it's discipline to restrain themselves, but when has the Left EVER shown any restraint or discipline? Their power has completely diminished, and I really believe at this point, it's just the Deep State barking out orders to all of their people and hoping they're sheepish enough to comply. And as with Milley, if he's too cowardly to do anything himself, what kind of motivation would their trained assassins or false flag actors have at this point?
Just a reminder: it's all but guaranteed we're going to have major power outages throughout the summer. Unfortunately thousand of people will likely die in the name of the "environment". Biden's EPA is severely restricting power plants, and we know for a fact California, Oregon and Washington all shut down their power during high winds due to the power lines somehow being "fire hazards" despite the primary power delivery lines being solid steel and over a hundred feet above ground.
Please prepare yourself. Generators, battery packs, a good book to read. This sounds ridiculous, but water is important in high heat, so many people drop dead simply for not drinking enough water. Elderly people should be monitored closely. I really believe this year is going to be the worst after seeing what happened in Texas of all places during their winter. Prepare to see power outages for over 2 weeks and leftists loving it because we're saving the environment and not burning that awful natural gas that produces near zero emissions.
I keep seeing posts on Reddit celebrating jobs being moved to remote work. While, this may sound good in the short run, long term, this is an obvious plan to outsource nearly all workers overseas. Why pay someone $60,000 a year, who needs to pay $20,000 toward their mortgage, when they can simply pay someone $20,000 a year, because they only pay $5000 toward their mortgage in another country? Or China where their house is basically given to them for free and could probably work for even less.
If things go according to plan, and the great reset happens, the economy crashes with all of these people getting laid off and unable to pay for their overpriced home. Their down payment and equity, all gone. Their homes will get snatched up by Biden's friends who get 0% interest loans, while the rest of the people don't. America becomes a permanent renter population, all crammed in cities, despite having one of the lowest population densities on earth. People buying homes now are in for a rude awakening if things trend on the current path. Do these software developers, marketers, administrators, or just in general any office worker expect to keep their income and job for 30 years? There are very few professions that can guarantee this, especially one that can get outsourced!
It's a conquest of the American people, a conquest of our land and resources. This is worse than how Romans treated the Jews, or the British treated their colonized subjects. This is something akin to the Spanish simply loading up galleons and moving all of their conquered people's gold straight to their queen back in Europe. Their doing the same thing to us, just through rent, taxes, and debt, only an order of magnitude bigger than anything else.
There is currently NO EVIDENCE, no video proof, no witnesses, no images of power lines actually causing any fires in both Oregon and California. California has been forcing power companies to shut off power (sound familiar?) every time high winds are in effect.
Meanwhile, it is a conspiracy to suggest Antifa caused it, despite having photographic evidence and witnesses.
Meanwhile, it is a conspiracy to suggest DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons), caused the fires, despite having video, photographic, and physical proof.
Surprised no one picked this up: https://twitter.com/LailaMickelwait/status/1394070382420893696
Pornhub's parent company, Mindgeek is liquidating its assets because it cannot pay its bills anymore, according to inside sources. 80% of its videos have been deleted and they are not accepting credit card payments at this time. Mindgeek is the largest player in the porn industry and likely a key player in the sex trafficking trade. This is HUGE news, especially because of the damage porn has caused and the overall role it has played in the breakdown of the family.