They say that confession is good for the soul.

I feel the need to confess.

I don't know what it is, what caused this. Is it a new-found confidence in my perception of the myriad timelines? Or perhaps an unconscious unbuckling of my sense of general restraint, being prompted by the hidden and barely recognizable internal sense of euphoria that I feel at the constant signs of defeat and desperation on the part of the Deep State Cabal? Perhaps it is the significant ramp-up in direct messaging from Gen M Flynn, who has played a very quiet game in the background until recently. Or the way that the more they hit our champion, the more they end up limping away? Or possibly, is it simply a form of war-weariness, a battle fatigue that has worn away at my natural cautious inhibitions?

In the present moment, I do not know. But confess I feel I must.

Yes, frens, within the last 7 days, barely a week, I have made 2 (yes two) posts that appear to have been infected by some form of nascent datefaggery. After more than 5 years of nary a date to fag, it seems that I have finally cracked. Before I knew what I was doing, I posted to the board content that I suspect can reasonably be described as having clear date-fagging tendencies.

Perhaps I err in my self-diagnosis, but the evidence (your honor):

Case 1

Case 2

How do I stop this? I get the feeling that unless I nip this in the bud, I may be inching towards a bumpy and unprecedented slide into "aggravated timeline diagnostic thrombosis". Aka Chronic Datefaggatosis (look it up).

Are there any reformed date-faggers here? Or recovering datefaggatosis patients? What do I do? How do I treat this?

Or perhaps I am over-reacting. After all, a datefag here, a timeline fag there -does it really hurt?


Well, either way, now I have it off my chest.

In closing, I predict, that on the 29 of November, 2023, at approximately 4:15 in the afternoon, we will see Austin Steinbart and J.F.K Jnr emerge and hold a press conference that Elon has been Q all along, and that he tag-teamed with Barron when Dan was busy. There, I said it.

Wait. No. No.......

I'm sorry. I just made that up. I think its ALL this damn winning. Curse you, Geotus. I AM getting tired of the winning!


Carry on, frens. I don't know when, or how, but I remained convinced. NCSWIC.


(now, where's my shitpost flair?)


Context: Trump Goes Ballistic On Rupert Murdoch

See also on Ytub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ndK4D31Wc

Soooooo many devolicious bites in this sandwich!!!

'Devo-licious' - Def: juicily indicative of, and hinting towards, the existence of a devolution / continuity of government operation.

Matthew 24: 32

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near.

Let's look at some of the noteworthy content in DJT's Message. (NB: I'll discuss Murdoch at the end of the Post)

"The indictment of Donald Trump, the President ... the former President...."

Is he the president? Or simply a former president? The gap between the first and the second expression could almost insert a mental "'I mean former president"

Was this a slip of the tongue, because DJT actually knows that he is still technically President, but he needs to correct it because the plan is not yet there and he has to maintain the facade of being 'former' president? Hmmmm....

"aware of the dividing form of election interference.... "

If devolution is in play, then anything they do in terms of election interference is out in the open. A devolution / COG sting operation would not just be for crimes in the past, but for crimes they are now committing, all the worse, because DJT openly called out the corruption and election rigging, so all possible denial or feigned ignorance is lost.

"These indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponent's campaign plan. It is election interference and they are going to use the DOJ and the FBI to help them, which is totally illegal...."

Boomerang. Out and out election interference based on fake and false charges, etc., Election interference in terms of rigging the election might be hard to prove to the average Joe in the street, who isn't really concerned with technicalities and jargon, data, etc, but election interference by running 3rd world-style persecution of the political opponent (DJT) is out and out obvious, if and when he proves that the attacks and the charges are all groundless.

"be careful what you wish for..." He's openly and overtly warning them. Does this feel like anything other than DJT standing a position of complete strength?


"now we are in a partially corrupt system of justice.. we call it s system of justice - its really a system of injustice... filled up with Marxists, fascists, communists and radical left democrats, but ALSO it has great American Patriots.... who see what is happening to our country, who see that our country is going bad, is going communist, and they're not going to allow it to continue to happen. They are going to stop it... these are the most important people right now, in the history of our country... We will win..."


DJT's words here map directly on to a scenario where devolution is in place, where those running the devolution are in the position of authority and running part of the justice system under legitimate presidential and constitutional control. Why does he emphasize here that it is a partially corrupt system? He's implying that one part of the system is corrupt, but another part of the system is not corrupt. Furthermore, he goes on to emphasize great American patriots in the justice system, who are not going to allow the destruction to take place.


