DJT was born June 14th, 1946
JFK's license plate was GG 300
The eclipse is April 8th, 2024
It is exactly 77 years and 300 days from DJT's bday to the day of the eclipse
G is the 7th letter in the alphabet
GG 300
Just crazy to think about!
I am starting to believe the DS/KM (whatever you want to call them) purposely selected Biden/Harris knowing they would lose, bigly. The good guys made sure they won. Look at what’s happening right now. There is absolutely no way Trump could be POTUS with all this going on. It had to be this way for many reasons and the great awakening is in full swing. The Zionist are being exposed like never before. Normies are seeing it. A lot of old tweets/posts are coming back to haunt these evil people. God bless you all and keep up the good work. I want to cry I am so happy.