With the shutdown of Keystone pipeline, Buffet's trains can keep running. I'm just looking to buy and hold and stocks that were hurt with Biden's presidency (but will improve with a Trump presidency), any ideas?


First, check out this great documentary by Bonfire Guy. He explains the satanic cabal connection and has a plausible theory regarding Trumps foreign policy. It is awesome!


He explains a trinity of global control represented by 3 obelisks:

  • London obelisk (Financial)
  • Washington Monument (Military)
  • Vatican Obelisk (Religion)


Here is my theory. Last night a blackout was reported at the Washington Monument and the White House. I checked the webcams and they were all disabled.

https://whitehouse.gov1.info/webcam/white-house-lawn.html (Don't know if this means anything)

Evidence: Blackout Washington Monument https://mobile.twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1353562450789076994

Evidence: Blackout Vatican https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQPrlj32jCg

Is this a coincidence? Are we being signaled when the cabal is being overtaken? Are there any reports on the London obelisk?

And just for transparency, someone went to the Vatican during the power outage. This was his report.


Any input would be appreciated! Can some of you guys help me research this?



I was kinda hoping it would be the catalyst for FEMA arrests



Just want to take a look and figure out the whole Huma thing.


Listen. If after the dust settles and we conclude that Q was a psy op, then we can't trust Trump or his family.

Trump morse coded "Q" at 4:20. He spoke with 17 flags in background. Pence has the Punisher logo behind him. The continual use of "The best is yet to come".

We're not schizo's or larpers. Our leadership knew exactly what they were doing. So here we are. What are we going to do?

Please understand this, and keep praying. We need all the help we can get.


While studying Q, I have seen some interpretations that state President Trump will be inaugurated March 4th instead of January 20th and that the military will be in charge while the trials are being conducted. Where is the proof for this?


Just want to make sure.


They seem to be very important events before the Epiphany. Does anybody know what they mean?


I was going through the Pompeo proof myself just to get a good idea on how to decode it. It seems really difficult, but I was able to connect the dots. That being said:

Pompeo references 1146 Apr 14 2018

Expand your thinking.

The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.

Iran next.

Trust the plan!



Do you believe in coincidences?


The next tweet was IRAN, which then was used to determine next clue, but what about April SHOWERS. What do brackets usually signify?


Is this an attack initiated by China or is this us?


But can someone give me a breakdown on who they think will be arrested and why? WHat was the purpose of the breach? Is the entire Republican / Democratic base that certified the elections going to get arrested? How does the DNI report fit in? Any explanation or links to help me understand would be much appreciated!!!!

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