Just read that post where Tom Fitton tweeted that the FBI will be bringing the "Biden document" to congress after FBI Director Wray was threatened with a contempt of congress charge.
To me, this brings up a few questions.
There has been a LOT of news about this document as far as I can see, for the past few weeks.
A few questions
How many people do you think would be paying attention to the "Biden document" if the Congressional Committee simply requested it and they got it straight away and then they read it into the record, etc?
What if Wray had just upped and said "sure, here it is"?
Do you think that MORE people are paying MORE attention to the document and will pay more attention to it now that there has been what looks like a standoff between the Republican congress and Wray (aka the FBI)?
That standoff has been the news of the past week, right?
So, if you are a showman, how do you attract attention and therefor interest in your show, and the performance on the stage?
Potus DJT does this ALL the time. He tweets things and brings things up in order to grab attention, highlight a focus, etc. We know that.
Generating interest and attention is one of the key potential functions of "kayfabe". To draw attention, to stir things up, so that something becomes a bigger deal than it would be if none of that kayfabe took place.
You gotta wonder. Are we watching a Congress - FBI kayfabe here? Is it possible kayfibi?
Net Effects
Whether Wray is a DS puppet or Wray is playing a role for Team DJT (and I personally lean much more towards the latter), the net effect of this <ahem> stand off between the congressional committee and the FBI is that the so-called document now has a LOT more eyes on it than otherwise would have been the case.
Anons pretty much all the time have eyes on most of this stuff, so much that it just seems normal to us now. And, we're about 3 or 4 years ahead of the rest of the population in terms of the information and putting 1 and 2 together.
But from the viewpoint of normie conservative or normie maga world, or even normie general population, I doubt there would have been as much attention on the biden document as there is right now.
Which begs the question: if Wray knew that he had to hand over the document anyway, in the end, which he would have (and as head of the FBI, you gotta think this guy is no dummy), why on earth hold it back to the extent that a contempt of congress charge would be threatened?
To protect the Biden family? I mean, really? They have to know by now that this is just totally a losing proposition. The Biden crime family's days are very clearly numbered. That should be 100% obvious.
No, this whole kerfuffle of give us doc, no, give us doc, no, give us doc or we'll charge your ass, ok. smells to me like utter kayfabe and frankly, exactly what Good ol'd Q suggested we do:
Enjoy the show.
More Questions
Trust Wray?
Q told us "Trust Wray" THREE times: q1122, q787, q433
OK, sometimes "disinfo is necesary". But three times?
What has been one focus of the major news cycles over the past 6+ months?
The FBI. The FBI fedbois participating in the J6 frameup. The Fedbois infiltration of Patriot Front and Oathkeepers, etc. FBI raid on Mar A Lago. FBI ignoring Clinton Crimes and going after DJT (Durham report).
So many things occuring that put the FBI in a really bad light. Coincidence? Doesn't the timing seem a little, well, really well orchestrated?
When DJT returns to the White House, what does he need the most with regards to the CIA and the FBI? He needs to have the public mandate. He needs the public mandate to dissolve the CIA and to either dissolve or totally overhaul the FBI.
Sure, anons have suspected and known for years just how bad these organizations have been, and how they were infiltrated and devolved or became DS bases of operations. But if the normie MAGA public don't get that, or the wider normie American population don't really have any idea of that, can Trump just go ahead and do it?
Trump's promise on the first inauguration day was this: We are returning power to you, the American people!
But what does that really mean? How effective would it be if the power was turned over to a people who are asleep at the wheel? Who care more about TV and sports and Hollywood and MSM news?
To truly return the power to the people, the people HAVE to be woken up.
How Will DJT And The White Hats Deal with the FBI?
Do they have a plan? If so, what is it? Just a plan they put together in the last few months? Or a plan put in place before it was even revealed, starting with Q in Nov 2017?
What if in fact Wray, put in place by Trump no less, has actually been playing a role? Infiltrating the FBI? Clearing it internally, but leaving pockets of corruption in place so that they can expose themselves.
If you just come out and start knocking things down, you will never weed out the sleepers, the bad elements that are buried deep and who do NOT reveal themselves unless activated.
Just like now, with the DeSantis Presidential Run, who is being exposed? All the FAKE maga people, the Conservative Incorporated pundits who actually never believed in Trump, never really appreciated Trump, but who paid lip service, but who have been going along hoping to see the day when things were put back to "normal" aka the Unaparty In Control? The Daily Callers? The Ben Shapiros? The Mark Levins? All those now coming out and dumping DJT and supporting DeSantis.
