7 out of 10 plane crashes are planned. Who does the investigation? NTSB. Do they cover the tracks left behind by the cabal.


My sister I think has MS though no doctor can come up with anything. One thought Parkinson another said no. She has high B-12 levels. She recently shocked for 10-15 minutes and got cold. She is getting weaker and unmotivated. Her right hand trembles all the time.


Some entries on her fb. She is in her 50's.

She works for a local hospital.

Stay tuned for a brief message regarding potential Covid 19 vaccination side effect (if you’re a pitcher for the Yankees or a concert pianist, you are excused) Everything has side effects. You’re being a big fucking baby with a huge diaper full of fucking diarrhea, complaining about maybe feeling slightly tired for a day or two while your asymptomatic COVID case you get and pass to some innocent fucking kid could wind up killing them or someone else. Fuck you, you fucking selfish fucking shit-banana, you unredeemable ass-caterpillar, you fucking fuck-knob with two fucks for eyes and a literal poop where your heart should be. You want a two-month-old to wind up on a fucking ventilator instead of you, a fucking adult, getting a fucking sore arm for a day? What are you, a pitcher for the Yankees? A fucking concert pianist? An arm model? Get the fuck out of here! Fuck you. Get vaccinated. Fuck. Fuck you!


This is a PSA Excerpted from an essay: The vaccine doesn’t have a fucking 5G chip in it. What the fuck do you think a fucking 5G chip is, fucknuts? You think it’s like some invisible nanotechnology they can suspend in a liquid and then just put in your fucking blood and then it what, exactly? Fucking floats around in your body going on Instagram and telling the government you went to the grocery store? No one fucking cares where you go, you absolute fucking fuck-barf. Fuck off with that. Fuck.


My Emergency Medicine friends and colleagues are struggling. Be part of the solution not part of the problem. Get vaccinated.


The discussion I have with my patients around Covid 19 vaccination goes something like this: An individual’s response to Covid infection is highly unpredictable. You can be completely healthy and yet get very ill, be hospitalized, or even die. An individual’s response to Covid vaccination is highly predictable due to the proven efficacy and safety of the Covid vaccine. Choose predictability over unpredictability. Choose control over loss of control over your body, your health, and the health of those around you. It’s a logical, simple, easy choice. Get vaccinated.


Why do some people think their “personal freedom” includes behavior that puts the health of others at risk?


Got my booster yesterday. My right arm neck and shoulder are really sore. They must have made that magnetic tracking chip bigger in this batch.


A gofundme was created for a female doctor who preformed an abortion on a girl who was raped. The AG brought a number of charges against the Dr.

We are Ob/Gyn providers & abortion providers from across the country who want to thank our colleague, Dr. C, for doing a courageous thing and helping provide compassionate healthcare to a child in her time of need. Many of us have experienced this in our line of work, and the ability to rise to the call despite tragedy like this is truly commendable.

As a result of her doing her job, she has come under intense scrutiny and needs urgent assistance, as well as security for her family.

We are starting this GoFundMe to help her pay for these expenses and ask for your help in supporting her.

"My heart breaks for all survivors of sexual assault and abuse. I am so sad that our country is failing them when they need us most. Doctors must be able to give people the medical care they need, when and where they need it." - Dr. C

My Dr. response:

Criminalization of the doctor patient relationship will have a sobering effect on Womens health. In the state of Indiana our record on maternal fetal health is dismal and will worsen. Aside from the tragic effects on the health of our citizens, this will lead to difficulty recruiting talent to our state. Why would a person move here when they can take a job in a state that recognizes a woman’s bodily autonomy? Why would a physician take a job here where the state further inserts itself into the doctor patient relationship?

She posted after R v W was overturned that women are now service animals.

She hits on all points...

We are a nation that accepts repeated massacre of innocent people, sacrificed at the altar of the 2nd Amendment as we stand by and do nothing. This is not liberty.

Is this the mentality of those who are still employed by hospitals? Are the good ones all gone?


When the internet goes down and the new quantum system comes on will this site still be here? Any idea where we can find one another again on the new system if the sites are scrubbed.


I think it would be a good idea to make a list of items to use to make the point for not wearing a mask. I am sure we won't be able to enter grocery store and the like without a mask. It would be good to arm ourselves with items and memorize them to fire back when they try to stop us? Reports, civil rights, law, evidence from doctors, etc.


I also see this as the Com before the storm. Q drops began right after this, teaching us about the coms.


The German's first genocide was the Holocaust. Covid Vax has caused more death than that. Thus, becoming H 2.0