Sorry, but all that pic is saying is "if the dems don't get their way they'll throw a tantrum so let's just give them what they want and take it back later".
Look, the dems STOLE the election. Period. Trump had every right to fix the thing while he was still POTUS. Who cares if dems cry they were being "robbed"? They weren't. But the opposite was true -- THEY robbed Trump. And now they're in a position to checkmate every move the "good guys" make. Sorry, but that's the cold reality of the situation.
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At this point, there are only 2 possibilities: Either the military acts to save America or they don't. There is no third possibility.
I'm giving myself until Feb 21st -- 1 month from the date of Biden's inauguration, and a long enough grace period to see if something good happens. If nothing happens by Feb 21st 11:59 PM, then I'm going to tell myself "it's over" and stop playing this waiting game.
If a nice surprise occurs after that, I'll just be happy and relieved. But until then, I'm done.