The final note: these are the most important people right now in the history of our country

Who are these people? Is he talking about Kevin McCarthy? About Jim Jordan? The Freedom Caucus in the house? They have very little power to do much to stop the destruction. Is he talking about Tucker Carlson? Is he talking about MAGA supporters? He's not saying they will try to stop it. He's saying they WILL stop it.

So who are these people, these great American patriots who will stop the destruction, the most important people in US history?

This maps directly on to a DEVO / COG scenario where those in authority and control are actually hidden from the public eye. Something that anons and Q-patriots have been hypothesizing for ages now. Aka Military Intelligence running a devolution of government, with essential government functions maintained and the rest (non-critical) handed over to an illegitimate presidency because a) the people need to be awakened enough to understand and recognize why COG was so important, and b) too early a reveal would NOT allow a total scoop of ALL the corrupt, given the many, many sleepers and fakes in the system.

The idea isn't new to any of us, but the fact that DJT's talk so eloquently and powerfully maps on to anon thoughts on the topic, is further corroboration that by and large anons are on target.


DeSanctimonious ... a Murdoch pick. just like Jeb Bush was a Murdoch pick. Just like Hillary Clinton... Murdoch liked Hillary Clinton, crooked Hillary... another 'pick' of Murdoch

At this juncture, DJT declaring that Murdoch is a globalist and linking him to DeSantis, Bush, and Clinton, is indicative that we're getting much closer to the ripening of the current phase.

Murdoch is hated in Australia by the left, because they perceive him as a supporter of the conservative aka 'right wing' parties and politicians. The Australian newspaper, which gives lip service to and supports the 'right' side of the political game, is Murdoch, and Murdoch media is seen as standing in opposition to the leftists.

Murdoch runs Faux news, which has been significantly exposed by now as controlled opposition. So why now?

It stands to reason that DJT could not expose Murdoch until late in the game, because he has been wrongly perceived by many on the Right as upholding conservative values. The majority of people on the left and on the right have not understood the uniparty gambit, the fake fighting between the factions. If you out someone before the time is ripe, then your outing is very liable to fall on deaf ears and make you seem like you don't know what you are saying. Timing is critical in the mind war / information war battlefield.

But when the fruit is ripe, only THEN do you pick it. Outing Murdoch as a globalist means that we're very close to summer, and the fruit is ripening, and soon it will start dropping of the branches. Get Ready! It's going to be fruit-picking time very soon!

I love a great plan when I see it coming together!! Buckle up, frogs! It's getting close to Party Time!


Addendum: for a great read, see Burning Bright's recent substack Overton's Goalpost! It's high-grade hopermectin.


When I first began to stumble into the whole lawful government vs corporate (statute) government rabbit warren, it made little sense to me. After all, there is a LOT of fiction mixed in with the facts, a lot of Alex Jones type conspiracy theories (hype, faulty) out there vs. Q-type conspiracy theories (rooted in evidence, source, and critical thinking).

Sifting the wheat from the chaff, the salt from the vinegar, and the facts from the fiction often feels like a daunting task. Many of the related issues are inherently emotionally triggering: treason, deceit, injustice, malfeasance, etc., which adds to the challenge of wading through the information and developing a clear, rationally based understanding.

This short video (6 mins) is one of the best explanations - coolly and methodically explained - of the issue of "the Queen of Australia" and why its a problem.

If you don't know about the Queen of Australia, and how the corrupt politicians and governments in Aus worked to dissolve the Commonwealth of Australia, wherein We the People are sovereign, and to induct a corporate, statute created "Australia" where we are not sovereign but citizens subject to the government (sic), this video is probably a very good starting point.


Darren Dixon "The Queen of Australia"


TLDR: The Australian Constitution is a powerful document that Aussies are far too ignorant of. That ignorance has been actively fostered by corrupt forces in the nation, and now threatens our sovereignty at an unprecedented level. Learning about the Australian Constitution is key to us taking back our power from a corrupt governmental culture and their corrupt systems.


About 7 or 8 years ago, I used to be envious of the Americans, of the American constitution. For reasons I'm not certain of, around 2013, I became very interested in American history, specifically the American War of Independence and the emergence of the American Constitution, a revolutionary document in the history of mankind.

But in recent years, that sense of envy has morphed into something else; a much greater appreciation for the Australian Constitution. Developed in the late 1800's, the drafters of the Australian Constitution drew from the best elements of the American, British and Swiss (apparently) constitutions, and in itself is a revolutionary document.

