We all know Jim Jordan was fine with young male athletes in his wrestling program being sexually abused. Madison Cawthorn during his sole semester as a D student harassed multiple women. Young fellow Republicans went public with quite a number of stories. Donald Trump has so many stories of sexual misconduct, even charges of rape, against him that even Bill Cosby’s number starts to look mild in comparison. Donald Trump Jr. dates a mentally ill woman who openly harassed and intimidated her fellow employees at Fox and staff during her marriage to Dem CA Gov Newsom. Judge Moore, who touts himself as a thundering Moses defending God’s law, is a serial predator of underage women. Matt Gaetz engages in inappropriate sex games with his staff they do not consent to participating in. GOP donor Steve Wynn accused of rape, assault and harassment from multiple accusers. Brett Kavanaugh. Clarence Thomas. The list goes on and on.

I fail to see how American citizens concerned about sexual predators among people in power can support the Republican Party. I’m no Democrat either. Go back and listen to the words of Roy Cohn, an evil man who was Donald Trump’s lawyer, friend and mentor: always accuse the opposition of what you are doing.

I challenge anyone on this site to read Sarah Kendzior’s book Hiding In Plain Sight. This isn’t a left-right battle. This is a lies vs truth battle, where the greed of the elite is enriched by the spread of nonsense among concerned Americans, much of it created by our enemies in China and Russia. America’s soul is being eaten from within by a campaign of fear. They want you to be scared of minorities and gays while they strip the land and pump our air and pollute our waters with chemicals that will sicken you with cancer and other diseases.

Q is a cover for the real conspiracy, which is the plot to erase your freedoms and create a cultural and political environment where you celebrate the defeat of democracy. Q is a lie. Alex Jones is a fucking drunk. Putin is a murderous thug. Trump is an atheist and a narcissist who openly wishes to destroy this country.

There is so much to fight for in this country and this world. Don’t put your energy in this Q cartoon crap.