I bet the old Red Alert song ( https://youtu.be/6iOjLh98Deo ) is playing through all the Dems heads atm. Good Rif to this old classic
I can concur on this as well. I’ve spent 7 years Active Duty and then 3 years Nat. guard. (Several State of Emergency, including Ferguson Riots.) it’s a big time no no for us to be traveling with mounted Crew Serve weapons on Strikers, especially in Garrison. I hope that you are correct in that statement and that this not an AT drill for the nasty girls and that no one knows there troop movements for OPSEC, but damn, I wish I was still enlisted sometimes then other times I’m like, “Nah, Fuck that shit.”
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Alex Jones is a ‘Limited Hangout’, he does source the crap out of his rants, but the media spins Jones like a crazy psychoanalytic turd. What the big media does to Jones, Jones turns around and does the exact same thing to the Q movement. He may not know it, but he is definitely controlled opposition. I believe that only 10 people really know what’s going on. The rest are people speculating on what they think is going to happen.