FayGrogs 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a chance I am wrong, but it sounds like the white girl is listening to a record called "in a safe place" by The Album Leaf. Guess this would hold more weight if the record was called "In a safe space"

FayGrogs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sky AU is based AF. Sky news in UK is hideously cucked. It is mad how much of a difference there is.

FayGrogs 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am in England, A week ago, maybe Saturday I said to some friends I was staying with "I bet we are locked down again in three weeks or less. They have dangled a carrot by opening pubs. Just enough to keep us going." and I got laughed at.

Two days later on the Monday I got a news update on my phone saying they've found an Indian variant that can evade the vaccines. I showed my friend with a kind of "see, lockdown 4 is next, mark my words" and my friend just looked back at me serious as all shit and said "this is why everyone needs to get vaccinated asap."

I didn't have any words.