Unlike that of our American brethren, however, our sovereignty and the constitution that enshrines it were not discovered or recovered in the fiery crucible of war, but rather were accomplished peaceably on the foundation of all the preceding wars and victories in the Anglo-Christian cultural sphere.

In other words, because we never had to physically fight for it (aside from the Eureka Stockade incident), our Constitution came to us without the same level of ethical and moral crystallization that the wars and conflicts in America and Britain and Europe engendered on those peoples.

And thanks to intervening years of corruption, malfeasance, fraud and treason by Australian politicians and the secret societies that infiltrated them, Australians do not know about our constitution.

We're ignorant. We have no idea what we have, or how powerful our constitution truly is. Truly, in this case as much or more than any other, that powerful Q-ism rings true for Australians:

You have more than you know. Q

Accordingly, I exhort all Ausanons to take up this challenge; learn your constitution. learn the law, and make the law work for you instead of against you.

(In the last 2 years, we've seen case after case dropped and overturned with regards to that so many of the the fines imposed by corrupt govt officials and their lackeys during covid19.)

So here is a starting point. This is how we begin to actually fight back, because everything they have done in the last several decades, culminating in the COVID19 social holocaust, is based on fraud and our ignorance.


And more generally: start here:


Constitution Watch: If you can see through the illusion, you are part of the solution

EDIT: Addendum

Know Your Constitution II: The "Queen of Australia" Fiction & the Dissolution of the Commonwealth


A VERY powerful set of lectures / talks here from David Straight. Explaining about law and legal, about jurisdiction of the Land, the Air and the Water (LAW) aka asset law, trust law, commercial law.

IMO, this sort of content is critical in getting a handle on the concept of how the TWO entities - the US of A and the US Corporation - interact. The Republic vs. the Corporation. Where do you stand?

I cannot confirm how much of what he says is factual, as I have limited knowledge of US matters, but it has the ring of truth in it, and it intersects with what I know about law vs legal, etc. His claims about him and DJT, etc, are impressive, but again, unverified.

On a positive note, I looked up his name and he is described by the Anti-Defamation League (aka Marxist) website as:

David Straight is a prominent sovereign citizen guru and QAnon adherent who teaches sovereignty with a QAnon bent.

So that's a strong potential positive.

I'm still listening. At this point, I'd say his content is a must-listen for patriots in the United States of America. Even to just hear the ideas. It should help shed light on the Republic vs Corporation paradigm.

Long, but very much worth a listen if you want to untangle the rabbit hole of rabbit holes.

The Bar - David Straight


Five Part Seminar - David Straight (You can see all five sections at the channel below.)



Here's the direct link. DJT 'truthed' this about 6 hours ago, I think.


Clinton here is obviously NOT as old as he is today. DJT's hair is long and his face more youthful.

I'd put the video at 10+ years old, probably 15.

One needs to remember that DJT knocked around with the Elite for decades. He's of that world. But he also worked from the 80's (if reports I've heard from reputable sources are true - I need to check up on this) to bring down corruption.

Eg. Working with Rudy G to bring do organized crime. Apparently he allowed DOJ folks to conduct surveillance in his hotels where organized criminals were meeting, etc.

This speaks to the fact that DJT is really an honorable man. Think Bruce Wayne / Batman. DJT literally has been Batman.

"They played a good game" DJT is magnanimous in victory. Invariably. If you are attacking him, he'll hit back hard and won't pull punches. But if that's not the case, he's the opposite: magnanimous.

He won this match. "He outdrove me all day long" ~ says Bill Clinton.

Is the post of this video (from perhaps up to two decades) comms?

DJT doesn't post for no reason.

One thing might be Clinton's admission that Trump outplayed him (in golf, outdrove) all day. Trump just highlighting how he can outdo opponents?

Another thought that comes to mind is DJT recently retiring the "crooked" from Killary aka "Crooked Hillary" and applying it to Biden. DJT explains that you cannot use the same name for two people, and that he likes to come up with names to describe them.

He indicated maybe even "beautiful" Hillary. Is he hinting that the Clintons are now out of the picture. They have capitulated. Cannot imagine that they would get any sort of 'deal' except perhaps a quiet execution. But for whatever reason, DJT retired Hillary from Prime Target status and swung it over to Biden.

Possibly this video is related to that, but beyond that, I can't think of anything.