Desantis being legit Deep State or playing a role and doing Kayfabe with DJT, regardless of which of these is the reality, the NET EFFECT is that fake MAGA pundits and voices and frankly traitors are coming running out of the woodwork.
For the FBI to be reformed or overhauled, the sleepers need to be flushed out. That would take someone being put in as the head of the FBI, but playing along as IF he was in fact simply deep state, so that everything was 'normal'. Meanwhile, you slowly, slowly infiltrate and lay the traps so that the sleepers are flushed out.
Would this be one good reason for WRAY, who Q told us to 'trust', to act like a deep state operative once he was in place. I think you can sometimes get a good feel for really good kayfabe by looking at the responses of a) normie Maga and b) anons.
Understanding is Better Than Reacting
How many anons among us think that Wray is 100% deep state scum? I'm sure there are many. And yet, are those pedes reacting emotionally to the idea that wray is scum? Or are they cooly analysing and avoiding group think, and really asking other questions, as if things are not always entirely what they seem?
In a movie, it looks real, and you might react as if its real, but it's not real. If you forget it's a movie, you might just start thinking that everything you see is what it appears. That's why we love movies. We get to suspend disbelief, and escape into a story for a few hours, usually something that moves us or inspires us or entertains us.
But if you left the movie theatre, and started interacting with the world as if the movie was real, you might be inspired to do some pretty crazy and even dangerous things.
Folks, Lord of the Rings is fiction.
Q is real. I think that "You are watching a movie" does not mean everything is scripted. It means, that a LOT of things that are taking place are for show, in order to create a net effect shift in the consciousness and awareness of the American people. 5 D warfare includings psychological operations.
Distinguishing between which parts are movie, and which parts are real, that takes dispassionate analysis, cool thinking and a handbrake on simply reacting emotionally to what looks like good news or bad news, or good players and bad players. It needs us to step back and ask: IF this is a show, what is it accomplishing? What is the purpose? How is that being accomplished?
Working out our own answers to those questions not only gives us a capacity to further liberate our minds from the Cabal's matrix of lies and remove he programming they have been putting on us, it enables us to be another node in the whole network that facilitates the Great Awakening process.
Already I've come across a whole bunch, only looking at Twitter and Telegram, etc.
The entire Twitter Launch thing has already been a massive oil strike for meme material. Plus, the Mainstream Media (hmmmm?) seems to be pointing out how much of a flop it was.
By design?
If you wanted to trigger a massive and potent meme tsunami, how much more perfectly could you do that than the exact Twitter (failure to) Launch than Ron D and Elon have done?
Thinking about the DeSantis situation logically...
How can anyone who understands the reality of the Globalist agenda not understand that Trump is America's best hope?
Is it possible to recognize the inherent violence of Big Pharma + Big Govt stripping citizens of their most basic lawful freedoms under the guise of 'fighting against a pandemic', but not see that DJT has been THE major force against Globalism since he came down the escalator?
Knowing And Unknowing
Somewhere out there, there are knowing and unknowing RINOs. By knowing, I mean those who are actually quite conscious of the choices they are making. By unknowing, I mean those who more driven by an unconscious state of inner denial that prevents them from accepting the truth.
The Knowing RINO are Deep State minions, selling out their country and their people and their own souls for money and influence. The unknowing RINOs are those that do not fully understand the situation, but are in deep denial of their own personal mistakes and flaws, and in that denial, are unable to see the truth that DJT is the real deal.
But that's the thing about truth.
As the Truth is revealed, the middle ground disappears, and you end up choosing one side or another, either knowingly or unknowingly.
At the end of the day, it's much harder to repent and turn around if you have knowingly chosen to sacrifice others to obtain material comfort, influence and money than it is to wake up to your own self-denial, and realize that you've being going in the wrong direction because you've been in a self-induced trance.
But either way, the more that truth is revealed, the harder it is to stand in a neutral, midway position.
Where Does DeSantis Stand?
How should We, as anons approach this?
The answers might seem 'obvious' to some, but personally, I think that a healthy, self-aware practice of discernment requires that I consider that
/ what things may look like does not necessarily map on to what things actually are /
Anyone who's opinion of Donald J Trump has changed in any way, or whose understanding of the world has changed in any way in the last 7 years should appreciate that.
