Well, the corruption is so vast, we can't expect everyone to wake up to it after just one or two stolen elections -- it may take several GENERATIONS and many more stolen elections. We won't live to see the plan spring into action but there's a chance that our great, great grandchildren will. That's the plan. We just need to wait and watch as it unfolds.
Today we learned from Stephen Richer, under oath, that Maricopa County broke chain of custody and didn’t follow the law to count ballots at the precinct.
In other words, the great 2020 election steal will never be fixed, because everyone's moved on to the 2022 steal -- a brand new season of "findings", "bombshells" and "reports"!
Who’s Really Behind The Transgender Movement?
The same people that were behind the gay rights movement.
Who? See below:
Hidden masonic symbols in visual media are not 1:1 exact in terms of proportion. They're usually distorted to blend in with the surrounding text and visuals of whatever they're being hidden in but they still retain their general shape and can be identified by anyone who knows what they are.
The only people who know they're there in a given artwork or logo are A) those who put them there and B) those who know what those symbols represent.
Do you also dismiss the notion that the WEF logo contains a hidden 666?- because after all there are no real 6s in the logo, just modified Os, right?
They often hide symbols and messages in the midst of other letters and symbols. That's how they make room for plausible deniability.
Take the 666 hidden in the WEF logo for example. Just because the O's are modified to look like 6's and there are other letters surrounding it doesn't take away from the intended meaning of the design. It's meant to show 666.
With the Trump NFT, it's meant to show the all-seeing eye and / or the masonic square and compass.
This is all true -
Then it's also true that whoever designed the Trump NFTs hid those symbols (messages) there -- in plain sight, just like they did with the X-files episode and many other shows and movies.
Its very obvious that those symbols are very much present in that particular card.
but President Trump is not one of the satanists.
Never said he was.
An even more obvious explanation is that you are full of shit, and there are no hidden Illuminati symbols. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. But, you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how stupid it may be... have a nice day.
Surprised you now say that because you also said elsewhere
The satanists believe that by informing people of their plans, and then nobody doing anything to stop them... is consent - absolving them of blame.In case you were wondering why they would explain their plans in an episode of a TV series . They count on nobody believing the information is real.
That could also be the exact reason why they hid their symbols in Trump NFTs .
Let me clarify something here so as to avoid misunderstandings.
All I'm saying is that it's possible that the artists Trump hired for this project were secretly affiliated with the deep state and they snuck in their symbols like they always do in movies and music videos.
The more obvious explanation is that the agency Trump tasked with designing the cards were secretly run by masons and they snuck in the symbols like they always do in movies, tv shows and music videos.
Trump probably didn't vet them properly before hiring them.
People said it was a stretch when I pointed out that the WEF logo has a 666 hidden in it.
I know what I'm seeing. And I know how they like to hide symbols in plain sight. Im not interested in convincing anyone or doing their research for them.
Good post.
"Arguments" like "the normies need to be bought to teh precipice”, "things have to be this way”, "we're watching a movie" etc are just sad attempts to gaslight people. People who speak like that have invested so much into whatever it is they believe about the "plan" that they don't want to give up now. So they lie to themselves and others.
Imo he could have exposed them during his second term but exposing them after allowing them to steal the election makes a bigger impact. Plus it's a great twist in the movie we're all watching.