California Governor G Newsom wants to fine a school board for NOT using corrupted text materials that praise pedo predator Harvey Mil.

Question: How can a governor or other government body issue a fine against someone or something for simply breaking their rules?

For violating 'law'. "Legal violation". Once you understand that much of statute law aka 'civil' law, aka maritime law (contract law) is actually in violation of common law aka the law of the land, you begin to see the true evil mechanisms of the system of systems.


Common Law vs Contract Law

Common law is innate, God given. However, contract law requires agreement, consent.

Under common law, a crime can only exist when someone has suffered loss or damage. If no one suffers loss or damage, there is no crime.

Under contract law, however, a 'crime' or violation simply exists when one or more parties contravene the requirements or rules of the contract.

The 'legal' system has been infiltrated over decades and centuries, so that governments can 'legally' lay down rules that they then attempt to force citizens aka people to comply with. They can only do so via contract law, aka statute law.

How can they do this? It starts with requiring everyone to 'register' their children at birth. When you are registered, that registration creates a 'legal' entity in your name. Your birth certificate becomes the registration of the living you in the corporate - legal - civil system. It is on that basis that they exert control over you. By registering, and accepting that registration as 'you', you are seen as having given consent to be treated as a legal entity.

Why? Because a corporation itself is a purely 'legal' entity. It is essentially dead. It is not living. It only exists on paper, legally, and a non-living entity like a corporation cannot contract with a living entity.

But you are not your legal identity. You are a living man or woman. Burn your birth certificate, and you are still alive. You exist, and your rights as a living man or woman exist with you. But in order to exert control (corruptly, unlawfully), the governments establish 'statute law', aka rules that they then require you to comply with, and then they use force against your legal entity to make you do it if you do not comply. Taxation. Rules and regulations. Etc.


Contract Law Must be Subservient to Common Law

Statute law is meant to be subject to Common Law. Why? Because common law, the law of the land, is based on and reflects God's law, aka innate natural law.

Common law was developed and manifested via courts - places where living men and women could challenge each other for damages or loss, and where the results are judged by juries of their peers - other living men and women.

However, courts today mostly operate in the hidden and secret world of the 'legal system', where language is specialized, where lawyers and jurists (judges, etc) are an elite class, and where statute law rules the day.

Statute law - the law that legislatures draft and pass - is law enacted by governments (not courts) to lay down laws for corporate entities and interactions between legal entities. No statute law should violate common law. In other words, no statute law should violate the innate rights of living men and women.

The Founding Fathers understood this, and created the Constitution on the basis of common law existing up to that date, in order to curb and control government. The constitution is all about what the government CANNOT do, and what it can do within a prescribed limit. The Founders of the United States recognized that government had to be limited, because innate law, and innate rights, and living men and women, are correctly superior to government. Government should ONLY exist by the consent of the governed.

But corruption always seeks to infiltrate. It infiltrates through the cracks. It infiltrates in the dark, in secret, gradually increasing its own power and control. So, over time, the system of birth registrations arose, the system of the 'legal' world, and the systems of governments that allow them to dictate to living men and women what they must and must not do, via treating them as purely legal entities, not as living beings.

It's via this method that they reverse the correct order of justice and the order of creation, wherein the creator can never come below the created.


The Natural Order

The natural order is this: God > living man, living woman > government > corporation (non-living entities).

God creates living men and women, who then create governments as instruments for serving certain requirements of the living men and women, and governments then create corporate entities via 'legal' means.

The corrupting powers reverse this: corporations > government > living men and woman > (x) God

They put corporations on top (NGOs like WEF are corporations), which then exert control over governments, which then exert control over living men and women, in an effort to exert control over God and push God out of the equation altogether.

Today, much of the core influence of the Cabal is now exerted via 'money'. They use fiat 'money' aka 'corporate' money, instead of real money (gold, silver, etc, natural substances). This is another reason why "Gold Destroys FED".

In the modern era, governments are supposed to be created by living men and women to set rules for the interactions (aka 'contracts') between non-living entities like corporations, businesses, etc. Originally, the United States government was created with that vision.

But our living rights come from God, not from a government. They are innate, and since the 1200's in England, laws were developed on the premise that they MUST reflect God's law, aka innate natural law. This is common law, law that manifests via courts as venues for interactions between living men and women.


Control Via Legal Means

Much of statute law is now created by governments not based on common law aka innate law, but based on maritime law aka contractual law.