But thinking about Ron DeSantis, I find it hard to imagine that one could be governor of Florida and NOT understand how central and key DJT is to the future of the country and the world. That seems extremely unlikely. There's just too much information (and truth) out there.
Accordingly, I find it hard to believe that RD is an 'unknowing' participant in the current 5G war as far as politics is concerned. You'd have to have unprecedented levels of inner denial to be in that central position of Gov of Fl. and NOT see what is going on.
So while discernment dictates that I have to seriously consider whether RD is actually a unware, unknowing participant, after a bit of thought, that possibility seems more and more unlikely (although logically, I still cannot rule it out.)
So after considering that possibility, I find myself left with two possibilities, both of which I consider "likely" at this point:
Two Logical Options
DeSantis is playing a role, as a foil to kayfabe, in alignment with DJT's strategy, to either expose real RINOs, siphon off RINO support and throw that behind DJT in some way, at the right time, or for some other reason.
DeSantis is a knowing actor that has chosen to stand against the revival of America and the World, to sacrifice home and nation, either in pursuit of power and influence or because is so blackmailed and owned that he's sacrificing the country in order to preserve his own skin.
Time will tell, I expect, but I'll continue to refrain from engaging in knee-jerk reactions and jumping to any premature conclusions.
And while I know that many anons are going to feel very strongly about one of these options over the other, I feel that intellectual honesty requires that I acknowledge the limits of my knowing.
This is also a practical approach, because whether the truth is A or B, it's immaterial to me in terms of who has my support. Nothing could dislodge my support for DJT at this point in time. Nothing. I'm all in On Trump.
But IF the truth is Option A, then it serves no real good benefit to simply become abusive of DeSantis and spread accusations. That's for DJT to do and for normies to do. Rather, anons should encourage each other and normies to apply rational thinking, withhold knee-jerk reactionism and support Trump.
(The Cabal always wants us to react, NOT to understand.)
IF the truth is Option B, then RD will face his own demise as a matter of natural course, and it will become more and more obvious over time. In the meantime, anons should persuade others that regardless of who DeSantis is, DJT is the ONLY way forward for America to be restored. There are a thousand reasons why that is true, and the reasons to support Trump are there, DeSantis or no.
Caveat: I'll admit that with the current new developments, I'm leaning more towards Option B than A, but I feel compelled by the principles of 5G warfare to give it time and not react.
In Conclusion
Regardless of who RD really is or what is motivating him - something that frankly we just cannot know 100% at this point (even if we want to believe we can) - the choices for anons should be clear:
Avoid emotional bias and reactionism, apply logical thinking and reasoning, as Q has constantly encouraged and exhorted us to do. Apply discernment. and refocus on our mission. Educate ourselves and the normies around us, by exposing the Deep State more and more, understanding the parts of the Plan we can, and put front and center the reasons why DJT is the only real way forward.
But wondering how other pedes on the board are approaching this current situation....
We are at war. Think logically.
Is the Border Crisis really a Border Crisis?
How many illegals are moving in, in reality? What is the narrative?
As far as I know, Trump completed almost 90% of the wall that he had planned to build. Not sure of the actual figures, but apparently a lot of it was built. (458 miles). When Biden came in, he passed exec orders to halt the wall building, but inexplicably, later on, after more than a year, he started it up again. Why?
(*Same thing happened with the pipeline, with drilling, etc. First, shut it all down, then later on in the administration, start it up again. Biden administration resumes sales of oil and gas drilling leases on federal lands) CNBC
What's the narrative that normie conservatives and liberals alike will adopt to explain this? Biden needs to win votes? But if Biden is truly serving the Deep State and is unfettered, there is no explanation of why he would do this. Because the goal is not to be re-elected, but to destroy the USA.
But what if Biden's hands are tied? What if devolution (aka continuity of VITAL FUNCTIONS of the govt) was implemented, and the Biden administration is not really in charge of as much as the normie narratives imagine?
How Much of Trump’s Border Wall Was Built? USNews (Feb 2022)
US to fill gaps in Trump-funded border wall at open area near Yuma, Arizona ABC 11(July 2022)
To figure this out, let's think about the real implications of this.
