Sure, some will do anything to get their numbers up. . .and Medicaid has caused a lot of trouble by paying ERs and doctors more for every patient who dies of Covid! What? Does Medicaid get a cut of the action? It's ghoulish.
And they keep using that same stupid test that doesn't work--and they know it-- it gives false positive results, especially if you've ever had any vaccines before!
Just make sure you don't take those jabs...they don't do a damned thing except kill your immune system so the second of the two shots finishes the job.
I saw a great meme: a guy was sitting outside holding a big AR with extra clips. The caption read, "I'm waiting for the forced vaccination people." or words to that effect.
Wow, that was a nice post. I stayed over there a long time..Pam Popper is good. I know the President wanted to see the States take back their power. . .and perforce they're doing it!
One of the indicators was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis when talking by phone to Biden called him Joe, and Biden demanded he be addressed as President Biden or Mr. President: DeSantis told him to go f..k himself and hung down the phone.
Very refreshing to see state's rights in action.
And/or some other really bad buggered up stuff having to do with the worldwide involvement in kidnapping, pedophilia, torture, murder of little kids. That's ongoing, involves a lot of "important" people. . .it has tentacles. We will see.
Buy one of those envelope glue sticks--never, ever lick an envelope flap. Your DNA can be read for long years into the future. They can use it to set you up for a crime or to place you somewhere you really didn't go. . .
Hmm. It's a lab report; it shows Biden as the victim. Some evidence specimens were checked for fingerprints. I wonder what the rest of specimen Q2 shows. That would be dispositive of the matter I think. Suffice to say, Biden is a traitor, among other things.
I think you can...the cause of action arose wherever the person lives who was injured. Ask a local attorney by calling him on the phone.
The more valid lawsuits the better. Multiple plaintiffs are good. And they don't take as long as class actions which can go on for years, These "vaccine" proponents have practiced an immense fraud upon the people in several distinct ways, each causing grievous harm and many resulting in death.
Check out Pam Popper at -- they have lawsuits forming up and you can get great information from her.