Fatfucker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just tell her the flu doesn't exist anymore so her chances of getting sick is about the same as it always has been

Fatfucker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've started coming here instead of Patriots.win . Im not sure if I believe in q but I hope it's real lol. I'd rather be filled with positivity.

Fatfucker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fascism is socialism. The retard left in all their pseudo glory fight fascism with fascism. In a 4d chess move to make sure fascism never comes to America they fall for every fascist trick there is, and now we have a fascist government installed. Under communism the people own the state and the means of production. Under fascism the people own the means of production and the people are owned by the government. The only difference between communism and fascism is the absence of a sham market or not. But they both occupy the same ground. This isn't a "right vs left" it's government control vs freedom. Those on the left, at this time, choose to be controlled, persecuted, and abused by the government.

Fatfucker 4 points ago +4 / -0

We should do this for everyone in maricopa.

Fatfucker 20 points ago +20 / -0

Please no fact check sites. Encourage research Haha

Fatfucker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The best way to mess up their programming is tell them to go dilate or they're not a woman. The low iq ai can't respond properly

by BQnita
Fatfucker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is the green text something Q said or is that the assumption from what Q said

Fatfucker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Huh. I guess you're right. I looked up the difference and they're more like threats than legally binding. Until they're EO's anyways