Prior to DJT, with no wall, the border was widely open. With a lot of the wall completed, and then being added to by Biden Admin, then
a) there are far fewer sections of the border that have to be policed by ICE, and
b) the resources available to police the remaining open sections are far greater, because far fewer resources will be required in the areas that are protected by the wall, and
c) the areas where trafficking cartels and coyotes can operate are far fewer and more concentrated.
So in fact, beyond all the narrative hooplah, that's actually great news. All the incoming illegal activity has been channeled to more concentrated specific areas that can now be patrolled by more resources than previously.
Then, add to this the narrative that "hey, Biden is in power, and the Dems are anti-wall, etc, and want all the illegal immigrants, smuggling, etc, to come through." Which is certainly true with regards to the Dems and the Deep State, but what if Biden isn't exactly in power as the narrative says?
All the bad guys will be thinking "hey it's free range, we can all go full boar at the wall now! This is great." So they all come marching to those concentrated, narrower section that are now policed by greater numbers of resources.
Curiously, the pattern of ICE actions, etc, follows the same pattern as the oil drilling and border wall construction. All shut down when Biden first comes in, but then resumed and increased.
And the removals, etc, have only increased since 2022, as a recent post (by u/mmtwo ) pointed out:
Curious, huh. For a Chinese controlled administration, they sure are doing some very MAGA things.
Here's the kicker.
The Title 42 ending "disaster" has been a total rug pull for the Deep State.
Title 42 about to end - massive narrative bombs being dropped, about how tens of thousands of illegal are rushing the border
Right at the last minute, Biden admin reinstates Trump policies, with some even stronger elements.
In Major Reversal, Biden Resurrects Trump Border Policy Ahead Of Title 42 Repeal Daily Wire
U.S. finalizes asylum restriction to ramp up border deportations once Title 42 lapses CBS News
Biden administration rolls out new asylum restrictions mirroring Trump-era policy CNN
How is this possible if all the Biden admin is truly under Black Hat control? It doesn't make sense.
Adding these factors together, one might well ask, is the whole Border situation in fact a trap, set up and sprung by the DJT admin (+ devolution)? What is really going on there?
(And in asking this question, we need to recognize that there is a real difference between narratives on one hand, (what we are told by media, govt, etc) and what is actually happening on the other. We should not mistake the narratives for actual reality.)
If Trump knew that the Deep State would steal the election (he knew) did he in fact trick the Democrats into making Biden their chosen puppet? Who better than Biden, the utter epitome of the corruption of the deep state, the worst Crime family this side of the Clintons, to completely red pill America and expose all the criminality?
"We have it all!" What if DJT team (Q, etc) had all that info on the Biden family, knew that Biden in power would be an ideal situation for exposing the true nature of the Swamp system?
And if they knew that, could they also set the border situation as a trap? A trap that would serve multiple purposes:
Strike narrative wins by making the Border situation even more of an issue than in 2016, waking middle America further
Have it done on Biden's watch
Concentrate ICE power and resources in specific, "open" areas a now much more restricted border
Send out the message to the Cabal minions and crooks that Biden, soft on immigration and border control, is an ideal opportunity to go "all in"
From a narrative viewpoint, for the White Hats, the border situation has to LOOK LIKE its a total disaster, to discredit Biden, expose the corrupt situation (human trafficking) and make mainstream Americans wake up. Therefore, regardless of the reality behind the scenes, the White Hat's have a stake in the narrative that the border situation is a disaster.
That narrative would also further encourages the cabal and cartels to attack the border, in concentrated areas where they can much more easily be captured and arrested than during the Trump era pre-wall.
Again, from a narrative viewpoint, the black hat Deep State is cornered, checkmated.
If the reality is that if the border wall construction is being completed, ICE is capturing more and more illegals as they attack the border, etc, the Deep State cannot really talk about this. Why?
Because it destroys their own narrative that there is and never has been a border crisis and that Trump raising this issue is racist, dictator, etc. They cannot afford to have middle AMerica even get a sense of how much the illegal immigration / illegals voting / human trafficking is important to the Swamp. So generally speaking, they cannot blow the whistle even if they see that a trap is being sprung.
In other words, it would not be an advantage to either side to report on the reality behind the scenes. instead, they would both want to use as much narrative spin to hide the truth. The true story would never be promoted by either side.
