I have seen pictures floating around about NG with no magazines inserted into their rifles and that being a problem. First of all unless your on post you should never have a rifle with a magazine inserted. Standard protocol in the Marine Corps was to keep rifles condition 4 unless manning post then you would go condition 3 which is magazine inserted no round in chamber. The reason why is for possibility of a misfire or accidental shooting. So stop reading into these pics like there’s a problem. If they are not on post they should not have a magazine inserted. Just wanted to clear this up
I hate to say this because I know it has been said numerous times without any fact and I again have no link to give but I’m former military. I have family still in the regular military. They haven’t heard anything yet but a national guard officer has told a family friend that martial law is on the way. I’m sorry I have no evidence but I’m currently getting prepared. I’ll let you guys know if I have better evidence from close family that are active duty.
I have been lurking on here for weeks first tdw then here. I have listened to the Q movement off and on Since before 2018 election. I have been staying silent but keeping up on info that you guys have been posting and feel the need to create a account because of what is happening now. I have some experience in the military. I’m so proud to see people on here digging for the truth and will be trying to help contribute to this movement in what is the most important time in our countries history. Im late to the party but here now to help out any way I can! God bless everyone here! Stay safe!