So if you 'speed' in your car, they can fine you even is no one is even hurt. If you smoke this substance, they can fine or imprison you. Violate their rules, and they hunt you down.

All victimless crimes are only crimes because governments (the state) say they are crimes, and living people don't know that the difference.

Part of this entire system runs and functions because at birth, governments 'require' people to 'register' their children whereupon the child is replicated as a legal entity, and it’s this 'legal entity' that is targeted and controlled via statute law our entire lives.

But whether a living man or woman is registered with a government or not, they still exist, they are still alive, and as such they still have inviolable innate rights.

This is the REAL crux of the Great Awakening. The legal system of government is the core mechanism of enslavement. Where government is meant to serve, it is corrupted and used to control and enslage. The ideal vision of this evil is government (the State) controlling living people, enslaved using 'legal' means. The ultimate utopia of this evil system is the NWO, the ultra-government, controlled by the wealthy who exert their control via dead corporations.

The Covid19 "Pandemic" was where they showed themselves to be exactly who the "conspiracy theorists" have been saying they are for years.


Legal Does Not Equal Lawful

There is a massive difference between 'legal' and 'lawful'.

Lawful originally means reflecting innate natural law (common law, law that comes from God). Legal means statute law, civil law, law created by governments and non-living entities, which essentially require consent between the parties to that.

Slavery was once legal, but it was never, and never can be, lawful. Slavery violates the innate truth, that all people are created by God with equal value, each one as God's son or daughter.

It's also important to understand that the United States constitution is essentially a codification of all the common law that had been established up until that date. That's where the Bill of Rights comes from. Common Law. Moreover, it was common law that was the basis for the entire premise of the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident..."


Understanding Lawful vs Legal is KEY to What Follows The Great Awakening

The War being waged today is both a spiritual war and a material law, and a war between Lawful vs Legal

Which will stand in the superior position, the 'legal' or the 'lawful?

We need the legal. It is necessary to coordinate and serve the people by defining interactions between non-living entities. We need the lawful, because law is the basis of a peaceful, harmonious, just society.

But what is lawful must ALWAYS stand in the upper position over what is legal. Just as living men and women must stand in their rightful position OVER government.

It is the REVERSAL of these positions and the correct order and dynamic that is evil. Why? Because the correct order is the one ordained by the Creator and infused into the fabric of the universe.

Today, evil is attempting to institute a dead, governing control system where all living people are slaves via legal means. This is done by corporate entities (and their money) controlling governments to create statute laws that essentially enslave the people and make them subservient to government.

This is the Swamp that DJT has sworn to obliterate.

The Great Awakening is about the masses of living men and women waking up to the mechanisms by which this evil has been deceiving, manipulating and controlling them over decades, over centuries. But that is the starting point.


What Comes After

The transition is one of moving from being governed by Evil to being self-governing under God (aka innate natural law).

For this, awakening is required. The foundation for the transition was planted with the victory of Christ 2000 years ago, and it has been fermenting, growing ever since. It has evolved centrally in the sphere of Christian civilization through the emergence of common law. In the last few centuries, it has spread to exert a positive influence on all cultures and civilizations worldwide. It's no coincidence that Evil has worked to corrupt that influence.

It's all about the innate rights of living men and women VS. 'privileges' endowed by dead corporate governments on legal entities via legal means. The people of the world are now being called (by God, imo) to wake up to how Evil has controlled the world since time immemorial, via what mechanisms, via what corruptions evil has assailed us with.

The people of the world are being called to wake up to our correct and rightful position as free living men and women under God, with governments under us, not the other way around, and the United States has been the chosen spearhead of this call.

When DJT stated he was transferring the power from Washington DC back the American People, he was in essence stating that he was acting to restore the correct and natural order between dead corporate government and living men and women.

But this is also why the Awakening MUST happen. Living Men and Women can ONLY exert their true authority over the dead corporate entities and contractually run governments WHEN those living men and women understand their true rights and obligations to be responsible and self-governing.

In the absence of living men and women who aware of their rights and the correct role and position of the legally structured non-living world, evil will always fill the vacuum and the servant will attempt to usurp the master's correct position.

So it was in Eden, so it was 2000 years ago, and so it is now.


Legal vs Lawful

The Magna Carta

Adamic Law vs Angelic Law

Frederic Bastiat - "The Law" (essay)

Christian Foundations of Common Law

'Reversal of natural order' as the foundation and beginning of evil

We are the news now (lotr style) (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron
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