But that is where Q and the anons come in. If we look behind the narratives put out there via MSM and th4e spin makers on both sides, and look at the facts, apply critical reasoning, we might just come up with BETTER explanations for what is actually happening. I.e That things are not what they seem, and that a trap operation is being run by the Patriots who, by the way, are in control * See Addendum at end.
So, is the border situation 2021 - 2024 actually a trap, one among many? Is DJT that smart, or the team behind him (the Q folks and the real white hats) that smart, that they are capable of such moves? I think so.
Either way, the main thing is to start looking at what is being said out there aka The Narratives (coming from both sides) and then vet those narratives by looking at the actual facts and applying the knowledge that Q shared and using logical reasoning and analysis, instead of buying in to narratives.
This theory will really benefit from further digging, but some of the facts paint a very different picture to the ones that doomers and naysayers will quickly embrace.
5G warfare is by nature narrative warfare, because it is ALL about influencing the populations and how they think and see things. And if Q is awakening people to one thing, its that things are NOT what they seem, or have seemed.
On Patriots In Control
I like to think of this using Game Theory, like in a chess game. Control of the game board does NOT mean that all the opponents pieces are removed, or that you step in and make all the moves yourself so there is no actual opponent. Rather, if you control the board and the game, this happens by securing positions on the game board that are so strong that you can essentially force moves by your opponent, by restricting their options and limiting their previous capacities or immobilizing their resources.
The People's' Voice = Newspunch = Clickbait (Disinfo) and an Attack on Truth in the current 5th Generational Warfare
If you examine ANY article on https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/, formerly known as Newspunch (Go to Newspunch.com, and it links directly to https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/)
Invariably, the Headline is clickbait bullsh*te, followed by two or 3 paragraphs of baseless, made-up assertions with no sauce, then followed by actual real content provided in order to somehow shore up the original disinformation headlines and primary assertions.
Case Study
Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.
Speaking to CBS News on Tuesday, Obama warned that the mainstream media has lost its control over the narrative and said the only solution is for the U.S. government to step in and take drastic action.
A search for these actual statements delivers NO results or confirmable sauces.
However, Obama DID do an interview with the CBS interviewer, but what did he actually say?
No other sauce except for NEWPUNCH, and the usual regurgitating clickbait sites can be found for the sensationalist headline that Obama said anything like
We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media
It really should be clear to Even newbie anons what is happening here.
We all know Obama is a treasonous POS, quite evil, and that he would LOVE to have complete media censorship.
But that is why clickbait disinfo honcho Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his website publish these outrageous headlines. They are betting people just totally consume it without any discernment. Looking at this post on GAW, do you think he is right?
How many of our pedes just accept it because it is a headline that appeals directly to confirmation bias and is posted on GAW?
The impacts of spreading this clickbait are insidious.
Problem - Reaction - Solution
Step 1. Take some fact and mix with fake content. Create fake-ified bait.
1.a. Ensure that the facts pertain to that you wish to minimize or hide from public understanding
1.b. Maximize reaction factor by ensuring that the fake content is something that will trigger emotional engagement from those who understand truth on some level
Step 2. Promulgate said bait by targeting reactionary impulses in (people)
2.a. Establish and then utilize disinfo sites in the form of clickbait (aka dress the wolves in sheep's clothing)
Step 3. Use Hoax and Fact Checkers to discredit content on the basis of fake-ified details
3.a. The more you generate fake-ified news in order to muddy the waters and poison the information pool, the better
Step 4. Rinse and Repeat
Who is the People's Voice TV?
The People's Voice TV was previously the Video Arm of the CLICKBAIT site Newspunch. Same old Sean Adl-Tabatabai, same old Baxter Dmitry, same old clickbait.
Who is Newspunch?
Newspunch was first created as YourNewsWire.com
YourNewsWire.com rebranded itself as Newspunch.com in late 2018. Now, the Newspunch Website URL (click here: http://Newspunch.com) and links directly to The People's Voice. In appears, then, that YourNewsWire.com aka Newspunch is once again rebranding itself under another name: ThePeople'sVoice.tv.
YourNewsWire > NewsPunch > ThePeople'sVoice.tv
The same organization and content rebranded under different names were all founded by "Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband Sinclair Treadway" Sauce: Wikipedia, who were reportedly the first "married" gay duo in the United Kingdom Sauce: Daily Beast. YourNewsWire was described by (The Hollywood Reporter)[https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/hollywoods-hidden-alt-media-firebrands-1041157/] as the "Breitbart of the Left".
Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions). Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs). Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts). Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs). Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
~ The Anon's Discernment Prayer ~
Dear Lord,
I pray that I may always know to identify the clickbait disinfo methodology, to understand its purposes, and how it targets me and your people.
May I realize that I, and only I, together with other anons, am your first line of defense in the disinformation wars.
May I recognize the deception in all of its forms, and stand strong against being manipulated, by putting good practice above reactive instincts.
May I expose the devil's deceptions wherever they appear, and in doing so, form a protective fence for those you are seeking to wake up; first to protect, and then to inform, so that your people can learn to think for themselves.
May it ever be so.
The PRS Disinfo Methodology
Step 1. Take some fact and mix with fake content. Create fake-ified bait.
1.a. Ensure that the facts pertain to that you wish to minimize or hide from public understanding
1.b. Maximize reaction factor by ensuring that the fake content is something that will trigger emotional engagement from those who understand truth on some level
Step 2. Promulgate said bait by targeting reactionary impulses in (people)
2.a. Establish and then utilize disinfo sites in the form of clickbait (aka dress the wolves in sheep's clothing)
Step 3. Use Hoax and Fact Checkers to discredit content on the basis of fake-ified details
3.a. The more you generate fake-ified news in order to muddy the waters and poison the information pool, the better
Step 4. Rinse and Repeat
- PRS = Problem - Reaction - Solution
Case Study
Recent Post by the august DiveAndBait referencing a Tweet that quotes directly from thepeoplesvoice.tv via an image.
At this juncture, an important question arises. Given information that 'presses all the right buttons' AND which is provided only via an image, with no sauce actually identified or linked, will more readers choose the option of simply believing (accepting) and then spreading? Or will more choose to track down sauce in order to evaluate the information?
The answer should be obvious: Many more will react and spread than will make the effort to evaluate. And by evaluate, I mean
a) identify sauce of information and associated credibility levels
b) identify facts and separate from fiction
c) discern motivation behind the information
Discerning motivation behind the Narrative Impact is the critical factor from the perspective of narrative warfare. It's the WHY that helps to define and evaluate the WHAT.
This is important because information (and disinformation) can be shared to inform and empower towards independent thinking, but it can also be shared in order to manipulate and direct the target along a particular path. So the WHY is important in evaluating the VALUE of the information, and the impact we allow it to have on us.
(Note: anons need to continually ask themselves: am I the former? Or am I the latter? Do I tend to accept information that confirms my biases, or do I track down the information origins to evaluate?)
Rudimentary Evaluation Exercise
So let's look at the SAUCE.
First, do you think that it's curious that this <ahem> wonderful article /<ahem> from The People's Voice, which purports to labels itself with a "Fact Checked" sticker. So, ask yourself this question:
Who uses fact checkers to assert authority and acceptance vs. Who asks people to check facts for themselves in order to promote discernment and independent thinking?
The answer is obvious to most anons.
So who IS the People's Voice TV?
The People's Voice TV was previously the Video Arm of the CLICKBAIT site Newspunch. Same old Sean Adl-Tabatabai, same old Baxter Dmitry, same old clickbait.
Who is Newspunch?
Newspunch was first created as YourNewsWire.com
YourNewsWire.com rebranded itself as Newspunch.com in late 2018. Now, the Newspunch Website URL (click here: http://Newspunch.com) and links directly to The People's Voice. In appears, then, that YourNewsWire.com aka Newspunch is once again rebranding itself under another name: ThePeople'sVoice.tv.
YourNewsWire > NewsPunch > ThePeople'sVoice.tv
The same organization and content rebranded under different names were all founded by "Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband Sinclair Treadway" Sauce: Wikipedia, who were reportedly the first "married" gay duo in the United Kingdom Sauce: Daily Beast. YourNewsWire was described by (The Hollywood Reporter)[https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/hollywoods-hidden-alt-media-firebrands-1041157/] as the "Breitbart of the Left".
Wanna know moa? Dig deeper.
PAUSE: Wikipedia, the Daily Beast, Hollywood Reporter ~ it's important to apply discernment here. Just because these are Cabal-aligned sources doesn't mean we should ignore them. They provide information. The key is to apply a discernment rubric as described above:
a) identify sauce of information and associated credibility levels
b) identify facts and separate from fiction
c) discern motivation behind the information
Is This The WHY?
