
If any of you know someone still on the fence, or someone who was made to hate Trump supporters, particularly those who have experienced abuse or are sympathetic to abuse victims, here’s a good way to frame our side to at the very least gain sympathy and understanding:

We are escaping an abusive relationship with the government, news media, and big pharma!!

Nearly every one of these article’s signs of an abusive relationship apply to us in some way or another. Here are some notable ones:

  • Verbal abuse (insults, name calling), gaslighting, public humiliation

  • Financial control, encouraging codependency, negative impacts on career

  • Intimidation tactics, threats of harm, physical abuse, unpredictable/volatile behavior, victim blaming, using children to manipulate

  • Controlling clothing, isolation from friends and family, over/underdose of medication, growing health issues, malnutrition, mental illness

These are all the things that we have been enduring over the past four years at the very least. Some just apply to us, some to the entire country. But, framed this way, the abuse is undeniable.


I haven’t heard anything about possible “collateral damage” but just in case, please keep those people in mind.


First of all: What do we know? I mean, really know?

A person, or team of people, calling themselves “Q”, made frequent posts to anonymous websites.

Q claimed to have access to information, and an association with President Trump and others.

These claims were backed up by coincidences relating to times of posting and content being posted. Coincidences that were, together, statistically impossible unless they were planned. You’ve seen the collection of proofs.

What’s the goal? The Great Awakening. People learning to think instead of just following and accepting the official narrative. People learning to see through lies and manipulations. And eventually, people taking control from the elites and getting their liberty back.

What information has Q provided? There is a war going on behind the scenes. There is a plan. Very few know the plan. Disinformation is necessary. Various crumbs of information that may or may not indicate future events. Names of players to look out for. Historical events to look into. There are actors, and puppets, and people working behind the scenes on both sides. We should watch the news, and interpret events critically. We should trust the plan. We should spread the word. We should pray to God.

Remember The Art of War. All warfare is based on deception. Very few people know the full picture, what’s actually going on. It is necessary for the rest of us to remain in the dark on a lot of things, not told directly what is going on. Q has given us hints about what may happen, but we have to think for ourselves.

There’s talk about “moving goalposts”. But remember, THERE ARE NO GOALPOSTS EXCEPT THE BIG ONE. All this talk about something big happening before, or the moment of, Biden taking the oath of office? Speculation. Prediction. From people in the dark, like you and me. We set up those goalposts. That was our mistake. We are supposed to speculate, watch, and be ready, but we put too much weight on our own speculation and were disappointed. Is what happened “part of the plan”? There is no way for any of us to say.

But it is far from over. Look at the news. The pieces are still in place. DC is still locked down. Our leaders are confident and optimistic. Theirs are nervous and paranoid. I am not giving up faith until all that changes.