So think about it for a minute. An ultra-gay man-couple living in Los Angeles who were reportedly Bernie supporters... Do you really think these people have a genuine interest in promoting correct news and information about the Globalists, Hollywood, Cultural Marxists and myriad other areas that draw the attention of anons and people waking up via the Great Awakening?
What might be their motivation in YNW = NP = TPV?
What might be the motivation of these Globohomo aligned media reporting on and thereby 'promoting' YNW/NP?
Another paragraph in the wiki article provides a hint, imo.
A 2017 BuzzFeed report identified NewsPunch as being the second-largest source of popular fake stories spread on Facebook that year, and a June 2018 Poynter analysis identified NewsPunch as being debunked over 80 times in 2017 and 2018 by Poynter-accredited factcheckers such as Snopes, FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and the Associated Press.
Snopes, FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and the Associated Press.... These are all organizations connected via the (barf) IFCN, aka the International Fact-Checking Network. For some interesting tidbits on their connections, see this post: Checking Out the Fact Checkers ~ A Preliminary Dig circa. 2018
What should be very obvious to thinking anons is that NewsPunch and its various forms are perfect fodder for the Fact-Checking organizations of the Cabal to shoot down, debunk and thereby discredit in the eyes of the Matrix walkers (the asleep sheep) any content about the various issues that anons work so hard to red-pill the normie world on.
We can reasonably posit that the intent here is not merely clickbait ($$$), but also by inserting fake-fied tabloid-like information into an otherwise important red-pill area, The People's Voice (aka Newspunch) both redirects anons attention, activates reactive responses, and diverts real attention from the real WEF agendas or bona fide red pills that will not only wake people up, but activate independent thinking and discernment.
In other words, Newspunch Et Al play perfectly into the PRS Disinfo Methodology I cited above.
There is another tangent here: We should realize that the "Fact-Checkers" gain authority and trust in the normie world ONLY when there is garbage and fake-ified information for them to debunk.
In his comment to the aforementioned post, Fatality directly alludes to this methodology in action when he writes:
Note, that they didn't call them "Information Warriors" so if you go out with wording like that you're going to be sent here, and they'll screech "fake news!"
To corroborate this fact, notice how a search for "newspunch" on Google brings up plenty of debunking sites instead of the actual Newspunch site itself?
It's the old hegelian paradigm. Problem - Reaction - Solution (PRS), and in the narrative wars, disinfo clickbait sites like Newspunch and ThePeople'sVoice.Tv provide really wonderful "problems" and "reactions" to which the GloboMarxists and Cabal want to offer the solution.
Anons really are the first line of defense when it comes to the disinfo operations of the globomarxists.
The Kicker
You may have not noticed it but a) the Tweet In question from Bernie's Tweets does NOT link to sauce, but only provides an image. However, there was a tweet from the same account of August 2022 which actually linked to sauce. https://twitter.com/BernieSpofforth/status/1560216089086332930. Which means that the story was at least first published in August 2022.
Notice also how the Newspunch/PeoplesVoice article published in April 2023, is essentially regurgitating information from a 2020 newsrelease from WEF.
So, in Nov 2020, WEF was going to
".... recruit(ed) 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first-responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels,"
That was 2 and a half years ago. 30 months ago. And The People's Voice is (re)publishing an old article about it now AS IF IT WAS CURRENT. If that doesn't tell you how clickbaity this is, nothing will....
And in case you haven't noticed, the WEF is increasingly a massive failure, because more people and more nations wake up every day to the COVID19 Scamdemic and the Vax Hoax.
If you want to actually check out NewsPunch's history of clickbait and fake-fied content, you'll have to look it up on an archive site.
One thing. Notice here how the frequency of archiving dramatically sped up in 2018 and 2019. If the frequency of archiving is any indication of penetration of Newspunch into the Information Sphere, then is it a coincidence that NewsPunch's activities (appear) to have increased along with the growth of the Great Awakening?
Here's an example. Just read the headlines.
WEF Says US Must Implement ‘One Child Policy’ For White Families
Trigger much?
Hillary Clinton: ‘People Who Identify as Women Are Being RAPED by Man-Made Climate Change’
Is that what she wrote? So if not, then WHY exaggerate and hyper-sensationalize it?
problem, reaction, solution.
It's instructive to read through and analyze such Clickbait Articles, to apply the discernment rubric. Notice that such articles take certain factual elements (i.e. quotes) but then mix them with fictional or distorted aka fake-fied headlines etc. What might be the purpose of doing that?
For one, it hyper-activates the clickbait value with embedded emotionally attractive nuances that draw in those in the Awakening or partly awakened spheres.
Because most of us are actually hyper-emotionalized. We've been fighting an information war for one, two, five, or 10 years. Veterans are less likely to be taken in by such methods, but if you are war weary, emotionally on edge, or even outraged, then such tactics are well designed to exploit your vulnerabilities.
Being resilient to such attacks and deployments is something that all anons need to constantly work on. To do so, we need to understand the PRS methodology, how it is applied to clickbait that targets those who are awake on some level, and how to counter it by applying discernment along the 3 axes: source, fact vs. fiction, possible motivation.
And to that end, I shall offer a prayer....
Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions). Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs). Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts). Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs). Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
I first posted this on r/GreatAwakening in May of 2018, when Q was starting to get serious traction. Posting here on GAW due to its relevance to a current post on a related topic, but also as a reasonable basis for any sleuthing friends out there who might be inspired to go down the whole "fact checkers" rabbit hole.
Notable points include the connections to Soros, Obama and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.
Facts about Fact Checking Network – Globalism MSM Backup
A patriot posted here (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/) about exposing Snopes, saying that Q gave anons the green light. So how many Snopes threads have we got going now? How many under shill attack?
I get it. Who doesn’t feel like throwing up at the mere thought of Snopes? But there's a lot more to this than appears on the surface (as usual).
Did some research on this about 1 month + back, kind of frustrated about friends who uphold Snopes as a source. Fact-checked Snopes. Had to move on coz so many other things to do, but here's a few of the crumbs. (I’m very confident that anyone who follows this up will find some ... interesting ... dirt)
Starting with Snopes, the veracity of Snopes is upheld by several so-called ‘fact checking’ organizations, including factcheck_org, other.
*Factcheck_org on Snopes Read what they have to say about Snopes - debunked, or upheld? Check also 'Clinton' 'Trump' and ask yourself, are they objective? Are they biased? Factcheck_org is a project of Annenberg Public Policy Center
*Annenberg Public Policy Center- Funded by Annenberg Foundation. Who else did Annenberg foundation fund? Chicago Annenberg Challenge
*[Chicago Annenberg Challenge] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Annenberg_Challenge) – APPC gave $50 million to Bill Ayers to found a 'philanthropic' org in Chicago (CAC) with Barack Hussain Obama as the founding Chairman of the Board.
*Bill Ayers? ('educator, anti-war activist, academic' aka Cultural Marxist)
Now, another noteworthy fact is that Factcheck_org is a signatory of the International Fact-checking Network
*International Fact-checking Network(IFCN) Founded in 2015. Apparently cobbled together to reinforce an infrastructure that can combat the rise of Alt-Media and Citizen truth revealing. IFCN has numerous verified signatories, including Snopes and others. IFCN is a unit of Poynter Inst. for Media Studies.
*Poynter Institute for Media Studies Purports to be a "global leader in journalism". Seeing who they work with, however, one might have doubts.
Poynter launched an initiative to fact check health issues around the globe together with 'fact checking' websites Politifact and Africa Check. The initiative is funded by Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.
*Africa Check - (Founded 2012, partners include Standard Bank and the Soros [Open Society Foundations)(https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/)
*Politifact reports on Poynter Inst. initiative “to fact check claims about health....” has now moved to become part of Poynter
I’ll admit, the content above is in no way conclusive. On the other hand, in my opinion, it certainly establishes a reasonable foundation for questioning Snopes motives, aims, and other efforts to ‘shape’ the facts available on the net.
A few salient points:
Snopes is given credibility by Factcheck who is given credibility by the IFCN and Poynter, etc. With a global network now set up as fact-checkers, they can begin to reinforce themselves and hoodwink the unsuspecting into accepting validity and credibility of a "Ministry of Truth"
In addition, numerous other I.F.C.N. signatories including Snopes are being used by Facebook to block ‘fake news’, which in the Facebook definition includes conservative views on the net, etc.
The above content is little more than crumbs, but enough to see that the Blackhats have been moving to build up a layered cabal-controlled infrastructure that positions itself as a legitimate and 'unbiased' arbiter of facts - "Truth".